A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

Somehow, I doubt there will be any appreciable 'leash tightening'.

Hell, the Duck Folks will probably be taking their act to another channel as soon as the contract is up, now that A&E has tried (and failed) to throw them under the bus and proven themselves cowardly and untrustworthy and unfriendly and unsympathetic.

And, if the Duck Folk are ultimately headed elsewhere, then, I don't think they'll be worried overly-much about obeying the 'leash', other than the bare-bone minimums required to stay out of court until their contract runs out.

Tell me, which network do you really think is going to welcome these clowns with open arms.

What you guys don't seem to get is that these guys are on Television to be LAUGHED AT. Except when Phil exposed himself as a homophobe and racist, the laughter just got a little more nervous... kind of like when someone makes a completely obscene comment and everyone chuckles nervously.
Somehow, I doubt there will be any appreciable 'leash tightening'.

Hell, the Duck Folks will probably be taking their act to another channel as soon as the contract is up, now that A&E has tried (and failed) to throw them under the bus and proven themselves cowardly and untrustworthy and unfriendly and unsympathetic.

And, if the Duck Folk are ultimately headed elsewhere, then, I don't think they'll be worried overly-much about obeying the 'leash', other than the bare-bone minimums required to stay out of court until their contract runs out.

Tell me, which network do you really think is going to welcome these clowns with open arms.

What you guys don't seem to get is that these guys are on Television to be LAUGHED AT. Except when Phil exposed himself as a homophobe and racist, the laughter just got a little more nervous... kind of like when someone makes a completely obscene comment and everyone chuckles nervously.
Beats the hell out of me, but...

Cutthroat competition being what it is...

And given that A&E and GLAAD just increased their value and marketability by several orders of magnitude...

Confidence is fairly high that several of A&E's mainstream competitors will come knocking at the Robertson's door in the coming months...

As to them being on TV to be laughed at...

Oh, I totally agree...

Hell, except for a handful of snippets of 'commercial' that I've seen between pieces of programming, and except for some lightweight awareness of merchandise on shelves, I didn't even know who the Robertsons were, two weeks ago...

I do now...

As to untold millions more, across the country...

And now they've become Heroes of the Take-Our-Country-Back movement...

Which appeals to the mainstream on a variety of levels...

They may very well have started off as a joke and fluff entertainment...

These past two weeks have lionized them and turned them into both a serious property and a political icon...

It would have been better for GLAAD, et al, had they just let the thing slide...

Too late now...
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?

More like being proud of a country that is waking up and disavowing the short-lived tyranny of the gay-agenda minority, I expect.
You fail to tell it all: they worked a deal of which part is that Phil be nice when he talks.

O read the article and I don't see where he agreed to anything. Unless you have another link, I call bull shit.

"While Phil’s comments made in the interview reflect his personal views based on his own beliefs, and his own personal journey, he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article. He also made it clear he would “never incite or encourage hate.”

'Duck Dynasty' to resume filming with Phil Robertson, A&E announces | Fox News

Doesn't say anything about any 'deal'. Phil said all those things BEFORE they reinstated him anyway.

Which is a laugher. They were on break, they didn't miss the first day of filming. They missed nothing.

You're a pathological liar
Honestly, if you guys think that barely articulate rednecks spouting bigotry is "leading your movement", then you guys are seriously in need of re-evaluating what your movement is about.

"We are going to totally make a stand on a point that we've pretty much already lost!"


I mean, you do understand the larger issue- gay marriage- you've totally lost that one. Gays are getting married in UTAH, for crying out loud.

While I'm sure the Robertsons are right at home in the GOP/Teabagger Clown Car, this is not a serious political movement.
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?

I fail to see how Phil quoting the Bible or saying a woman's vagina is better for sex than a man's anus is ignorant or bigoted. .... :cool:
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?

More like being proud of a country that is waking up and disavowing the short-lived tyranny of the gay-agenda minority, I expect.

You mean that agenda where it's okay to acknowledge your sexual identity?

Wow, what an evil agenda. It's much better to have Gays pretend to be straight, get into sham marriages like Rush Limbaugh does, and make another person miserable as well.
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?

I fail to see how Phil quoting the Bible or saying a woman's vagina is better for sex than a man's anus is ignorant or bigoted. .... :cool:

I'm sure you don't. But it is.
Honestly, if you guys think that barely articulate rednecks spouting bigotry is "leading your movement", then you guys are seriously in need of re-evaluating what your movement is about.

