A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.
Vindicating those who correctly stated that Robertson was not ‘fired,’ was not the ‘victim’ of ‘discrimination,’ and not subject to the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Indeed, confirmation that this is a non-issue, a controversy solely contrived by the partisan right for some perceived political gain.
he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article.

Yes, I'm quite sure they'll never use the words anus or vagina again.
A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.
Vindicating those who correctly stated that Robertson was not ‘fired,’ was not the ‘victim’ of ‘discrimination,’ and not subject to the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Indeed, confirmation that this is a non-issue, a controversy solely contrived by the partisan right for some perceived political gain.

GLAAD is a partisan right org?
That's all you got?


Not even worth the effort.

The lefties a desperately spinning out of control. They will throw anything out there even things they don't believe themselves. It's fun to watch.

Jimmy Buffett should write a new song...Wastin' Away in StupidLeftyville...searchin' for my shaker of brains...

I should hire a professional writer....like you clearly did.

George Zimmerman, the NRA, obamacare, and now Mr.Robertson. The libs have taken a beating this year!

You have yourself a great list of heroes. Lets see....

Zimmerman, LaPierre, Cruz and Phil!

I think we need a new Mt. Rushmore. We'll call it Mt. Douchebag.

Lol, yeah that would have Obama, the Clinton Duo and Jimmy Carter, and call it loser douche mountain.

Great idea, dumbass.

Ha Ha! Great joke. Where'd you come up with the premise?
he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article.

Yes, I'm quite sure they'll never use the words anus or vagina again.

There's no real misinterpretation. He's a homophobic bigot who uses the Bible to rationalize it.

But they'll keep him on a tighter leash in the future.
As much as I hate to say this though, this looks like one big giant ratings ploy by the network. I think everyone got played.

I've thought of that.. but with all the media, the left wing website were insane with it, Jesses Jackson jumping in, I'm thinking it wasn't..hard to say
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Glaad isn't handling it so well...lol

GLAAD Outraged Over Phil Robertson Reinstatement: “A&E Has Chosen Profits Over African American And Gay People”…


Via Entertainment Weekly:

GLAAD responds: “Phil Robertson should look African American and gay people in the eyes and hear about the hurtful impact of praising Jim Crow laws and comparing gay people to terrorists. If dialogue with Phil is not part of next steps then A+E has chosen profits over African American and gay people – especially its employees and viewers.”

HT: Drudge

GLAAD Outraged Over Phil Robertson Reinstatement: ?A&E Has Chosen Profits Over African American And Gay People?? | Weasel Zippers
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No matter how you slice it...

This Phil Robertson fellow spoke out against homosexuality and the degenerate nature of societies which accommodate and indulge it...

Then elements of the so-called Gay Lobby and supportive elements of The Left began to react, directing their disapproval at A&E...

Then A&E panicked in the gutless, nutless manner so typical of the more cowardly elements in the Corporate domain, in anticipation of a broader Gay Lobby flare-up, and suspended Robertson - most likely in anticipation of an eventual contract cancellation or firing...

Then a few other corporations began pulling related merchandise from their shelves, worried over the Gay Lobby reaction...

Then a delightfully surprising Push-Back occurred on the part of Mainstream America - including large percentages of folks on the Right, Center AND Left - from the heterosexual Mainstream... a Straight Pushback which arrested the pending corporate destruction of Robertson and the Duck franchise and its merchandising...

Sensing this spontaneous and immensely powerful Straight Pushback, those merchandising concerns flip-flopped - alarmed over the scope and scale and strength of that Pushback - and scrambled to reverse themselves and accommodate the startling and unanticipated demand for Duck merchandise, as Christmas sales of such went through the roof - Mainstream America voting with its dollars...

In an 11th-hour effort to reverse the fortunes of the Gay Lobby (and that percentage of The Left that went out on a limb to support it) in the matter, washed-up has-been hate-mongers and race-pimps and baiters such as Jesse Jackson tried to barge onto the scene and feign relevance, a day late and a dollar short, and were swiftly brushed aside by developments, the most signifying of which being...

