A dose of truth:

Nobody is worried. Americans stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel. Stop jerking yourself off to speculation.

Just facts that pro-Israel activists have disclosed, through the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. No speculation, quit jerking yourself off in desperation.

Said the antisemitic troll who uses the same wiki site often. However when it contains historical facts that contradict the lies being perpetrated by the Monte bigot, he resorts to the usual "Hasbara" cheap baseless name calling.

I never use Wiki for controversial issues.

Wake up you hypocritical asswipe! Almost every thread is about a controversial issue in this forum!

Now the Jew hater is playing word games "I only use wiki for non controversial issues". What the fuck do you think is being discussed here donkey breath, the current value of the Yen? Ha ha ha.

That's why I don't use Wiki here. There are other forums, for example discussing the Greek crisis for which Wiki is useful because there are not paid Hasbara editors changing the articles.

Or paid islamocatholic Nazis..........................
I learned something new (about that Association). No one is claiming that Palestine is a free sovereign independent nation yet. And that is mostly the Palestinians' fault. Israel is claiming that it's too dangerous to leave it entirely.

It is the Palestinian's fault that people from Europe went to Palestine to settle there, evict them and create a state?

Well I'm happy to see that Monte concedes that support for Israel in the U.S. is strong and nothing will change that.

It is the Jews fault that they joined their brethren in their spiritual and ancestral homeland, land that they've been coming back to for 2000 years?

No. it's not Jewish people's fault that America barred her gates against them and forced them to go to Palestine after WW2. That was the fault of the Zionists and anti-Semites in both America and Europe.

The Jewish people were simply going back to their spiritual and ancestral homeland. You Muslims are the invaders in the holy land. In fact you came LAST.

The Zionists were European colonists that displaced the Christian and Muslim inhabitants.

The Catholics were European invaders and colonists that displaced indigenous tribes and forced them to convert to Catholosism
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Voting for Palestine does not equal being anti Israel.

Maybe not. But this does:

"A poll released Tuesday by the BBC confirms Israel remains one of the world’s least popular countries, with more than half of those surveyed identifying its influence as “mainly negative.” Only North Korea, Pakistan and Iran fared worse."

Israel low in global popularity ranking The Times of Israel

NO IT DOESN'T it just proves that you are using extremist right wing white supremacist sites as the source for your information. The poll consisted of two questions and both asked if Israel was worse than other nations in certain aspects. Those polled where from areas of high anti Semitism and Islamic influence.

And the link is from may 2013, making it old news
Yet no mention in your cut and paste of them editing wiki to suit the Israeli agenda. Didn't you admit to having edited wiki articles to suit your POV and not the truth and reality
Yet no mention in your cut and paste of them editing wiki to suit the Israeli agenda. Didn't you admit to having edited wiki articles to suit your POV and not the truth and reality
Wake up you hypocritical asswipe! Almost every thread is about a controversial issue in this forum!

Now the Jew hater is playing word games "I only use wiki for non controversial issues". What the fuck do you think is being discussed here donkey breath, the current value of the Yen? Ha ha ha.

That's why I don't use Wiki here. There are other forums, for example discussing the Greek crisis for which Wiki is useful because there are not paid Hasbara editors changing the articles.

Wow, there really is something wrong with you ... ANYONE can edit wiki, not just pro Israelis.

You are just using the "paid Hasbara editors' crap as an excuse because you are not able to handle the truth that is presented to you. It really is incredible how much you hate the truth.

Yes, but their are thousands of people paid by Israel to do so.

"paying students as part-time bloggers or exploiting diaspora Jews as volunteers to get its message out. The practice is sosystemic, involving recruitment, training, Foreign Ministry-prepared information sheets, and internet alerts to potential targets, that it is frequently described by its Hebrew name, hasbara, which means literally “public explanation.” It is essentially an internet-focused “information war” that parallels and supports the military action whenever Israel enters into conflict with any of its neighbors."