"We are going to totally make a stand on a point that we've pretty much already lost!"


I mean, you do understand the larger issue- gay marriage- you've totally lost that one. Gays are getting married in UTAH, for crying out loud.

While I'm sure the Robertsons are right at home in the GOP/Teabagger Clown Car, this is not a serious political movement.

lol, we thought Rush was the leader of the "Movement"
good grief, give us break from your bigoted hateful preaching's and sermons
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Honestly, if you guys think that barely articulate rednecks spouting bigotry is "leading your movement", then you guys are seriously in need of re-evaluating what your movement is about.

"We are going to totally make a stand on a point that we've pretty much already lost!"


I mean, you do understand the larger issue- gay marriage- you've totally lost that one. Gays are getting married in UTAH, for crying out loud.

While I'm sure the Robertsons are right at home in the GOP/Teabagger Clown Car, this is not a serious political movement.

lol, we thought Rush was the leader of the "Movement"
good grief, give us break from your bigoted hate

one thing is certain

the Robertons moved in rent free into the heads of many a leftists

Honestly, if you guys think that barely articulate rednecks spouting bigotry is "leading your movement", then you guys are seriously in need of re-evaluating what your movement is about.

"We are going to totally make a stand on a point that we've pretty much already lost!"


I mean, you do understand the larger issue- gay marriage- you've totally lost that one. Gays are getting married in UTAH, for crying out loud.

While I'm sure the Robertsons are right at home in the GOP/Teabagger Clown Car, this is not a serious political movement.

lol, we thought Rush was the leader of the "Movement"
good grief, give us break from your bigoted hate

one thing is certain

the Robertons moved in rent free into the heads of many a leftists


At least Palin get a rest from their hate for a couple days anyway
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Nothing was bigoted. He does'nt agree with the gay lifestlye and qouted the bible. He said he worked beside blacks in the cotton fields and everyone seemed happy. The only ignorant ones are people like yourself that twist peoples words around to fit your agenda. Kinda like the way liberals twisted trent lotts words around to make him sound like a racist.
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


You're one of the most hateful posters on the board. You constantly and consistently make hateful and bigoted remarks but you cloak them in a farcical cover of 'progressiveness'.

Not at all unlike totalitarians of yesteryear.

You would fit in very nicely with Mao's Red Guard or Hitler's Brown Shirts.

You've probably never even heard of a group in Cuba called CDRs (Committee for the Defense of the Revolution). And not because you're stupid..... You are that and then some.

But more so because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM chooses not to hi-lite the Orwellian oppression under which Cubans live.

You would be a perfect fit for the CDR. A scumbag. A rat. A snitch. A True Believer.

And they justify it in the name of la Revolucion

Eat shit and die, bitch. You accusing others of bigotry is just hilarious
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You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?

More like being proud of a country that is waking up and disavowing the short-lived tyranny of the gay-agenda minority, I expect.

You mean that agenda where it's okay to acknowledge your sexual identity?

Wow, what an evil agenda. It's much better to have Gays pretend to be straight, get into sham marriages like Rush Limbaugh does, and make another person miserable as well.
You know the complaints of the mainstream against the gay agenda as well as I do.

No point trying to pretend otherwise.

'You' have lost this round.

Completely, and spectacularly.

Not to worry... everyone gets a slice of 'humble pie' from time to time.

It's simply your turn to chow-down.

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I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Nothing was bigoted. He does'nt agree with the gay lifestlye and qouted the bible. He said he worked beside blacks in the cotton fields and everyone seemed happy. The only ignorant ones are people like yourself that twist peoples words around to fit your agenda. Kinda like the way liberals twisted trent lotts words around to make him sound like a racist.

Trent Lott said that the world would have been better off if an open Bigot had won the presidency in 1948. I'm not sure how that isn't sounding like a racist.

Now, while I'm sure that Phil saw the 1960's social order of Jim Crow and Lynchings as "Normal", no sane person today really believes blacks were happy about it.

And frankly, "quoting the bible". People who held slaves quoted the bible. People who burned witches quoted the bible. The FUCKING NAZIS quoted the bible.

Quoting the bible to justify something terrible just doesn't fly anymore.

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