A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

So you don't like Christians at all or just the ones that answer questions about their religious beliefs when prompted?

I have no issue with Christians, but this guy seems to be a real Bible thumper, and those are the Christians I take issue with.

Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

Noomi likes the Christians that don't talk about their faith. Sit down and shut up type of Christians.
Well, its not the show I would want to watch - too much Christian stuff for my liking - all he does is talk about Jesus throughout the interview. I'd tell him to stick a sock in it..

There's another tolerant, open-minded liberal for ya...........

Well, its not the show I would want to watch - too much Christian stuff for my liking - all he does is talk about Jesus throughout the interview. I'd tell him to stick a sock in it..

There's another tolerant, open-minded liberal for ya...........


Would you defend a guy who stated his opinion on Christianity and it happened to be an opinion you didn't agree with?
Well, its not the show I would want to watch - too much Christian stuff for my liking - all he does is talk about Jesus throughout the interview. I'd tell him to stick a sock in it..

There's another tolerant, open-minded liberal for ya...........


Would you defend a guy who stated his opinion on Christianity and it happened to be an opinion you didn't agree with?

Defend his right to hold that opinion and to state it openly? Of course. What a stupid question.
I have no issue with Christians, but this guy seems to be a real Bible thumper, and those are the Christians I take issue with.

Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

I dislike anyone who pushes their religion on others.

Scientology, Satanic Cults,... those are the types of religions that keep their religion secret within the ranks of believers.

IMO the religions to dislike are the ones that have something to hide.
So you don't like Christians at all or just the ones that answer questions about their religious beliefs when prompted?

I have no issue with Christians, but this guy seems to be a real Bible thumper, and those are the Christians I take issue with.

Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

You have been out on the range too long, Duke. Jews don't apostleize,
Neither do athiests.
"preach atheism"??

What is there to preach?

"Our sermon today is from the book of Nothing. And it came to pass nothing in particular happened. Here endeth the lesson."

Kinda flat. I still like this one better:

I have read the GQ interview, after being curious as to who the heck this guy was and what he said that was so darned offensive:

What, in your mind, is sinful?

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Hmm. Well, its not the show I would want to watch - too much Christian stuff for my liking - all he does is talk about Jesus throughout the interview. I'd tell him to stick a sock in it.

That said, what he said wasn't even that bad. He has the right to his opinions, no matter how stupid and ignorant they are. Its not like he called for the death of homosexuals, or said anything about them like the WBC does.

You call what he said offensive? He at least doesn't celebrate infanticide

tapatalk post
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I have no issue with Christians, but this guy seems to be a real Bible thumper, and those are the Christians I take issue with.

Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

You have been out on the range too long, Duke. Jews don't apostleize,
Neither do athiests.

Not sure about Jews preaching but atheists apostleize (using your word even if it is one) all the damn time telling Christians when, where ,and now what to worship

tapatalk post
I have read the GQ interview, after being curious as to who the heck this guy was and what he said that was so darned offensive:

What, in your mind, is sinful?

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Hmm. Well, its not the show I would want to watch - too much Christian stuff for my liking - all he does is talk about Jesus throughout the interview. I'd tell him to stick a sock in it.

That said, what he said wasn't even that bad. He has the right to his opinions, no matter how stupid and ignorant they are. Its not like he called for the death of homosexuals, or said anything about them like the WBC does.

You call starches said offensive? He at least doesn't celebrate infanticide

tapatalk post

Neither do I.
The question you fright-wing Phil-lovers should be asking yourselves is, how Phil could have the integrity to stay on a network that suspended him for expressing his beliefs. Save yourselves the trouble; he did it for the money. So, he has no integrity. Carry on.
Coming from someone who never so much as saw one of their shows nor knew their names until this controversy started...

He probably had no choice, given contract-wording, however, even if that's not the case...

Who really gives a frog's fat ass?

So long as the goddamned Gay Lobby gets its ears slapped back again...

That's the REAL outcome of this incident...

God bless the American People...

I actually have seen the show. It's crap. And if you think Phil is in it for anything BUT the money, you're a fool.

The dude is independently wealthy. I doubt the money is what motivates him so much as just doing something with his time he thinks worthwhile.

Gee I know its hard for libtards to realize that not everyone is the grubbing whore like they are, but maybe you could try.....nah, didn't think so, stupid ass hat.
Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

You have been out on the range too long, Duke. Jews don't apostleize,
Neither do athiests.

Not sure about Jews preaching but atheists apostleize (using your word even if it is one) all the damn time telling Christians when, where ,and now what to worship

tapatalk post

They go out of their way and even buy advertising. What they rarely do is discuss the issue in a forum that they do not control, because they don't want their heads handed to them metaphorically.

For example:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8MzPmkNsgU]Debate: Atheist vs Christian (Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig) - YouTube[/ame]
"preach atheism"??

What is there to preach?

"Our sermon today is from the book of Nothing. And it came to pass nothing in particular happened. Here endeth the lesson."

Another example of a libtard pretending to be too stupid to grasp the meaning of a statement and thinking it proves something other than that they are stupid fools.

This is a type of lie, Pogo, and the kind of thing you do every day with almost every post and that makes you a liar.

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