A dozen Biden threads claim a total of zero Joe Biden crimes

I’m still not seeing any allegations of impropriety, just innuendo and slander.

List of deposits and checks are evidence of nothing without underlying documentation, proving where the money came from and why and where it is going and why.

Your brilliance is evident.

You can't change the facts no matter how you try.
The following is the results of Joe Xi Bai Dung's decisions. he is a Clear and Present Danger to National Security and America. Our country is under attack.
I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the week we’re not putting tens of thousands of troops on the Mexican border or, just as likely, Bai Dung surrenders the border to the Narco=Cartels.

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You can't change the facts no matter how you try.
The following is the results of Joe Xi Bai Dung's decisions. he is a Clear and Present Danger to National Security and America. Our country is under attack.
I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the week we’re not putting tens of thousands of troops on the Mexican border or, just as likely, Bai Dung surrenders the border to the Narco=Cartels.

This happened in 2019. Violence isn’t new under Joe. You just ignored it before.

I’ve pursued through your dozen threads and I am left with zero crimes accused by you nuts regarding Joe Biden. Heck, there weren’t even any crimes accused of the wayward Hunter.

Here is what we already knew but heard again:
  • Zero evidence ties Joe Biden into any business dealings
  • Zero favors or actions are directly linked to any dealings of his kids
  • The Biden family excluding Joe have business dealings multinationally just like the Trump family, which does however include Donald
  • There are zero laws regulating the business dealing of relatives of the president.
  • There were no accusations laid out by the GOP circus committee nor did they ask for any charges to be filed

What am I missing?

Despite promises to prove Mr Biden’s criminality, Mr Comer’s presentation on Wednesday did not allege any criminal acts by Mr Biden or his family – even as he and his fellow committee members told reporters that Hunter Biden, Mr Biden’s brother James, and other members of the president’s family have been involved in “shady business deals that capitalised on Joe Biden's public office and risked our country's national security”.

Much of what Mr Comer discussed involved bank records which he said reveal that Hunter Biden had a “lucrative financial relationship” with a Romanian national by the name of Gabriel Popoviciu during the period his father was vice president under Barack Obama.

According to The New York Times, Mr Popoviciu retained Hunter Biden, who is a Yale-educated lawyer, to represent him in an effort to fend off criminal charges related to a land deal in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. The funds transfers Republicans suggested were evidence of wrongdoing began in 2015, the year Hunter Biden began representing Mr Popuviciu.

Despite the clear explanation for the transactions at issue, the Oversight Committee chairman alleged that Hunter Biden’s relationship with Mr Popoviciu was connected to the then-vice president’s work carrying out Obama administration policy in Romania, which he described as “a foreign adversary” even though Romania is a longstanding American ally and member of Nato.
I’ve pursued through your dozen threads and I am left with zero crimes accused by you nuts regarding Joe Biden. Heck, there weren’t even any crimes accused of the wayward Hunter.

Here is what we already knew but heard again:
  • Zero evidence ties Joe Biden into any business dealings
  • Zero favors or actions are directly linked to any dealings of his kids
  • The Biden family excluding Joe have business dealings multinationally just like the Trump family, which does however include Donald
  • There are zero laws regulating the business dealing of relatives of the president.
  • There were no accusations laid out by the GOP circus committee nor did they ask for any charges to be filed

What am I missing?

Despite promises to prove Mr Biden’s criminality, Mr Comer’s presentation on Wednesday did not allege any criminal acts by Mr Biden or his family – even as he and his fellow committee members told reporters that Hunter Biden, Mr Biden’s brother James, and other members of the president’s family have been involved in “shady business deals that capitalised on Joe Biden's public office and risked our country's national security”.

Much of what Mr Comer discussed involved bank records which he said reveal that Hunter Biden had a “lucrative financial relationship” with a Romanian national by the name of Gabriel Popoviciu during the period his father was vice president under Barack Obama.

