A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Yes, Im proud to live in a country where even you are allowed to speak your mind.

So when someone says that Joseph Smith was a dirty stinking Child Molestor and Mormons are stupider than dogshit, you are totally proud to be an American?

If you feel that way, you are free to do so. This is america.
Who cares? I just like the FACT the right wingers say their ability to compare gays to murderers and humandogfucking is an expression of their religious beliefs.

You are such an idiot, how do you even use a computer?

But that's what your hero said. And you guys call him a "hero". What do you think he was talking about?

You are nothing but a lying piece of dog shit.

JoeyBitch, like most libturds, hates America.

How dare we be successful, caring, loving and giving when so many others are too stupid to lift themselves up and out of the pits of despair in which they have lived for millennia.

So JoeyBitch wants us to join them. It's only fair, right?

Somehow, I don't think tht Romanticizing Jim Crow (effectively, American Apartheid) or denying people the right to marry who they love becuase of a 3000 year old book of fairy tales is being "Caring" or "Loving" or "Giving".

But that's just me.
You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?

I fail to see how Phil quoting the Bible or saying a woman's vagina is better for sex than a man's anus is ignorant or bigoted. .... :cool:

I'm sure you don't. But it is.

Sure. An innocuous statement of fact is bigotted, and your outspoken hatred towards multiple groups of people is perfectly tolerant and loving.

Does it bother you at all that the Book of Mormon you hate so much predicts your behavior so clearly?

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

Stoning their daughters? Is that worse than liberals hacking off their breasts, clitorises and murdering their babies?

I'm kind of having this image that you think Liberals are what Borat thought the Jews were...

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

So not only does JoeyBitch hate America, he hates Christians.

Wanna go for the trifecta, JoeyBitch? Tell us how you feel about White People?

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

So not only does JoeyBitch hate America, he hates Christians.

Wanna go for the trifecta, JoeyBitch? Tell us how you feel about White People?

You know the answer to that one.

Joe is due a little bit of pity. His side lost, badly. He's in pain. What he doesn't realize is that both Phil Robertson and A&E, right along with GLAAD WERE held to account. Of course Phil Robertson was held to account. For nine days he was suspended. Then reality reared its head and the whole "account" had to go away because the account gays and A&E were held to ended up differently than the account Phil Robertson was held to.

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

So not only does JoeyBitch hate America, he hates Christians.

Wanna go for the trifecta, JoeyBitch? Tell us how you feel about White People?

He hates white people too, I think I have seen him post that stupid phrase 'check you privilege, whitey' a few times, but I cant recall his exact words.

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

So not only does JoeyBitch hate America, he hates Christians.

Wanna go for the trifecta, JoeyBitch? Tell us how you feel about White People?

Most of us are kind of tools, to be honest. But that's not the point.

The reason why we can live in a civil society is that there are a whole bunch of laws in the bible you Christians don't follow.

You don't stone your daughters for not being virgins.
You don't stone your neighbors for working on Sunday.

You also don't do some of the good things in the bible, either, like give to the poor. Fuck the poor.

The kind of crazy you get when you try to reconcile Ayn Rand with Jesus.


You know the answer to that one.

Joe is due a little bit of pity. His side lost, badly. He's in pain. What he doesn't realize is that both Phil Robertson and A&E, right along with GLAAD WERE held to account. Of course Phil Robertson was held to account. For nine days he was suspended. Then reality reared its head and the whole "account" had to go away because the account gays and A&E were held to ended up differently than the account Phil Robertson was held to.

ACtually, Phil is the one who is probably going to get a bunch of minders to keep him from saying anything else stupid.

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

Talk about using talking points. Okay then going by those standards bill clinton is a huge racist for how he praised byrd at his funeral. Liberals just want women to be good little hoes.
Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

So not only does JoeyBitch hate America, he hates Christians.

Wanna go for the trifecta, JoeyBitch? Tell us how you feel about White People?

You know the answer to that one.

Joe is due a little bit of pity.

