A few questions about the middle east and Africa


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
A few questions

1# Will the middle east and Africa ever not be slaughtering each other?
2# Will those places ever become places of innovation and advancement?
3# When will islam strive to become what it was during the 8th-10th century?
4# What Africa nation will have low poverty(under 10%)?
1.) Most countries in those two regions are not slaughtering each other. Some never have since independence (Botswana for example). Violence is in part an issue of economic development and a result of the weak institutions. Thus economic development overtime can help alleviate the potential for conflict. there are other issues of course such as geographical and resource curse related items, but that just makes it harder to escape conflict traps.

2.) They already are.

3.) I hope not.

4.) Mauritius, which already has a poverty rate below 10%

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