Israel s Information Ops The American Conservative

Nowhere does it say they are posting lies. They are there to refute Palestinian propaganda from people like you.

Regardless, you will find ANY excuse to try and claim that an article is not true. Bullshit excuses, instead of trying to refute the claim being posted.

They are posting propaganda exclusively. That's what they are paid to do.


monte is stamping his feet and screaming again like the spoilt brat he is
I'm not a troll with unlimited time getting paid to post bullshit on the internet like you are, so excuse me if I don't I have the time to go through the shit you splatter on this board. I actually have a life and better things to do than respond to a mentally ill bigot.

You are the epitome of the paid Hasbara troll Roufti. 2,000 dollars a month they say. Hasbara is being robbed.

You are the epitome of a brainwashed Palestinian propagandist who cannot handle the truth and who makes a fool of himself on a daily basis. I can't remember the last time you posted here where you DIDN'T post propaganda. It's who you are Monti. It's in your blood.

I only post fact Toast. Fact is not propaganda. The problem is, you think fact is propaganda. And you are becoming libelous. Stop it or I will take measures.

Yes Monti, you DO post propaganda. Every single time you post here.

Funny how you say I don't know what propaganda is, when I have been saying the same about you for a while now. Any time someone posts something you don't like, it's automatically "Zionist propaganda".

Take measures? Go ahead tough guy. Am I supposed to be scared or something? I am simply telling the truth about you Monti.

I only post fact. I link to source documentation and I am a Christian and a neutral. I am not a partisan like you and others on the Zionist side.

More evidence of his meltdown
et al,

The relationship between the White House and Congress is rocky, to say the least. If the White House wants support from Congress, the last thing it needs to do is advance the aggravation by failing to support Israel; especially in the UN.

The question is not whether the White House is supportive of Israel. The question is, does the White House want to further aggravate Congressional Leaders that do support Israel.

So far, the White House and Ambassador Samantha Power, have done a fairly good job in extending the US umbrella of influence over Israel. But Israel is going to have to take some positive action towards the negotiation effort. The ability to persuade UN members to follow the US suggests is rapidly fading. The US is not the world leader it once was.

Most Respectfully,
There is no leadership or real entity to negotiate with unfortunately.
What really matters is what the American people and those that represent them in the House and Senate think!

Support for Israel runs extremely strong across both parties and an overwhelming majority of American public.

House UNANIMOUSLY Stands Up for Israel Against Hamas

US Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution In Support of Israel

Senate Resolution Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu - 02/28/2015

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably

New Poll Shows Strong American Support For Israel

Fuck Obama!

Just goes to show....


Is the American public being bribed into supporting Israel? How so?

Indirectly yes....

Sheeple will always follow!

Corruption starts at the top and filters down to the 'support' of the people of the corrupted!
I'm not Jewish or evangelical, I support Israel 100%. If I was a younger man, I'd go there and help defend them.

I visited Israel when I was in the Navy. We stopped at the port of Ashdod. The Israelis were fantastic toward us. Had the best time, ate some great food saw all of the sights, loved it all.

Palastinians are worthless savages.

I instead, fully support my fellow Christians. And, you are a racist.

No you support islamocatholic Nazis making you the RACIST


Yes that would be you

So what is a "islamocatholic Nazis" exactly Phoney?
What really matters is what the American people and those that represent them in the House and Senate think!

Support for Israel runs extremely strong across both parties and an overwhelming majority of American public.

House UNANIMOUSLY Stands Up for Israel Against Hamas

US Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution In Support of Israel

Senate Resolution Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu - 02/28/2015

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably

New Poll Shows Strong American Support For Israel

Fuck Obama!

Just goes to show....


Is the American public being bribed into supporting Israel? How so?

Indirectly yes....

Sheeple will always follow!

Corruption starts at the top and filters down to the 'support' of the people of the corrupted!

