A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

If that was the motivation they were idiots. They are, and will be, lucky if they don't lose the show to another network. Events have proven that A&E needs the Robertsons far more than the Robertsons need A&E.
That was my impression as well.

I'm guessing that they're already shopping for a new network, to either (1) buy them out of their present contract or (2) to pick them up, the second the present one expires.

I, too, believe that they inflicted far more harm upon themselves than they did good, and that this is just what it looks like... A&E stupidly overreacting in fear of the Gay Lobby and getting their teeth kicked-in on public opinion by mainstream America, then back-pedaling as best they could when it became clear that America was not on its side in the matter.

Let's put the motivation where it belongs: both of those moves would have been driven by their advertisers. Money has no principles.

I really doubt the Robertson family care to shop themselves somewhere else. The drama is all in here in the blogosphere, not in the swamp. I'm still incredulous that a reality TV show got this much attention or warranted 186 threads. :disbelief:

You may have read the bible, but clearly did not understand what you read.

The rest of your hate filled posts just goes to show how cherry picking is the favorite of the unenlightened.

To quote Mark Twain, it's not the parts of the bible I don't understand that trouble me, it's the parts that I understand perfectly well.

Now, I get the bible just fine. The Old Testament books were written by Bronze Age savages who believed that every force of nature - storms, plagues, pestilence, etc - was the will of an angry sky diety. The New Testament books were written by slightly more enlightened Iron Age savages who had concepts of an afterlife.

But frankly, no, this was a book written by savages for savages.

And the far left is more interested in propaganda/talking points than facts.
Reading the responses I can see why a Gay person would feel threatened. The homophobia caused by the uneducated/ignorant/douche BAG posters, whom are the largest viewers of the Duck Fucks is sad.

Because we all know that words on a computer screen that you can turn off is real persecution. :lol:

That's true. Most of the homophobic people talking a big game on here are probably too chicken shit to do or say most of this in real life. Thanks for pointing that out!
Joe, I see your remarks as disrespectful and downright hostile towards People of Faith, and their beliefs. I'm not gonna go there with you; at least not in this forum. Instead, I will merely state that I fully support Phil's legal and spiritual right to formulate and express such opinions about homosexuality based upon the venerable and time-honored teachings and religious beliefs of his Judeo-Christian ancestors and present-day positions of that belief-system.

Okay, let's suppose Phil was burning witches, and realize how ridiculous what you just said sounds. Let's pretend that Phil is Cotton Mather.

"Instead, I will merely state that I fully support Cotton's legal and spiritual right to formulate and express such opinions about witch-burning based upon the venerable and time-honored teachings and religious beliefs of his Judeo-Christian ancestors and present-day positions of that belief-system."

Okay, see how absurd it sounds now?

Is the far left capable of presenting an argument without the extremist propaganda?
A&E didn't cave. It was a publicity stunt to get viewers. Of course they were never going to permanently suspend the guy and fully alienate their core viewers. And since their core viewers are morons that are too stupid to hold a grudge and not watch; they'll get away with it.

Yes it is looking like a publicity stunt and the far left is still up in arms about and wants to silence anyone who does not conform to their microscopic view of the world.
A&E didn't cave. It was a publicity stunt to get viewers. Of course they were never going to permanently suspend the guy and fully alienate their core viewers. And since their core viewers are morons that are too stupid to hold a grudge and not watch; they'll get away with it.

You really shouldn't project your contempt for Americans, and complete dishonesty onto A+E since their behavior of playing the PC fascist was reprehensible enough and there was firm evidence for that, unlike your presumptive bullshit.
If that was the motivation they were idiots. They are, and will be, lucky if they don't lose the show to another network. Events have proven that A&E needs the Robertsons far more than the Robertsons need A&E.

I suspect that the Robertsons have already decided to move their show and maybe this prompted A+E to cave.

I hope A+E collapses from their own contempt for freedom of faith and religion.
If that was the motivation they were idiots. They are, and will be, lucky if they don't lose the show to another network. Events have proven that A&E needs the Robertsons far more than the Robertsons need A&E.
That was my impression as well.