A&E concedes Reality, swallows its pride, and reinstates Robertson et al.

In a mollifying and collaborative move - possibly pre-arranged by a desperate A&E - the Robertson's throw a small bone at the Gay Lobby with some vague and meaningless drivel about regretting the use of harsher and more graphic verbiage and about possibly having misconstrued some elements of Scriptural prohibitions and condemnations...

The world takes note that Phil himself did not make a personal and explicit amendatory statement.

The Gay Lobby (and its fellow-traveler elements on the Left) - desperate to save face - try to spin this 'small bone' of Robertson's as something significant, while the rest of the Left, and the Center, and the Right, all look on with bemusement and amusement, fully cognizant of the highly toxic levels of bullshit associated with such lame-assed face-saving attempts, and laughing at it...

Sensing that their spin-doctoring isn't sufficient even merely for face-saving purposes, the Gay Lobby (and its small uber-loyal faction on the Left) are belching sour grapes and pissing and moaning about choosing profits over minority feelings, now that they've lost their Fear Factor Leverage.

Chalk-up another win for the Good Guys (everybody outside the now-oppressive Gay Lobby and its small-ish uber-supportive element on The Left)...

Between the abortive Gay Lobby bullying of Chick-Fil-A in 2012 and the strength of the Straight Pushback at that time, and the abortive Gay Lobby bullying of A&E, Cracker Barrel, etc. in 2013 and the overwhelming and decisive strength of the Straight Pushback we see now...

A corner may have been turned, in that the vastly larger Straight population has reached its limit, in allowing itself to be pushed aside to accommodate a tiny minority whose sexual practices and related militancy and activism set them apart from the rest of Mankind...

It's about time...


Ahhhhhh... life is good...
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Chalk one up for capitalism. The thing is, the network already permanently damaged their rep.

BTW, I don't watch DUCK or any 'reality' crap. I refuse to support garbage programming that's contrived and sold as real. Fucking brainless crap for idiots with lame lives.

That rep was damaged a decade ago when they started running that aforementioned brainless crap.

S. O. U. R. G. R. A. P. E. S.


Not sure if that was for me or Pogo or both of us, but I not only support Phil's right to speak his mind, I agree with what he said. I just don't watch garbage television.
he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article.

Yes, I'm quite sure they'll never use the words anus or vagina again.

There's no real misinterpretation. He's a homophobic bigot who uses the Bible to rationalize it.

But they'll keep him on a tighter leash in the future.

If they do that, people who watch won't like it as much.
he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article.

Yes, I'm quite sure they'll never use the words anus or vagina again.

There's no real misinterpretation. He's a homophobic bigot who uses the Bible to rationalize it.

But they'll keep him on a tighter leash in the future.

If they do that, people who watch won't like it as much.

yeah right...good grief ugly what you people think and say about others in this country

You all can't accept the fact your faux outrage and wanting to put leashes on people backfired
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Somehow, I doubt there will be any appreciable 'leash tightening'.

Hell, the Duck Folks will probably be taking their act to another channel as soon as the contract is up, now that A&E has tried (and failed) to throw them under the bus and proven themselves cowardly and untrustworthy and unfriendly and unsympathetic.

And, if the Duck Folk are ultimately headed elsewhere, then, I don't think they'll be worried overly-much about obeying the 'leash', other than the bare-bone minimums required to stay out of court until their contract runs out.
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Somehow, I doubt there will be any appreciable 'leash tightening'.

Hell, the Duck Folks will probably be taking their act to another channel as soon as the contract is up, now that A&E has tried (and failed) to throw them under the bus and proven themselves cowardly and untrustworthy and unfriendly and unsympathetic.

And, if the Duck Folk are ultimately headed elsewhere, then, I don't think they'll be worried overly-much about obeying the 'leash', other than the bare-bone minimums required to stay out of court until their contract runs out.

I hope they do go to another channel...It would serve A&E right for letting some militant group like Glaad lead them down the slippery slope of stepping on people's Freedom of speech because they got their panties in a bunch over something said
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