250 million Americans are being bribed into being supporters of Israel. Ha ha ha. OMG.
What really matters is what the American people and those that represent them in the House and Senate think!

Support for Israel runs extremely strong across both parties and an overwhelming majority of American public.

House UNANIMOUSLY Stands Up for Israel Against Hamas

US Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution In Support of Israel

Senate Resolution Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu - 02/28/2015

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably

New Poll Shows Strong American Support For Israel

Fuck Obama!

Just goes to show....


Is the American public being bribed into supporting Israel? How so?

Indirectly yes....

Sheeple will always follow!

Corruption starts at the top and filters down to the 'support' of the people of the corrupted!

250 million Americans are being bribed into being supporters of Israel. Ha ha ha. OMG.

Where in my post did I say that?

Those who support Israel are drip fed a lot of BS from the corrupted and, of course, the media!
What really matters is what the American people and those that represent them in the House and Senate think!

Support for Israel runs extremely strong across both parties and an overwhelming majority of American public.

House UNANIMOUSLY Stands Up for Israel Against Hamas

US Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution In Support of Israel

Senate Resolution Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu - 02/28/2015

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably

New Poll Shows Strong American Support For Israel

Fuck Obama!

Just goes to show....


Is the American public being bribed into supporting Israel? How so?

Indirectly yes....

Sheeple will always follow!

Corruption starts at the top and filters down to the 'support' of the people of the corrupted!

250 million Americans are being bribed into being supporters of Israel. Ha ha ha. OMG.

Where in my post did I say that?

Those who support Israel are drip fed a lot of BS from the corrupted and, of course, the media!

So how does about 2/3 of American population end up being strong supporters of Israel? Enlighten us, will you?
Just goes to show....


Is the American public being bribed into supporting Israel? How so?

Indirectly yes....

Sheeple will always follow!

Corruption starts at the top and filters down to the 'support' of the people of the corrupted!

250 million Americans are being bribed into being supporters of Israel. Ha ha ha. OMG.

Where in my post did I say that?

Those who support Israel are drip fed a lot of BS from the corrupted and, of course, the media!

So how does about 2/3 of American population end up being strong supporters of Israel? Enlighten us, will you?

Brain washing.
Right. 250 million Americans are that stupid that they don't know who the good guys are.
I'm not Jewish or evangelical, I support Israel 100%. If I was a younger man, I'd go there and help defend them.

I visited Israel when I was in the Navy. We stopped at the port of Ashdod. The Israelis were fantastic toward us. Had the best time, ate some great food saw all of the sights, loved it all.

Palastinians are worthless savages.

I instead, fully support my fellow Christians. And, you are a racist.

No you support islamocatholic Nazis making you the RACIST


Yes that would be you

So what is a "islamocatholic Nazis" exactly Phoney?

Cant you work it out with the evidence provided on this board yet. I wonder how many Jews the current Pope personally eliminated when he worked for the Nazis, and if he is still working with the extremists muslims in eradication the Jews
What really matters is what the American people and those that represent them in the House and Senate think!

Support for Israel runs extremely strong across both parties and an overwhelming majority of American public.

House UNANIMOUSLY Stands Up for Israel Against Hamas

US Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution In Support of Israel

Senate Resolution Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu - 02/28/2015

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably

New Poll Shows Strong American Support For Israel

Fuck Obama!

Just goes to show....


Is the American public being bribed into supporting Israel? How so?

Indirectly yes....

Sheeple will always follow!

Corruption starts at the top and filters down to the 'support' of the people of the corrupted!

250 million Americans are being bribed into being supporters of Israel. Ha ha ha. OMG.

Where in my post did I say that?

Those who support Israel are drip fed a lot of BS from the corrupted and, of course, the media!

Your words

Indirectly yes....

Sheeple will always follow!

Corruption starts at the top and filters down to the 'support' of the people of the corrupted!

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