A Few Metaphysical Riddles I Was Trying To Solve.....

Yes, cool song. (and a funny rejoinder) I remember it well and so we seem to connect on the underground music scene of decades past.

But I ask --- where do you get all your confidence? It truly astounds me. God gives us so many signs and wonders, and what does the skeptic do? Why he runs into his lab and struggles and strains to find a counter explanation for the phenomenon before his eyes. Or, he sweeps every eye witness aside at any event as totally unreliable.

At least... that is how I see it in so many cases. Not all, but surely with most who pride themselves in intellectual skills.

You say, "God gives us so many signs and wonders". I ask, what sign or wonder has God ever given you in your entire life? You read about other people who claimed to see the sun dance around in the sky or claimed healing because they splashed around in water where children supposedly spoke with the virgin Mary and you think that is somehow validation for your worship of a trinity that became a man that you eat in the form of a lifeless matzoh for spiritual life??

Did you ever stop for a minute to think about these signs you claim are from God? The sun moved around in the sky? Really? Statues cry blood? really?

When Jesus appeared to his disciples was it on a grilled cheese sandwich?

Where do I get my confidence? Give me a break....

When did you lose your mind?

Well there is no sense in repeating myself. You can reference Post #80 in the attached thread.

The Church And The Origins Of Western Civilization Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You say, "God gives us so many signs and wonders". I ask, what sign or wonder has God ever given you in your entire life? You read about other people who claimed to see the sun dance around in the sky or claimed healing because they splashed around in water where children supposedly spoke with the virgin Mary and you think that is somehow validation for your worship of a trinity that became a man that you eat in the form of a lifeless matzoh for spiritual life??

Did you ever stop for a minute to think about these signs you claim are from God? The sun moved around in the sky? Really? Statues cry blood? really?

When Jesus appeared to his disciples was it on a grilled cheese sandwich?

Where do I get my confidence? Give me a break....

When did you lose your mind?

Well there is no sense in repeating myself. You can reference Post #80 in the attached thread.

The Church And The Origins Of Western Civilization Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


I read the post and it did not answer even one of the questions that I asked you.

Care to try again?

What sign or wonder has God ever given you personally in your entire life? has God ever spoken a single word to you? Any visions? Prophetic dreams? Miracles?

How does what other people claim to have experienced justify or validate your professed belief in a coequal triune god that diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father that you worship in the form of a lifeless matzoh made by human hands and eat for spiritual life?


I'm sorry but the testimony of 70,000 people who claimed to have witnessed a celestial miracle who also claim that God can be handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food doesn't carry any weight.

They were out of their minds and on the verge of hysteria from the get go....
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You say, "God gives us so many signs and wonders". I ask, what sign or wonder has God ever given you in your entire life? You read about other people who claimed to see the sun dance around in the sky or claimed healing because they splashed around in water where children supposedly spoke with the virgin Mary and you think that is somehow validation for your worship of a trinity that became a man that you eat in the form of a lifeless matzoh for spiritual life??

Did you ever stop for a minute to think about these signs you claim are from God? The sun moved around in the sky? Really? Statues cry blood? really?

When Jesus appeared to his disciples was it on a grilled cheese sandwich?

Where do I get my confidence? Give me a break....

When did you lose your mind?

Well there is no sense in repeating myself. You can reference Post #80 in the attached thread.

The Church And The Origins Of Western Civilization Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


I read the post and it did not answer even one of the questions that I asked you.

Care to try again?

What sign or wonder has God ever given you personally in your entire life? has God ever spoken a single word to you? Any visions? Prophetic dreams? Miracles?

How does what other people claim to have experienced justify or validate your professed belief in a coequal triune god that diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father that you worship in the form of a lifeless matzoh made by human hands and eat for spiritual life?


I'm sorry but the testimony of 70,000 people who claimed to have witnessed a celestial miracle who also claim that God can be handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food doesn't carry any weight.

They were out of their minds and on the verge of hysteria from the get go....

Well it seems to me you are the one not trying, not me. But perhaps you are and I just cannot comprehend the barriers to what clearly appears to me to be very obvious supernatural signs from God.

Yes, I have been given personal manifestations. I choose not to disclose them here, but why would that make a difference to you since your criteria demands it be given to you personally or you reject what anyone else has experienced?

You dismiss Fatima way too easily. You may as well start a campaign and say that George Washington never existed since you never met him and we have no photographs of him. Are you sure you are not scoffing off these manifestations (well documented) because you are set against wanting them to be real?

As far as God so deeming that Jesus would be present in the consecrated bread and wine at the mass --- since you won't accept that because it sounds too corny to you, are you not essentially telling God he is no wiser or cleverer than yourself and he must meet you on your terms or forget it?
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As far as God so deeming that Jesus would be present in the consecrated bread and wine at the mass --- since you won't accept that because it sounds too corny to you, are you not essentially telling God he is no wiser or cleverer than yourself and he must meet you on your terms or forget it?

You misunderstood. Go figure.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

To Jesus and his disciples, "the nations" were the enemy.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

Take this cup of wine and drink from it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Just art thou in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."


If the sun zoomed in and out and spun around like a wobbling top the earth and the entire solar system would have been destroyed.

You claim to believe that God can be handed out like a cheap snack food that has no life and can be eaten by humans for spiritual life.

Is it too hard to believe that they might have misinterpreted whatever they saw or had gone completely mad from all the irrational confusion that has addled their minds and perverts everything they think see hear and feel?

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