A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

Spambot desperately wants someone to pay attention to it.

My posts do have a way of making your head pop, huh????!!!!!

LOL.....s0n, its miserable, angry fucks like you in here that keep me coming back!!:lol:

Because I ALWAYS publicly humiliate your sorry ass!!!! Like in this case for example........an overwhelming majority of people are thrilled that Robertson is back = PCNess is gay......and fringe!!!

68% - 32%

Poll - 'Duck Dynasty' Phil Robertson decision - The Denver Post

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Nature rejects homesexuels Joe. Its not just theological books. I will 100% agree with you on the back stabbing christians. The bible adresses them many times. In short, they are fakes. As for Phil, who cares ? How is whathe said a surprise at all ? As for A&E caveing, how is that any shock ? The audiance likely agrees with phil. If gay people don't like phil, they need only not watch that show. This is America after all. Happy New Year.

One more time.

There is homosexuality in nature.

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What animals don't do is all get their bibles out and condemn the animal that did a gay thing one day.

The bible says that there are witches (we now know there aren't), that the world is flat (we now know it's round) and so on. In short, the bible was wrong about a lot of things.

Again, for A&E caving, you also know that they are going to damn well control every interview and speaking engagement this guy does to make sure this subject never comes up again until the contract runs out.

There is also murder, rape shitting on the floor and all manner of things. In nature, homosexual acts are done in order to dominate, or in order that defective animals don't breed. After all, all that matters in the animal kingdom is survival, and the continuation of the genes. As for condemning gays, its not only the bible that does this. Homosexuality is not healty mentally, or physically. That's not the bible saying that either.
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Oh, and the bible don't hate on gay people. It hates on the act. Jesus wants the gay people to. If I were to object to anything Phil had to say (or not) it would be that right there.
The biggest threat to gayboys is their lifestyles. They don't live normal life spans because of it. Even if you think aids medications can keep you alive forever, it ignores the other STDs, such as the ever increasing epidemic of anal cancer, and ignores the fact that the anti retrivirals DESTROYS your liver.
Oh, and the bible don't hate on gay people. It hates on the act. Jesus wants the gay people to. If I were to object to anything Phil had to say (or not) it would be that right there.

The bible calls for killing them.

Something Jesus never contradicted. (Just like he never contradicted the slavery or witch-killing stuff...)

And gays were executed for being gay up until fairly recently. In some countries, they still are.
Oh, and the bible don't hate on gay people. It hates on the act. Jesus wants the gay people to. If I were to object to anything Phil had to say (or not) it would be that right there.

The bible calls for killing them.

Something Jesus never contradicted. (Just like he never contradicted the slavery or witch-killing stuff...)

And gays were executed for being gay up until fairly recently. In some countries, they still are.

It does, it also calls for killing thievs, those who commit adultry, and many other offences that are pretty normal today. And the people who commited thees offences were judged by the law, which is perfect, but if 99% if all you you bible haters would just make a small effort to have a clue, you would see bmw ignorant you are on the topic. As for gays being exicuted, remove theology from the picture all together and let's go back to being animals again. Healthy animals kill the defective ones when they don't kill them selves. To your way of thinking, as well as many others, killing homosexuals ( among others) should be perfectly normal right ? Man, science and reality are cruel. Oh, and Jesus wants the witches to. Not dead, but alive and with him.
Oh, and the bible don't hate on gay people. It hates on the act. Jesus wants the gay people to. If I were to object to anything Phil had to say (or not) it would be that right there.

The bible calls for killing them.

Something Jesus never contradicted. (Just like he never contradicted the slavery or witch-killing stuff...)

And gays were executed for being gay up until fairly recently. In some countries, they still are.

But s0n.....you continue to display the political IQ of a small soap dish >>>

Poll - 'Duck Dynasty' Phil Robertson decision - The Denver Post

Didn't you ever hear the "opinions are like assholes.....".... saying??:lol:
Oh, and the bible don't hate on gay people. It hates on the act. Jesus wants the gay people to. If I were to object to anything Phil had to say (or not) it would be that right there.

The bible calls for killing them.

Something Jesus never contradicted. (Just like he never contradicted the slavery or witch-killing stuff...)

And gays were executed for being gay up until fairly recently. In some countries, they still are.

It does, it also calls for killing thievs, those who commit adultry, and many other offences that are pretty normal today. And the people who commited thees offences were judged by the law, which is perfect, but if 99% if all you you bible haters would just make a small effort to have a clue, you would see bmw ignorant you are on the topic. As for gays being exicuted, remove theology from the picture all together and let's go back to being animals again. Healthy animals kill the defective ones when they don't kill them selves. To your way of thinking, as well as many others, killing homosexuals ( among others) should be perfectly normal right ? Man, science and reality are cruel. Oh, and Jesus wants the witches to. Not dead, but alive and with him.

