A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

"Excuse what I said"?

WTH r u talking about?

Ok Tough Guy, just don't intimidate us anymore with your arsenal.


go start youR own thread to lay out your complaints and whines
stop derailing this one it's not about YOU
What this proves is rednecks rock the P.C. crowd wanted Phil to apologize for giving his honest opinion to a question he was asked he refused his family backed him along with the duck nation and he's back good for them for not being bullied or intimidated.
"Well, everyone knows we were lynching and killing blacks in Jim Crow, but to me, they seemed hapy!!"

Somebody tell this dumb ass human being to stfu.
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You negroes and gays are a burden on this country and the well being of us White people. Your type people need to be contained.

Do me a favor and don't speak for all white people. Some of us aren't racist homophobic dirtbags like you.

However, he IS getting some thanks and reps....so apparently there are those here who approve of his thinking.

how do you know if he is getting reps? lying again liar?
"Well, everyone knows we were lynching and killing blacks in Jim Crow, but to me, they seemed hapy!!"

Somebody tell this dumb ass human being to stfu.

He said he worked with the blacks in the cotton fields and everyone seemed happy. Try to pay attention, it will help with your hate.
"Well, everyone knows we were lynching and killing blacks in Jim Crow, but to me, they seemed hapy!!"

Somebody tell this dumb ass human being to stfu.

You frikken tell him then I hope he tells you the same...take it to the 15 other threads on him...this thread is about GLAAD...loser
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I find it funny how you are insulting me and calling me names, when I haven't done so to you.

You are a woman aren't you?

You are showing what type of person believes in the things you do.

Now please, represent your gender, faith, political affiliation, and home training by cursing me out, calling me juvenile insults, etc...

The floor is yours...
"preach atheism"??

What is there to preach?

"Our sermon today is from the book of Nothing. And it came to pass nothing in particular happened. Here endeth the lesson."

Another example of a libtard pretending to be too stupid to grasp the meaning of a statement and thinking it proves something other than that they are stupid fools.

This is a type of lie, Pogo, and the kind of thing you do every day with almost every post and that makes you a liar.

I like Pogo. I do believe he means to be a good person. He just is devoid of any faith.

I don't as I have caught him in too many lies, acts of slander, peevishness and refusing to answer questions that would help to understand a topic from his opponents point of view and then later pretending that said questions ever came up.

He has had posts that have been worthwhile reading, but for example his claims about the Robertsons morality clause in their contract is all supposition and he still insists that that is how it is, the subject proven and done with and he as yet has not posted anything to support his contention in terms of the specific Robertson contract.

IE he is full of shit, is dishonest and has no integrity what so ever.

Of course who you like or not is entirely your business.

So you don't like shows that have Christians in them at all or just the ones that have a Christian in them that will answer questions about their religious beliefs when prompted? Do you turn off football games when the hero says something like glory goes to god?

Given football is increasingly dominated by tatooed thugs, I really don't watch it at all.

But hey, you bring up a good point. So God is all about fixing a football game, but can't save starving children in Africa? Hmmmmm....

If there's a God up there, I'm sure he has time for both...

Then why doesn't he?
I have not a problem with an athiest who cannot understand faith. But what I do have a problem with are Satan's little helpers who scream that they are athiests but in reality they are on the opposing team.

Frankly, I read the bible with these two fictional characters God and Satan in it, and I have a hard time figuring out which one is the "bad guy".

God murders EVERYONE in the world but six people. (And all the animals) in a flood.

He then goes on to murder everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah for being gay, but makes sure he saves the "Righteous" Lot, who offered his daugthers up for Gang rape before having drunken sex with them himself.

He then goes on to sell his favored people into bondage in Egypt before murdering every first born child in Egypt, and then spends 40 years torturing them in the desert and encouraging them to go around murdering every tribe they encounter.

The rest of the bible goes on like that for chapters and chapters...

Then you get Satan. Who is the Bad Guy. And how many people does this bad guy kill?

Ten. The children of Job, on a bar bet with God.

Do you bible thumpers even read your own bible, or just the parts that validate your bigotries?

You may have read the bible, but clearly did not understand what you read.

The rest of your hate filled posts just goes to show how cherry picking is the favorite of the unenlightened.
As you read further into the article, the kid admits he was raised by a man just like Phil and told him his boyfriend would never be welcomed at his house. He also admits sitting in the pew at his church and hearing his preacher say homosexuals didn't deserve the same joy of raising a family due to their depravity. And the kid has the audacity to call that persecution. From where I sit I call that preaching and telling the truth. So to sum it up...the kid has known from a very early age his "lifestyle" is wrong. And now he's trying to blame Phil for his problems

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson 'made me feel unsafe' gay Louisiana student says in open letter | Mail Online

A closeted gay student living in West Monroe, Louisiana has written a powerful essay, criticizing the town's most famous residents - Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson.

Robertson made headlines after issuing homophobic comments in a GQ article, at one point comparing gay sex to bestiality, which got him put on suspension by the A&E network. But the network announced yesterday that they would be reinstating Robertson to the show, who so far has remained unapologetic about the comments.

In an essay posted on Times-Picuyne columnist Robert Mann's blog, the communications student writes that Robertson probably didn't mean to hurt anyone with his statements, he nonetheless created a hostile environment.

'He encouraged - hopefully unintentionally - a two-week-long "fag bashing" in Monroe and around the world. He made me feel unsafe in my own home. I can't count how many times I heard "faggot" over the Christmas visit home.'

more in link
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You may have read the bible, but clearly did not understand what you read.

The rest of your hate filled posts just goes to show how cherry picking is the favorite of the unenlightened.

To quote Mark Twain, it's not the parts of the bible I don't understand that trouble me, it's the parts that I understand perfectly well.

Now, I get the bible just fine. The Old Testament books were written by Bronze Age savages who believed that every force of nature - storms, plagues, pestilence, etc - was the will of an angry sky diety. The New Testament books were written by slightly more enlightened Iron Age savages who had concepts of an afterlife.

But frankly, no, this was a book written by savages for savages.
Given football is increasingly dominated by tatooed thugs, I really don't watch it at all.

But hey, you bring up a good point. So God is all about fixing a football game, but can't save starving children in Africa? Hmmmmm....

If there's a God up there, I'm sure he has time for both...

Then why doesn't he?
I dunno. I left my Ability-to-Explain-the-Universe powers in my other coat.
Given football is increasingly dominated by tatooed thugs, I really don't watch it at all.

But hey, you bring up a good point. So God is all about fixing a football game, but can't save starving children in Africa? Hmmmmm....

If there's a God up there, I'm sure he has time for both...

Then why doesn't he?

Because God is not a genie whose purpose is to serve the slightest wish.
If there's a God up there, I'm sure he has time for both...

Then why doesn't he?
I dunno. I left my Ability-to-Explain-the-Universe powers in my other coat.

In trying to understand God's purposes, it helps (note, it only *helps*) to keep in mind that His is an eternal perspective. To Him, death is not a punishment but a transition to what we were made to be; with Him. We so often get caught up in the perspective of this life we forget that this is not the eternal perspective God has and so we often get disappointed or angry with His response or lack thereof.

Also, sometimes we don't really want or need the things we pray for. But God has answered so many of my prayers that were one in a million of happening, and I have seen miracles with my own eyes so that I no longer doubt if but only why.

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