A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

You have been out on the range too long, Duke. Jews don't apostleize,
Neither do athiests.

Neither do Wiccans.

I have known several admitted Wiccans and they are interesting people. Not at all the loopy sort that most think they are.

Still I disagree with the factoids of their faith, and I will never worship something that is born of time and space but only the Creator of time and space; Jehovah.
O read the article and I don't see where he agreed to anything. Unless you have another link, I call bull shit.

"While Phil’s comments made in the interview reflect his personal views based on his own beliefs, and his own personal journey, he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article. He also made it clear he would “never incite or encourage hate.”

'Duck Dynasty' to resume filming with Phil Robertson, A&E announces | Fox News

Nothing in what you quoted says anything about any deal between A&E and Mr.Robertson. The fact that so many "mis-interpreted his core beliefs based only on the article" is not only NOT an admission of anything, it is the fault of his accusers.

Sorry pal, you are reading into it what isn't there.

He's not "reading into what was't there". He's making it all up, i.e. - lying, as per usual.
"While Phil’s comments made in the interview reflect his personal views based on his own beliefs, and his own personal journey, he and his family have publicly stated they regret the “coarse language” he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article. He also made it clear he would “never incite or encourage hate.”

'Duck Dynasty' to resume filming with Phil Robertson, A&E announces | Fox News

Nothing in what you quoted says anything about any deal between A&E and Mr.Robertson. The fact that so many "mis-interpreted his core beliefs based only on the article" is not only NOT an admission of anything, it is the fault of his accusers.

Sorry pal, you are reading into it what isn't there.

He's not "reading into what was't there". He's making it all up, i.e. - lying, as per usual.

It is good to see people are aware of Jake's track record.
"preach atheism"??

What is there to preach?

"Our sermon today is from the book of Nothing. And it came to pass nothing in particular happened. Here endeth the lesson."

Another example of a libtard pretending to be too stupid to grasp the meaning of a statement and thinking it proves something other than that they are stupid fools.

This is a type of lie, Pogo, and the kind of thing you do every day with almost every post and that makes you a liar.

I like Pogo. I do believe he means to be a good person. He just is devoid of any faith.
I have no issue with Christians, but this guy seems to be a real Bible thumper, and those are the Christians I take issue with.

Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

You have been out on the range too long, Duke. Jews don't apostleize,
Neither do athiests.

"Proselytize" is the word you're looking for.

There are some sects of Hasidim that proselytize to secular Jews, but in general, Jewish communities don't seek converts at all.
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I have not a problem with an athiest who cannot understand faith. But what I do have a problem with are Satan's little helpers who scream that they are athiests but in reality they are on the opposing team.
Just Christians? What about budists, muslims, and jews? How about folks that preach atheism?

You have been out on the range too long, Duke. Jews don't apostleize,
Neither do athiests.

"Proselytize" is the word you're looking for.

There are some sects of Hasidim that proselytize to secular Jews, but in general, Jewish communities don't seek converts at all.

Well that comes back to "chosen onesdoesn't it now?

I've just unlocked the door. Oh my.

So you don't like shows that have Christians in them at all or just the ones that have a Christian in them that will answer questions about their religious beliefs when prompted? Do you turn off football games when the hero says something like glory goes to god?

Given football is increasingly dominated by tatooed thugs, I really don't watch it at all.

But hey, you bring up a good point. So God is all about fixing a football game, but can't save starving children in Africa? Hmmmmm....

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I have not a problem with an athiest who cannot understand faith. But what I do have a problem with are Satan's little helpers who scream that they are athiests but in reality they are on the opposing team.

Frankly, I read the bible with these two fictional characters God and Satan in it, and I have a hard time figuring out which one is the "bad guy".

God murders EVERYONE in the world but six people. (And all the animals) in a flood.

He then goes on to murder everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah for being gay, but makes sure he saves the "Righteous" Lot, who offered his daugthers up for Gang rape before having drunken sex with them himself.

He then goes on to sell his favored people into bondage in Egypt before murdering every first born child in Egypt, and then spends 40 years torturing them in the desert and encouraging them to go around murdering every tribe they encounter.

The rest of the bible goes on like that for chapters and chapters...

Then you get Satan. Who is the Bad Guy. And how many people does this bad guy kill?

Ten. The children of Job, on a bar bet with God.

Do you bible thumpers even read your own bible, or just the parts that validate your bigotries?
good article...Glaad has become nothing more than a Fascist group who thinks it is the judge and jury on speech about homosexuals AND is now getting people suspended from their jobs for it....nasty and hateful Intolerant bunch of people


A few years ago, I couldn’t imagine a network disregarding GLAAD’s recommendations

By Brandon Ambrosino Dec. 28, 20132021 Comments

Phil v. The Gays. With which will we side? Or rather, against which will we side? This is the question that society demands we answer. Are we anti-Phil or anti-gay or anti-GLAAD or anti-A&E or anti- … ?