I think you are kind of stretching, but I don't know if I have the patients to untangle this knot this early in the morning.

So much like Alexander using his sword to cut the Gordian Knot, I'll try this.

The people who wrote the Bible were Bronze Age Savages, and their laws and beliefs reflect that. They didn't understand science or where the sun went at night and had no concept of correlation not being causality.

They punished sinners, things got better, they concluded the sky man was happy.
The bible calls for killing them.

Something Jesus never contradicted. (Just like he never contradicted the slavery or witch-killing stuff...)

And gays were executed for being gay up until fairly recently. In some countries, they still are.

It does, it also calls for killing thievs, those who commit adultry, and many other offences that are pretty normal today. And the people who commited thees offences were judged by the law, which is perfect, but if 99% if all you you bible haters would just make a small effort to have a clue, you would see bmw ignorant you are on the topic. As for gays being exicuted, remove theology from the picture all together and let's go back to being animals again. Healthy animals kill the defective ones when they don't kill them selves. To your way of thinking, as well as many others, killing homosexuals ( among others) should be perfectly normal right ? Man, science and reality are cruel. Oh, and Jesus wants the witches to. Not dead, but alive and with him.

I think you are kind of stretching, but I don't know if I have the patients to untangle this knot this early in the morning.

So much like Alexander using his sword to cut the Gordian Knot, I'll try this.

The people who wrote the Bible were Bronze Age Savages, and their laws and beliefs reflect that. They didn't understand science or where the sun went at night and had no concept of correlation not being causality.

They punished sinners, things got better, they concluded the sky man was happy.

Fail. Bronze age saveges is old and you have used it on like 50 message boards in about 2,000 posts on each. Try harder and I MAY use spell check.

George Zimmerman, the NRA, obamacare, and now Mr.Robertson. The libs have taken a beating this year!

as of yesterday you righties took a beating on Benghazi it was about the video ... when A&E start losing their ads because of Robertson then thing will happen ... I predict duck dynasty will be canceled by the end of 2014 ...
It was just as true now as the first time I said it.

The reality is, you aren't burning witches or stoning people for working yesterday, so you've concluded these laws are as barbaric as I have.

You just want the parts you like to still be true.

In fact, modern Christianity has been softened like a Disney Movie. Maybe we need "Walt Disney's the Bible" where they just take out all the ugly stuff. It'd be a pretty short book, then.
It was just as true now as the first time I said it.

The reality is, you aren't burning witches or stoning people for working yesterday, so you've concluded these laws are as barbaric as I have.

You just want the parts you like to still be true.

In fact, modern Christianity has been softened like a Disney Movie. Maybe we need "Walt Disney's the Bible" where they just take out all the ugly stuff. It'd be a pretty short book, then.

No, not really. I'm a word of God type Christian. And there is a reason clearly stated in the bible why I don't kill violators of the law. The ugly stuff is in the bible for a reason. I'll tell ya all about it one day if you want. But you and most who comment on it, even Phil don't have a clue what they are talking about when it comes to scripture. Oh, and its okay to work on Sunday Joe. Oxen in the well and all.
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George Zimmerman, the NRA, obamacare, and now Mr.Robertson. The libs have taken a beating this year!

as of yesterday you righties took a beating on Benghazi it was about the video ... when A&E start losing their ads because of Robertson then thing will happen ... I predict duck dynasty will be canceled by the end of 2014 ...

You know the advertisers said they were ready to pull all advertising from the entire A&E network if Phil was not reinstated don't you? That was part of the consideration that A&E used when deciding to reinstate him. The NYT article about Benghazi has already been proved to be a fraud. Aside from Benghazi and sticking to the subject, can you name an advertiser that you think will stop advertising on A&E over Duck Dynasty?
Reading the responses I can see why a Gay person would feel threatened. The homophobia caused by the uneducated/ignorant/douche BAG posters, whom are the largest viewers of the Duck Fucks is sad.

Because we all know that words on a computer screen that you can turn off is real persecution. :lol:

In principle I agree with this. But nowadays, with how wired-in people are, what happens online can to them be just as real as something out n about. Thus why kids 'bullied online' commit suicide.
He thinks Phil Robertson is going to come into his home. Phil Robertson threatened his life. So, go to the police. He's really no different than Miriam Carey who believed that obama was out to get her. Or Paul Ciancia who thought TSA agents were out to get him. The man who wrote this is mentally ill. He is delusional. He is the kind of person who become a mass murderer.

Reading his anal leakage, what his gripe really is, his parents quite correctly reject his lifestyle as normal. His boyfriend is not welcome in his parents' home. He not only wants his parents to change, he wants to control the Church as well. He cannot control everyone else. This is his madness. He just wants everyone to do what he wants to do. Love me, want me, be nice to me. This is what gays will not get, no matter how many laws they do get.
Stuff like this is why people is having less sympathy for homosexuals

their whine is getting tiring and always playing a victim
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