You mean, for being a retarded shit-for-brains? No, he is a self made ignoramus, so fuck him. I hate fascists and Joe has zero sympathy for me.

His side lost, badly. He's in pain.

Good, and I hope he gets plenty more pain, but methinks he will exult a lot over the next ten years as the GOP is replaced by a party that actually represents the TPM. It will give the Dims some artificial sense of moving in the right direction and so theyt will be shocked when the country again rejects them when the GOP finally gets replaced or its act together.

What he doesn't realize is that both Phil Robertson and A&E, right along with GLAAD WERE held to account. Of course Phil Robertson was held to account. For nine days he was suspended.

Held to account for quoting scripture? So much for the moral freedom of expression.

Then reality reared its head and the whole "account" had to go away because the account gays and A&E were held to ended up differently than the account Phil Robertson was held to.

True, but it is going to get much worse before that corrupt racist system breaks down completely.
Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

So not only does JoeyBitch hate America, he hates Christians.

Wanna go for the trifecta, JoeyBitch? Tell us how you feel about White People?

He hates white people too, I think I have seen him post that stupid phrase 'check you privilege, whitey' a few times, but I cant recall his exact words.

JoeyBitch, like 99% of the other libturds on this Board is what we would call....

Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp: “I Am A Liberal Fuck”…


Also a liberal bedwetter, liberal pantywaist, liberal metrosexual.

Via Daily Caller:

Ethan Krupp, the little man who played “Pajama Boy” in a widely mocked Obamacare ad, once characterized himself as a “liberal fuck.”

Krupp, an Organizing for Action (OFA) content writer who became the face of progressive America while wearing a onesie pajama suit, also remarked that gays “are all liberal fucks” and criticized a “conservative gay prick” on his now-deleted WordPress blog, entitled “Not Being Creative.”

“I am a Liberal Fuck,” Krupp wrote in one post. “A Liberal Fuck is not a Democrat, but rather someone who combines political data and theory, extreme leftist views and sarcasm to win any argument while make the opponents feel terrible about themselves. I won every argument but one.”

What a bunch of douches the left is

Mornin' USMB! Just sittin' here sipping my coffee and reading the gay lobby's reaction to their overwhelming defeat. Now I truly know what gnashing of teeth sounds like! :lol:
Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

So not only does JoeyBitch hate America, he hates Christians.

Wanna go for the trifecta, JoeyBitch? Tell us how you feel about White People?

Most of us are kind of tools, to be honest. But that's not the point.

The reason why we can live in a civil society is that there are a whole bunch of laws in the bible you Christians don't follow.

You don't stone your daughters for not being virgins.
You don't stone your neighbors for working on Sunday.

You also don't do some of the good things in the bible, either, like give to the poor. Fuck the poor.

The kind of crazy you get when you try to reconcile Ayn Rand with Jesus.


Sounds like the muslim religion liberals support.

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

Talk about using talking points. Okay then going by those standards bill clinton is a huge racist for how he praised byrd at his funeral. Liberals just want women to be good little hoes.

That statement is far, far closer to the truth than you probably realize.

The roots of the liberal movement have no regard whatsoever for women. They're just there to serve the leaders sexually and faithfully.
Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

Talk about using talking points. Okay then going by those standards bill clinton is a huge racist for how he praised byrd at his funeral. Liberals just want women to be good little hoes.

That statement is far, far closer to the truth than you probably realize.

The roots of the liberal movement have no regard whatsoever for women. They're just there to serve the leaders sexually and faithfully.

....and get abortions if mistakes (liberal babies) are made.
Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

Talk about using talking points. Okay then going by those standards bill clinton is a huge racist for how he praised byrd at his funeral. Liberals just want women to be good little hoes.

That statement is far, far closer to the truth than you probably realize.

The roots of the liberal movement have no regard whatsoever for women. They're just there to serve the leaders sexually and faithfully.

When you convience a woman that killing their own flesh and blood is nothing but a choice. You have no respect for human kind, much less than a woman.

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