Perhaps no other word sums up the Duck Dynasty fiasco as aptly as the word “anti.”

Whenever I hear that someone is anti-this or that, I immediately think of the old quip about MADD – are there any mothers for drunk driving? – and ask myself if anyone is really in favor of the particular thing being protested. Since GLAAD has recently taken a hard-line stance against Phil Robertson’s “anti-gay” comments, I’ve been asking myself a similar question about defamation: Who among us is for it? Most of us are decidedly against defamation, although we choose not to publicly participate in institutional demonstrations to prove how against it we are. But, of course, GLAAD is an institution, and therefore their criticism reverberates at systemic levels.

(MORE: The Duck Dynasty Fiasco Says More About Our Bigotry Than Phil’s)

Founded in 1985 in the wake of the AIDS crisis, GLAAD was formed to protest skewed coverage of LGBT issues and “to put pressure on media organizations to end homophobic reporting.” The original name was an acronym for “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,” and although the organization has recently rebranded itself by deciding that the letters G-L-A-A-D aren’t actually going to stand for anything any more, their reputation for protesting defamatory speech is well known both within and without the LGBT community.

It goes without saying that GLAAD has done a great deal of good for the LGBT community, and for that they deserve our applause and honor. As they noted in their announcement heralding their name change, their work continues to educate and influence the greater culture. Historically they’ve been a symbol of inclusion and tolerance, and they’ve worked tirelessly to infuse these values into our controlling media discourses. Frankly, though, I don’t think their hasty reaction to Phil Robertson displayed our LGBT community’s best values.

all of it here
?Duck Dynasty? Reversal Shows GLAAD Has an Expiration Date | TIME.com
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Just goes to show you that racism and bigotry are alive and well. And that blacks aren't "playing the race card", but still must speak out against racism.
Just goes to show you that racism and bigotry are alive and well. And that blacks aren't "playing the race card", but still must speak out against racism.

pfeeesh, blacks and homosexuals are just as bigoted and racist as any in this country
but you can try and pretend they aren't...speak out all you want if anyone care's to listen...they've played the victim so long people aren't hearing it anymore
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Just goes to show you that racism and bigotry are alive and well. And that blacks aren't "playing the race card", but still must speak out against racism.

Comment from my thread on anti gay discrimination at a black college fraternity.

newsmom wrote:
12/26/2013 5:20 PM ESToh just what we need: at this point in our political history when food is being taken from poor children in federal programs; when black men are imprisoned in disproporationate numbers; when black men are still being discriminated against in job security and promotions -- they turn on one another because of sexual identity? we don't have to worry about white people doing us wrongl as long as they can see what we're doing to one another, they can sit back and relax and enjoy the show. nice going, kappas!...See Less
Just goes to show you that racism and bigotry are alive and well. And that blacks aren't "playing the race card", but still must speak out against racism.

pfeeesh, blacks and homosexuals are just as bigoted and racist as any in this country
but you can try and pretend they aren't...speak out all you want if anyone care's to listen...they've played the victim so long people aren't hearing it anymore

Blacks and gays will remember these wise words the next time women say they are domestically abused or a female cries rape...
The rabid GLAAD nazis meet their defeat while trying to bully one man for expressing his religious views.

Which shows that GLAAD was really just a paper tiger. ..... :cool:

I think the people have Finally had enough of being bullied by groups like Glaad, the Naacp, Sharpton, the Reeeeeverned Jackson, etc

It's been good to see people take a stand and say, Enough
Just goes to show you that racism and bigotry are alive and well. And that blacks aren't "playing the race card", but still must speak out against racism.

pfeeesh, blacks and homosexuals are just as bigoted and racist as any in this country
but you can try and pretend they aren't...speak out all you want if anyone care's to listen...they've played the victim so long people aren't hearing it anymore

Blacks and gays will remember these wise words the next time women say they are domestically abused or a female cries rape...

lovely, you tried bullying people now it's onto threats
grow up stop playing the victim and get on with the lives you chose to make in life..no one is holding you down anymore...the life you have is your doing no one else's
Just goes to show you that racism and bigotry are alive and well. And that blacks aren't "playing the race card", but still must speak out against racism.

pfeeesh, blacks and homosexuals are just as bigoted and racist as any in this country
but you can try and pretend they aren't...speak out all you want if anyone care's to listen...they've played the victim so long people aren't hearing it anymore

Blacks and gays will remember these wise words the next time women say they are domestically abused or a female cries rape...

You negroes and gays are a burden on this country and the well being of us White people. Your type people need to be contained.
A few years ago Jesse Jackson being completely ignored would have been unthinkable.

GLAAD's demand is now to meet personally with Phil Robertson. Why don't they just go to his Church and listen to him give a sermon?

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