I'm guessing that they're already shopping for a new network, to either (1) buy them out of their present contract or (2) to pick them up, the second the present one expires.

I, too, believe that they inflicted far more harm upon themselves than they did good, and that this is just what it looks like... A&E stupidly overreacting in fear of the Gay Lobby and getting their teeth kicked-in on public opinion by mainstream America, then back-pedaling as best they could when it became clear that America was not on its side in the matter.

Let's put the motivation where it belongs: both of those moves would have been driven by their advertisers. Money has no principles.

I really doubt the Robertson family care to shop themselves somewhere else. The drama is all in here in the blogosphere, not in the swamp. I'm still incredulous that a reality TV show got this much attention or warranted 186 threads. :disbelief:

Wow, so given your insistence that the Robertson aren't leaving this virtually proves for a solid fact that they ARE in fact planning to move.
"Instead, I will merely state that I fully support Cotton's legal and spiritual right to formulate and express such opinions about witch-burning based upon the venerable and time-honored teachings and religious beliefs of his Judeo-Christian ancestors and present-day positions of that belief-system."

Okay, see how absurd it sounds now?
The Church stopped trying and executing Witches because it had erroneously killed thousands of people - due to its inability to prove such a status.

The Church has no such problem of identification with respect to homosexuals.

And the detrimental and negative macro-level effects of homosexuality upon society are just as legitimately real and dangerous today as they were 3000 or 4000 years ago.

In your example, you serve-up a questionable and non-demonstrable status (witch) and impact (harmful effects of witchcraft), and I, too, would join alongside those who question, and would not utter such rationalizations.

In Phil's example, he served-up a traditional and still largely-dominant condemnation of aberrant sexual practices and lifestyle which may be associated with a variety of licentious and degenerate aftereffects and impacts upon society at large.

It's an apples-and-oranges situation.

Even if it were not - and it is - I would joyfully play the 'Cafeteria Centrist' and cherry-pick-and-choose the situations for which such scrutiny should apply and those for which such scrutiny should be jettisoned. There's a touch of hypocrisy in that, but we all have a touch of that within us someplace, on some issue or another, and I'm just fine with that.

A couple of points here.

How could they have identified witches in error, when the HOLY BIBLE said there were witches?

How could the bible be wrong on what was a FAIRLY IMPORTANT point?

Also, what "detrimental effects" of homosexuality, other than, "I think it's icky" are there?

(I can't wait to hear this one.)

Just because you and Phil have sexual hangups, don't put it off on the rest of us.

Frankly, I've known a lot of gays who were really decent people.

I've known a lot of "Christians" who were the most backstabbing, lying mother-fuckers I've ever met in my life. Mormons being the worst offenders.
"Instead, I will merely state that I fully support Cotton's legal and spiritual right to formulate and express such opinions about witch-burning based upon the venerable and time-honored teachings and religious beliefs of his Judeo-Christian ancestors and present-day positions of that belief-system."

Okay, see how absurd it sounds now?
The Church stopped trying and executing Witches because it had erroneously killed thousands of people - due to its inability to prove such a status.

The Church has no such problem of identification with respect to homosexuals.

And the detrimental and negative macro-level effects of homosexuality upon society are just as legitimately real and dangerous today as they were 3000 or 4000 years ago.

In your example, you serve-up a questionable and non-demonstrable status (witch) and impact (harmful effects of witchcraft), and I, too, would join alongside those who question, and would not utter such rationalizations.

In Phil's example, he served-up a traditional and still largely-dominant condemnation of aberrant sexual practices and lifestyle which may be associated with a variety of licentious and degenerate aftereffects and impacts upon society at large.

It's an apples-and-oranges situation.

Even if it were not - and it is - I would joyfully play the 'Cafeteria Centrist' and cherry-pick-and-choose the situations for which such scrutiny should apply and those for which such scrutiny should be jettisoned. There's a touch of hypocrisy in that, but we all have a touch of that within us someplace, on some issue or another, and I'm just fine with that.