According to The New York Times, Mr Popoviciu retained Hunter Biden, who is a Yale-educated lawyer, to represent him in an effort to fend off criminal charges related to a land deal in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. The funds transfers Republicans suggested were evidence of wrongdoing began in 2015, the year Hunter Biden began representing Mr Popuviciu.

Despite the clear explanation for the transactions at issue, the Oversight Committee chairman alleged that Hunter Biden’s relationship with Mr Popoviciu was connected to the then-vice president’s work carrying out Obama administration policy in Romania, which he described as “a foreign adversary” even though Romania is a longstanding American ally and member of Nato.

Over 500,000 Trump threads across the country and zero crimes.
Imagine calling a presser to announce your committee exonerated the President instead of finding evidence and then asking the press to find something! Lol. What a bunch of buffoons.
I’ve pursued through your dozen threads and I am left with zero crimes accused by you nuts regarding Joe Biden. Heck, there weren’t even any crimes accused of the wayward Hunter.

Here is what we already knew but heard again:
  • Zero evidence ties Joe Biden into any business dealings
  • Zero favors or actions are directly linked to any dealings of his kids
  • The Biden family excluding Joe have business dealings multinationally just like the Trump family, which does however include Donald
  • There are zero laws regulating the business dealing of relatives of the president.
  • There were no accusations laid out by the GOP circus committee nor did they ask for any charges to be filed

What am I missing?

Despite promises to prove Mr Biden’s criminality, Mr Comer’s presentation on Wednesday did not allege any criminal acts by Mr Biden or his family – even as he and his fellow committee members told reporters that Hunter Biden, Mr Biden’s brother James, and other members of the president’s family have been involved in “shady business deals that capitalised on Joe Biden's public office and risked our country's national security”.

Much of what Mr Comer discussed involved bank records which he said reveal that Hunter Biden had a “lucrative financial relationship” with a Romanian national by the name of Gabriel Popoviciu during the period his father was vice president under Barack Obama.

According to The New York Times, Mr Popoviciu retained Hunter Biden, who is a Yale-educated lawyer, to represent him in an effort to fend off criminal charges related to a land deal in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. The funds transfers Republicans suggested were evidence of wrongdoing began in 2015, the year Hunter Biden began representing Mr Popuviciu.

Despite the clear explanation for the transactions at issue, the Oversight Committee chairman alleged that Hunter Biden’s relationship with Mr Popoviciu was connected to the then-vice president’s work carrying out Obama administration policy in Romania, which he described as “a foreign adversary” even though Romania is a longstanding American ally and member of Nato.
You dumb Moon Bat. You stupid shitheads will do anything to run interference for Potatohead, won't you?

It is treasonous to sell out the country to foreign interests.

The investigation has already determined what the Potatohead was paid and who paid it. What the hell did they get paid to do?

Of course facts never mean anything to you filthy Moon Bat assholes. Like knowing Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy made millions from the Russians on that Uranium deal and you assholes will still deny it.

What in the hell do the Chinese get for the billion in investments they gave the Bidens? You little turds would claim "nothing" and that is simply stupid as hell.

All we ever get out of you shitheads is Denial, Denial and more Denial. Even when caught red handed.
You dumb Moon Bat. You stupid shitheads will do anything to run interference for Potatohead, won't you?

It is treasonous to sell out the country to foreign interests.

The investigation has already determined what the Potatohead was paid and who paid it. What the hell did they get paid to do?

Of course facts never mean anything to you filthy Moon Bat assholes. Like knowing Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy made millions from the Russians on that Uranium deal and you assholes will still deny it.

What in the hell do the Chinese get for the billion in investments they gave the Bidens? You little turds would claim "nothing" and that is simply stupid as hell.

All we ever get out of you shitheads is Denial, Denial and more Denial. Even when caught red handed.
Paste under my response here the proof of what you just said. I’ll consider it if you have anything other than innuendo and fantasy.

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