A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

More like being proud of a country that is waking up and disavowing the short-lived tyranny of the gay-agenda minority, I expect.

You mean that agenda where it's okay to acknowledge your sexual identity?

Wow, what an evil agenda. It's much better to have Gays pretend to be straight, get into sham marriages like Rush Limbaugh does, and make another person miserable as well.
You know the complaints of the mainstream against the gay agenda as well as I do.

No point trying to pretend otherwise.

'You' have lost this round.

Completely, and spectacularly.

Not to worry... everyone gets a slice of 'humble pie' from time to time.

It's simply your turn to chow-down.


Joey doesn't take defeat or having to eat crow well..He becomes more shrill and hateful
More like being proud of a country that is waking up and disavowing the short-lived tyranny of the gay-agenda minority, I expect.

You mean that agenda where it's okay to acknowledge your sexual identity?

Wow, what an evil agenda. It's much better to have Gays pretend to be straight, get into sham marriages like Rush Limbaugh does, and make another person miserable as well.
You know the complaints of the mainstream against the gay agenda as well as I do.

No point trying to pretend otherwise.

'You' have lost this round.

Completely, and spectacularly.

Not to worry... everyone gets a slice of 'humble pie' from time to time.

It's simply your turn to chow-down.


Guy, you work on the assumption that by elevating CLOWNS, you've won something.

I actually watched a couple of episodes of Duck Dynasty on Christmas while waiting for the New Doctor Who episode.

Frankly, this show is out there to be LAUGHED AT. The people in it are being MOCKED. You don't put on the big clown shoes to say something stupid and then claim you are now being taken seriously on your viewpoints.

The only reason that Phil is getting a kind of pass on this is because he was considered a clown to start with.

In the Mainstream, clear majorities support the rights of gays to be free from job and housing discrimination, and a slight majority accepts their right to marry.

That you've got a Reality TV Show Clown like Robertson sputtering your last gasps of homophobic nonsense really gets you nothing.
Posturing. It is obvious that Phil has been put on notice by the show and the family.

He will obey. His type always do, when faced down.

Yup....it sure is obvious he lost round 1. :lol:

Yup, and now A&E and Phil and the family are all going to make some more money.

Phil knows on what side the bread is buttered.

Why do you think Phil cares? He is wealthy already. And he lives off the land. I highly doubt he is worried about whether A&E carries the show or some other network.

You're one of the most hateful posters on the board. You constantly and consistently make hateful and bigoted remarks but you cloak them in a farcical cover of 'progressiveness'.

Not at all unlike totalitarians of yesteryear.

You would fit in very nicely with Mao's Red Guard or Hitler's Brown Shirts.

You've probably never even heard of a group in Cuba called CDRs (Committee for the Defense of the Revolution). And not because you're stupid..... You are that and then some.

But more so because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM chooses not to hi-lite the Orwellian oppression under which Cubans live.

You would be a perfect fit for the CDR. A scumbag. A rat. A snitch. A True Believer.

And they justify it in the name of la Revolucion

Eat shit and die, bitch. You accusing others of bigotry is just hilarious

Edgy, there's a communist hiding under your bed, right now.

And maybe some day, we'll stop treating Cuba like the "Ex-Girlfriend who dumped me."

I always find it hilarious that the Right is still butt-hurt over Cuba, but that's a thread for another day.
More like being proud of a country that is waking up and disavowing the short-lived tyranny of the gay-agenda minority, I expect.

You mean that agenda where it's okay to acknowledge your sexual identity?

Wow, what an evil agenda. It's much better to have Gays pretend to be straight, get into sham marriages like Rush Limbaugh does, and make another person miserable as well.
You know the complaints of the mainstream against the gay agenda as well as I do.

No point trying to pretend otherwise.

'You' have lost this round.

Completely, and spectacularly.

Not to worry... everyone gets a slice of 'humble pie' from time to time.

It's simply your turn to chow-down.


True. They lost this battle.... But they won the War.

Gay marriage, gay acceptance is a fact of life.

Whether that's the way it should be or not remains to be seen.

Many other things that weren't part of the public consciousness have been tried by liberals and have failed miserably.....

Many. But maybe this one is here to stay.

The bad part is that liberals, being the scum-sucking lowest form of life on Earth, try to HARM people who disagree with them at every turn.

It's the same shit every Totalitarian ideologue in history tries and, if successful, gets away with.

Something you MUST remember.........

liberalism, dimocrapism, whatever you want to call it is a TOTALITARIAN CONCEPT.

Just a fact. Once you understand that, you understand libturds.
You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Nothing was bigoted. He does'nt agree with the gay lifestlye and qouted the bible. He said he worked beside blacks in the cotton fields and everyone seemed happy. The only ignorant ones are people like yourself that twist peoples words around to fit your agenda. Kinda like the way liberals twisted trent lotts words around to make him sound like a racist.

Trent Lott said that the world would have been better off if an open Bigot had won the presidency in 1948. I'm not sure how that isn't sounding like a racist.

Now, while I'm sure that Phil saw the 1960's social order of Jim Crow and Lynchings as "Normal", no sane person today really believes blacks were happy about it.

