A Female President {KING}

Margaret Thatcher smashed the Union stranglehold on Britain's industry, took war to the IRA, kept a keen eye on who was passing through our borders, unleashed the S.A.S on whoever threatened us, recaptured the Falklands, kept her foot firmly on the EU's throat and boosted our economy. She's also reported to have wept when she learnt of HMS Ark Royal's sale for scrap. She was the last Prime Minister who had any loyalty to the soil she was born on; and Blair, Cameron & Co. aren't fit to have cleaned her shoes.
Never seemed to be a problem for Margaret Thatcher when she was British Prime Minister of course how effective you are depends on the image you project to the world.

Previous female heads of state like Benizer Bhutto, Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi did well and current ones like Angela Merkel seem to be doing OK.

Three of these at least - I'm not sure about Bhutto - are heads of government, not heads of state. One of the USA's problems is that it combines the two functions in one person. Take my advice: split them. You will be so pleased you listened to me.
Never seemed to be a problem for Margaret Thatcher when she was British Prime Minister of course how effective you are depends on the image you project to the world.

Previous female heads of state like Benizer Bhutto, Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi did well and current ones like Angela Merkel seem to be doing OK.

Three of these at least - I'm not sure about Bhutto - are heads of government, not heads of state. One of the USA's problems is that it combines the two functions in one person. Take my advice: split them. You will be so pleased you listened to me.

I stand corrected.
hildbeast should come out of the closet, she could be the first dyke president
All of the world may not respect men who have a woman as their leader.

The woman-hating part of the world hate women even more now because they know female leaders can kick their asses just as easily as male leaders.

The lot out on the reactionary right sound simply stupid
Women Heads of State

Park Geun-hye - South Korea
Joyce Banda - Malawi
Atifete Jahjaga -Kosovo
Dilma Rousseff - Brazil
Laura Chinchilla - Costa Rica
Dalia Grybauskaitė - Lithuania
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner - Argentina
Pratibha Patil - India
Michelle Bachelet - Chile
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf - Liberia
Megawati Sukarnoputri - Indonesia
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo - Philippines
Mireya Moscoso - Panama
Tarja Kaarina Halonen - Finland
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga - Latvia
Mary McAleese - Ireland
Chandrika Kumaratunga - Sir Lanka
Mary Robinson - Ireland

List of elected and appointed female heads of state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm all for a female POTUS...just not Hillary. Anyone who says "What difference does it make?" in regards to a terrorist attack that resulted in 4 dead Americans, one of whom was an Ambassador, belongs in the unemployment office and not the Oval Office.
How will having a female president effect us internationally and in foreign policy? All of the world may not respect men who have a woman as their leader.

What do you think?


Been pleanty of female heads-of-state. I'm more interested in how a female US President's husband will be referred to. Talk about getting emasculated. "Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States and First Husband..." :) The late night guys are gonna have a field day. :)

Only if she's elected......which I seriously doubt will ever happen.

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