A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

Talk about using talking points. Okay then going by those standards bill clinton is a huge racist for how he praised byrd at his funeral. Liberals just want women to be good little hoes.

That statement is far, far closer to the truth than you probably realize.

The roots of the liberal movement have no regard whatsoever for women. They're just there to serve the leaders sexually and faithfully.

When you convience a woman that killing their own flesh and blood is nothing but a choice. You have no respect for human kind, much less than a woman.

Yup. To libturds, a woman is just a receptacle and a baby is something they're 'punished' with

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jszkPtsFH-k]President Obama: 'I Don't Want Them Punished With A Baby' - YouTube[/ame]
Watch for 'Phil For President' bumper stickers and duck calls hanging from millions of rear view mirrors.
"Hello 'Dubuc'. Yes this is Bob and Steve is on speaker phone. This is what's going to happen. You are going to put Phil back in the show as of yesterday. After you do that you and your crew are going away for a few weeks somewhere far away. Consider your fuck-up strike one and two".

Joey doesn't take defeat or having to eat crow well..He becomes more shrill and hateful

Well, honestly, Staph, you are the ones who embraced a reality TV Clown to advance your agenda because even your regular clowns won't say it publically anymore.

So who is coming off as shrill?

poor dear you need a chill pill before you have a stroke over some redneck clown as you call him
dear me
my only agenda is protecting our rights of freedom of speech from people like you and Fascist Groups like Glaad
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Talk about using talking points. Okay then going by those standards bill clinton is a huge racist for how he praised byrd at his funeral. Liberals just want women to be good little hoes.

That statement is far, far closer to the truth than you probably realize.

The roots of the liberal movement have no regard whatsoever for women. They're just there to serve the leaders sexually and faithfully.

When you convience a woman that killing their own flesh and blood is nothing but a choice. You have no respect for human kind, much less than a woman.

,,,,and such a woman is a blithering fool.

You know the answer to that one.

Joe is due a little bit of pity. His side lost, badly. He's in pain. What he doesn't realize is that both Phil Robertson and A&E, right along with GLAAD WERE held to account. Of course Phil Robertson was held to account. For nine days he was suspended. Then reality reared its head and the whole "account" had to go away because the account gays and A&E were held to ended up differently than the account Phil Robertson was held to.

ACtually, Phil is the one who is probably going to get a bunch of minders to keep him from saying anything else stupid.

Nope. Althought A&E will be a little more careful as to what interviews they want him to do and will pay just a little more attention to the questions asked. Meanwhile, Phil will keep speaking at all the speaking engagements he normally does.

You don't get it do you? A&E doesn't get to tell him what to do or what he can't do. They can only be more careful in what they ask him to do.

Joey doesn't take defeat or having to eat crow well..He becomes more shrill and hateful

Well, honestly, Staph, you are the ones who embraced a reality TV Clown to advance your agenda because even your regular clowns won't say it publically anymore.

So who is coming off as shrill?

poor dear you need a chill pill before you have a stroke over some redneck clown as you call him
dear me

He's gone, Steph.

We made him cry so he's in his room right now, sobbing in a pillow.

You can look at the bottom of the front page to see who's on the board, and he ain't.

Maybe one of his buddies will cheer him up -- somehow...... :lmao:

You know the answer to that one.

Joe is due a little bit of pity. His side lost, badly. He's in pain. What he doesn't realize is that both Phil Robertson and A&E, right along with GLAAD WERE held to account. Of course Phil Robertson was held to account. For nine days he was suspended. Then reality reared its head and the whole "account" had to go away because the account gays and A&E were held to ended up differently than the account Phil Robertson was held to.

ACtually, Phil is the one who is probably going to get a bunch of minders to keep him from saying anything else stupid.

Nope. Althought A&E will be a little more careful as to what interviews they want him to do and will pay just a little more attention to the questions asked. Meanwhile, Phil will keep speaking at all the speaking engagements he normally does.

You don't get it do you? A&E doesn't get to tell him what to do or what he can't do. They can only be more careful in what they ask him to do.

Someone get JoeyBitch a tissue, I think he's gonna cry.
Pajama boy needs to bring him a nice hot chocolate.

Phil craps bigger than the 'men who pee sitting down' at A&E. Hearst and Disney put a radical LIB in charge at A&E. Once they have shown 'Nanc; the door......(they've already written her resignation letter) it will be a LONG time before they put another one in charge. Sort of like the future of the Presidency. They can't help fucking things up. It's in their genes.
Check out which cable networks/talk shows are run by LIBs and notice everyone of them is failing in ratings. People aren't interested in some 'Metro/Bull Dyck' at MSNBC screaming about how bad and mean the 'women haters' are on FOX. Every time they do it ten thousand viewers click on FOX and stay there. It's hilarious to watch the LIBs on MSNBC do an 'Air America'.
Yea, because comparing gays to murderers and humandogfucking is merely and example of "tuff love".

Bestiality is currently in the top 1% of lookups and is the 6th most popular word on Merriam-Webster.com. (gee, I wonder why?)

bes·ti·al·i·ty noun \ˌbes-chē-ˈa-lə-tē, ˌbesh-, ˌbēs-, ˌbēsh-\

sex between a person and an animal (like a dog)

sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal (like a dog)

Bestiality - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Just keep on lying about what he said. Be the typical lefty.

So you are saying he didn't compare gays to murderers and humandogfucking? And he didn't say blacks were happy working in the fields, singing and picking cotton? OK, then what was the uproar all about?
no he didnt you fucking retard
Well, honestly, Staph, you are the ones who embraced a reality TV Clown to advance your agenda because even your regular clowns won't say it publically anymore.

So who is coming off as shrill?

poor dear you need a chill pill before you have a stroke over some redneck clown as you call him
dear me

He's gone, Steph.

We made him cry so he's in his room right now, sobbing in a pillow.

You can look at the bottom of the front page to see who's on the board, and he ain't.

Maybe one of his buddies will cheer him up -- somehow...... :lmao:
Close. He's indeed on laying bed staring at the full size poster of Sara Palin. Those sounds are not "sobbing" though.
This is bad news for the Teletubbies. Now, they will regain all the attention of the Right who want it off the air for promoting homosexuality with Twinky Winky....

Another left wing lie. Because one pastor said one was gay doesn't mean they were trying to force it off the air. Only fascist liberals like you do that. Hey if you ever doubt just remember the PMRC was Tipper Gore.
I'm waiting for the media to pair up Palin and Phil on "Dancing with then Stars". For that, I would find someone with cable service, take a day off of my volunteer activities, and go over and watch it.

You think that I am kidding, but I am not. I can actually see this happening.
This is bad news for the Teletubbies. Now, they will regain all the attention of the Right who want it off the air for promoting homosexuality with Twinky Winky....

Another left wing lie. Because one pastor said one was gay doesn't mean they were trying to force it off the air. Only fascist liberals like you do that. Hey if you ever doubt just remember the PMRC was Tipper Gore.

No more caffine for you this morning, Than....
I'm waiting for the media to pair up Palin and Phil on "Dancing with then Stars". For that, I would find someone with cable service, take a day off of my volunteer activities, and go over and watch it.

You think that I am kidding, but I am not. I can actually see this happening.

I think they should pair phil and hillary together. Show the world once and for all he isn't a homophe! Lol

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