And frankly, "quoting the bible". People who held slaves quoted the bible. People who burned witches quoted the bible. The FUCKING NAZIS quoted the bible.

Quoting the bible to justify something terrible just doesn't fly anymore.

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?
Reality can't be repealed. The left lost this big time. The left and it's gay grievance mongers got a stinging defeat. They can whine about all they like but they still lost. Why does this hurt so much? Because they believe that in the mainstream, a clear majority supports gay rights to be free of hurt feelings. Now they got the mother of all slapdowns. They got a slapdown from A&E and a slapdown form Cracker Barrel. When the grievance industry appealed to A&E advertisers, they got another bloody nose. They got a poke in the eye from Teleflora. The gay offense lobby has been bounced from one "Hell No" to the other.

A&E believed that they could punished by gays and those who support their sinful lifestyle. Cracker Barrel believed it too. They just got taught a lesson. Gays aren't really the majority and their support doesn't come from the mainstream.

The ONLY reason why Phil won this round is that he could not be hurt. As one industry executive said "He has no fear in him". He can't be threatened, persuaded, cajoled, begged or punished into giving in. He won't apologize, he won't back down. Far from being shown to be a "clown" which was the whole point of suspending him in the first place. Phil Robertson has been proved to be iron willed and immune to intimidation of any kind. Just the kind of person that the real mainstream admires.

The left should go in their corner, shut up, and take their loss.
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I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Yes, Im proud to live in a country where even you are allowed to speak your mind.
You mean that agenda where it's okay to acknowledge your sexual identity?

Wow, what an evil agenda. It's much better to have Gays pretend to be straight, get into sham marriages like Rush Limbaugh does, and make another person miserable as well.
You know the complaints of the mainstream against the gay agenda as well as I do.

No point trying to pretend otherwise.

'You' have lost this round.

Completely, and spectacularly.

Not to worry... everyone gets a slice of 'humble pie' from time to time.

It's simply your turn to chow-down.


True. They lost this battle.... But they won the War.

Gay marriage, gay acceptance is a fact of life.

Whether that's the way it should be or not remains to be seen.

Many other things that weren't part of the public consciousness have been tried by liberals and have failed miserably.....

Many. But maybe this one is here to stay.

The bad part is that liberals, being the scum-sucking lowest form of life on Earth, try to HARM people who disagree with them at every turn.

It's the same shit every Totalitarian ideologue in history tries and, if successful, gets away with.

Something you MUST remember.........

liberalism, dimocrapism, whatever you want to call it is a TOTALITARIAN CONCEPT.

Just a fact. Once you understand that, you understand libturds.

If you ever wondered what mixing Libertarian Crazy with Religious Crazy looks like.

It Give you... Edgetho...
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Yes, Im proud to live in a country where even you are allowed to speak your mind.

So when someone says that Joseph Smith was a dirty stinking Child Molestor and Mormons are stupider than dogshit, you are totally proud to be an American?
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Yes, Im proud to live in a country where even you are allowed to speak your mind.

He really does'nt get it. Kinda like if i disagree with obama, i'm a racist. Liberism is a mental disorder.
I guess you can say seeing the liberals agenda fail. I'm finnally getting proud of my country again.

You're proud of a country where people make ignorant and bigoted comments and aren't held to account for them?


Yes, Im proud to live in a country where even you are allowed to speak your mind.

JoeyBitch, like most libturds, hates America.

How dare we be successful, caring, loving and giving when so many others are too stupid to lift themselves up and out of the pits of despair in which they have lived for millennia.

So JoeyBitch wants us to join them. It's only fair, right?

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

If he wanted to praise Thrumond, he could have talked about his WWII service or his service in the Senate. Instead, he talked about the shittiest thing the guy ever did, which was to undercut his party's president because that president desegregated the army.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.
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Honestly, if you guys think that barely articulate rednecks spouting bigotry is "leading your movement", then you guys are seriously in need of re-evaluating what your movement is about.

"We are going to totally make a stand on a point that we've pretty much already lost!"


I mean, you do understand the larger issue- gay marriage- you've totally lost that one. Gays are getting married in UTAH, for crying out loud.

While I'm sure the Robertsons are right at home in the GOP/Teabagger Clown Car, this is not a serious political movement.

So you spout bigotry and it's perfectly alright, Phil encourage people not to sin and we need to reevaluate what we are about?

Take your own advice. I'd much rather associate with people who teach values and encourage people to live them than those who's sole mission in life is to mock others.

I know with all the hate you have for others, you don't understand geniune love. But I sincerely hope someday you will be obliged to acknowledge and do what's right instead of continuing on your path of darkness and ignorance.

Lott was trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday, the bible is the building block for christians. Liberals supported byrd till the end a true racist. Also you do know blacks sold blacks into slavery?

Hey, I think you managed to work all the talking points in there.

The only reason why Christians are somewhat tolerable is that they don't follow the bible and most of them don't even know the horrid shit that is in there.

Otherwise they'd be out stoning their daughters.

Stoning their daughters? Is that worse than liberals hacking off their breasts, clitorises and murdering their babies?

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