A couple of points here.

How could they have identified witches in error, when the HOLY BIBLE said there were witches?

How could the bible be wrong on what was a FAIRLY IMPORTANT point?

Also, what "detrimental effects" of homosexuality, other than, "I think it's icky" are there?

(I can't wait to hear this one.)

Just because you and Phil have sexual hangups, don't put it off on the rest of us.

Frankly, I've known a lot of gays who were really decent people.

I've known a lot of "Christians" who were the most backstabbing, lying mother-fuckers I've ever met in my life. Mormons being the worst offenders.

Nature rejects homesexuels Joe. Its not just theological books. I will 100% agree with you on the back stabbing christians. The bible adresses them many times. In short, they are fakes. As for Phil, who cares ? How is whathe said a surprise at all ? As for A&E caveing, how is that any shock ? The audiance likely agrees with phil. If gay people don't like phil, they need only not watch that show. This is America after all. Happy New Year.

Nature rejects homesexuels Joe. Its not just theological books. I will 100% agree with you on the back stabbing christians. The bible adresses them many times. In short, they are fakes. As for Phil, who cares ? How is whathe said a surprise at all ? As for A&E caveing, how is that any shock ? The audiance likely agrees with phil. If gay people don't like phil, they need only not watch that show. This is America after all. Happy New Year.

One more time.

There is homosexuality in nature.

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What animals don't do is all get their bibles out and condemn the animal that did a gay thing one day.

The bible says that there are witches (we now know there aren't), that the world is flat (we now know it's round) and so on. In short, the bible was wrong about a lot of things.

Again, for A&E caving, you also know that they are going to damn well control every interview and speaking engagement this guy does to make sure this subject never comes up again until the contract runs out.
The Church stopped trying and executing Witches because it had erroneously killed thousands of people - due to its inability to prove such a status.

The Church has no such problem of identification with respect to homosexuals.

And the detrimental and negative macro-level effects of homosexuality upon society are just as legitimately real and dangerous today as they were 3000 or 4000 years ago.

In your example, you serve-up a questionable and non-demonstrable status (witch) and impact (harmful effects of witchcraft), and I, too, would join alongside those who question, and would not utter such rationalizations.

In Phil's example, he served-up a traditional and still largely-dominant condemnation of aberrant sexual practices and lifestyle which may be associated with a variety of licentious and degenerate aftereffects and impacts upon society at large.

It's an apples-and-oranges situation.

Even if it were not - and it is - I would joyfully play the 'Cafeteria Centrist' and cherry-pick-and-choose the situations for which such scrutiny should apply and those for which such scrutiny should be jettisoned. There's a touch of hypocrisy in that, but we all have a touch of that within us someplace, on some issue or another, and I'm just fine with that.

A couple of points here.

How could they have identified witches in error, when the HOLY BIBLE said there were witches?

How could the bible be wrong on what was a FAIRLY IMPORTANT point?

Also, what "detrimental effects" of homosexuality, other than, "I think it's icky" are there?

(I can't wait to hear this one.)

Just because you and Phil have sexual hangups, don't put it off on the rest of us.

Frankly, I've known a lot of gays who were really decent people.

I've known a lot of "Christians" who were the most backstabbing, lying mother-fuckers I've ever met in my life. Mormons being the worst offenders.

Nature rejects homesexuels Joe. Its not just theological books. I will 100% agree with you on the back stabbing christians. The bible adresses them many times. In short, they are fakes. As for Phil, who cares ? How is whathe said a surprise at all ? As for A&E caveing, how is that any shock ? The audiance likely agrees with phil. If gay people don't like phil, they need only not watch that show. This is America after all. Happy New Year.

Yep.......all the PC gayness is being exposed as fringe sentiments only. Its not the way the country thinks.

These people need to buckle up their chinstraps and join the real world instead of knocking themselves out trying to reinvent it. Nobody cares.

So glad to see PCness getting its nut sack smashed here at the end of 2013.


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