A Female President {KING}

Besides South Korea, are any of those countries actively involved with America in our wars, trade, etc?

I think only Latvia and Lithuania are allies of the US. IE members of NATO. But all of them trade with the US.

de Kirchner of Argentina is living proof that a female head of government can be every bit as bad as a male.
Today, we have to deal with our foes just about as much as we deal with our friends which changes about as often as the wind blows.
How will having a female president effect us internationally and in foreign policy? All of the world may not respect men who have a woman as their leader.

What do you think?


I have absolutely no respect for Hillary, why would any world leader?

Do you just stupid stuff to be heard? She is respected worldwide. All the polls say that

Lol, only in your alleged mind.
I would be fine with a woman as president. As long as she is the most qualified person on the ballot. What I don't want is a repeat of getting our first black president because he was just black and getting the most incompetent piece of sh*t of my lifetime in office because of skin color. I'm all for a woman president, but not because she has a pussy, she needs to have the skills required for the job.
We don't have women of the necessary caliber. Women leaders like Angela Merkle, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, Indira Gandi, even Queen Victoria just don't grow here.
We don't have women of the necessary caliber. Women leaders like Angela Merkle, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, Indira Gandi, even Queen Victoria just don't grow here.

They do grow here. The media and the democrats do their best to make sure they are beat down and can't get anywhere. The war on women isn't a conservative thing it's the liberals. They really don't like strong women with their own opinions, or blacks, hispanics or anyone else for that matter. And far too many low information people listen to these left wing idiots.
How will having a female president effect us internationally and in foreign policy? All of the world may not respect men who have a woman as their leader.

What do you think?


I would have no problem with a woman, black, hispanic etc being the President (the only exception is a Muslim and esp ARAB President that is a HUGE no-no), however, it has a to a be a qualified woman, black, hispanic etc. Hiliary Clinton the liar and moron is not that woman.

Eventually after serving time in the House Mia Love would be a great candidate. I would vote and love to see Condi Rice in the White House. On the black side, Herman Cain would be the best candidate regardless. Allen West in the man and of course I will vote for Ted Cruz!
A female president.

I'm not trying to funny. I am seriously asking.....what about P.M.S.?

If what they say is true, is it safe to have the leader going through P.M.S. once a month?

I'm just asking...

I doubt that she does at her age. Palin likely would though.
A female president.

I'm not trying to funny. I am seriously asking.....what about P.M.S.?

If what they say is true, is it safe to have the leader going through P.M.S. once a month?

I'm just asking...

I'm sure the Clinton well is dry and barren. How else do we explain Monica?
It's probably been said before, but electing a black president didn't do us any favors.
She isn't any less qualified that our current president, that's for sure.

While I don't care for Obama of Clinton, we really haven't a very qualified president in a long time. In fairness, not much can prepare you for that job. The reason I mentioned Bush Sr. is because he was at least a congressman, director of the CIA, and vice-president before being elected president. Nobody else's qualifications in recent years quite stack up to that.
In truth, having served in Federal Government should be a dis-qualifier.

That's what they said when carter was elected.
The poor will always vote Democrat and the poor will always be poor. Blacks, over 90% voted black, are still black. Odumbo has done nothing for them. He's a neighborhood organizer from Acorn that made his living off the backs of poor blacks getting grants from taxpayers, just like Jackson and the rest of the whiny crowd. Now, because dumbo can't run again, they want ol' Hillary to take over and continue with the government handouts. What a lovely pic of ol' Hillary, post one of the ugly bitch pounding the table over Benghazi. Can't blame Slick Willy for wandering eyes. :)

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