A formal retraction and apology (Rush Limbaugh)


oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

You can say that Limbaugh is fat and talks too much. There is a lot of proof of that.

He reported this week that he has lost 65 pounds and weighs 225 now and is continuing to lose additional weight. Once again you show your ignorance about Rush, he talks for a living and has made close to a BILLION dollars doing it........ how much have you made doing the same....... jealous much? I would have no problem putting money on him in a debate with any clown on the left........ Olberfuror?? Rush would kick his ass in politics and sports. Unlike you, I have actually listened to his show very regularly for over a decade, my opinion on him is easily more knowledgeable than yours. I hated him for the first few weeks but my Father was a big fan so I continued to listen and then started understanding his humor. People that say he is arrogant have no clue about him, it's an act, he is actually very humble. I have heard him enough when the right person calls to compliment him and can tell how embarrassed he gets from the adoration. I listened to him through the death or his Father and the loss of his hearing, he isn't at all like the bullshit label people give him, they are merely parroting what they have heard his enemies say....... so typically unoriginal. I laugh everyday during his show, Dennis Miller is the only other person that gets me to do that.

Quick, call me something original like a Ditto Head (none of you even have a clue what that's about).
Even back in his HIPPIE days as Jeff Christie he was "chubby."

People that say he is arrogant have no clue about him, it's an act, he is actually very humble. I have heard him enough when the right person calls to compliment him and can tell how embarrassed he gets from the adoration.

Well, at least you admit he's a phony, but is the arrogance the act or the humility?

Democrats Skunked Again on Iraq
September 13, 2007
RUSH: I want to pause here for a second. I want to talk to you a little bit about human nature. I want to talk to you about arrogance and cockiness, the feeling of superiority, feeling of being the smartest guy, smartest person in the room. Those are characteristics that apply like glue to today's Democrat Party, and especially its leaders.

Rush Addresses Democrat Women
May 22, 2008
RUSH: I don't have a college degree and look at me, one of the most brilliant people in the country.

McCain's Envirowacko Agenda: an Example of Why Republicans Lose
May 14, 2008
RUSH: Yesterday I speculated, I wondered allowed, how can it be that somebody who's been in the US Senate for whatever number of years, the House before that, now running for president, knows 10% of what I know about something? How can this be? And not just McCain.

Global Warming Update
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

Gee, how could anyone consider LimpBoy SEXIST after his "Spirited Defense of Women."

Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
September 24, 2007
RUSH: Like I have my iPhone or I have my computer. It's not enough for me to be able to use it. I want to know how it works so if something goes wrong I can fix it, or I can describe to the tech what it's doing wrong so he can fix it fast. Women don't care. It better come on when you turn it on, and if it doesn't, there will be hell to pay. There won't be any curiosity about why it doesn't work. There will just be anger.

RUSH: By the way, this spirited defense of women that I just gave, when it was a woman that said, "Yeah, men are smarter," what I did was a spirited defense of women.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
Story #6: Women Without Men Favor Obama Over McCain
July 22, 2008
RUSH: But if single, divorced, separated, and widowed women -- in other words, women without men -- support Obama over McCain 61-29%, does this prove that when men are around, women get smarter and that when men leave, women get stupid? I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

Despicable Sally Quinn Slams Palin
September 3, 2008
CALLER: And the women are confused, they're confused. They don't know why they're even doing what they're doing.

RUSH: No, they're not confused at all. They have a plan. They are out to destroy traditional values that have defined this country's greatness. They're angry. They're not confused. They're angry as they can be. They've been left out. They're angry at a whole bunch of things, the whole left, whether it's women, whether it's the civil rights coalitions, they're just enraged, they're angry all the time.

Just pretend you understand what SATIRE means and re-read Limbaughs quotes.....
No, that won't work...

You actually have to understand (for real) what SATIRE IS to give context to Limbaughs quotes....

oh, someone recently asked why I've always considered Limbaugh an arrogant, sexist, racist ass. When i went to find specific example of his word- I found that none of them are ever cited and noone seems to have audio or video of the alleged remarks (making the 'quotes' meaningless attributions until actually sourced). So, since supporting evidence appears lacking, I have no choice but retract my comments regarding Mr. Limbaugh and consider the possibility that I have been misled by spin and hype, pending reliable sources of commentary or remarks made by Mr Limbaugh to support the charges against his character.

Gee, how could anyone consider LimpBoy SEXIST after his "Spirited Defense of Women."

Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
Rush's Spirited Defense of Women
September 24, 2007
RUSH: Like I have my iPhone or I have my computer. It's not enough for me to be able to use it. I want to know how it works so if something goes wrong I can fix it, or I can describe to the tech what it's doing wrong so he can fix it fast. Women don't care. It better come on when you turn it on, and if it doesn't, there will be hell to pay. There won't be any curiosity about why it doesn't work. There will just be anger.

RUSH: By the way, this spirited defense of women that I just gave, when it was a woman that said, "Yeah, men are smarter," what I did was a spirited defense of women.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
Story #6: Women Without Men Favor Obama Over McCain
July 22, 2008
RUSH: But if single, divorced, separated, and widowed women -- in other words, women without men -- support Obama over McCain 61-29%, does this prove that when men are around, women get smarter and that when men leave, women get stupid? I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

Despicable Sally Quinn Slams Palin
September 3, 2008
CALLER: And the women are confused, they're confused. They don't know why they're even doing what they're doing.

RUSH: No, they're not confused at all. They have a plan. They are out to destroy traditional values that have defined this country's greatness. They're angry. They're not confused. They're angry as they can be. They've been left out. They're angry at a whole bunch of things, the whole left, whether it's women, whether it's the civil rights coalitions, they're just enraged, they're angry all the time.

Just pretend you understand what SATIRE means and re-read Limbaughs quotes.....
No, that won't work...

You actually have to understand (for real) what SATIRE IS to give context to Limbaughs quotes....

There is nothing even remotely satirical in any of LimpBoy's quotes. The only SATIRE is in my first reply!
But you are too brainwashed to see it. You have been programmed to make excuses for your MessiahRushie and you are powerless to do anything else.
Good for you. I'm always defending Rush and Ann Coulter from people who make similar allegations. They can never sight the exact example but they always prepared to criticize and sling mud. So to you, I say Thank You.
Good for you. I'm always defending Rush and Ann Coulter from people who make similar allegations. They can never sight the exact example but they always prepared to criticize and sling mud. So to you, I say Thank You.

I love how LimpBoy cultists always claim no one can cite the quotes, but when the quotes are cited and links are given they always mechanically whine "out of context" or "it's a joke" as they are programmed by their MessiahRushie to do.

Flailing Pelosi Fails to Pull It Off
May 14, 2009
RUSH: It's like I've always asked you people, don't try what I do at home. The great make it look easy. Once you try it. Pelosi thinks that she can pull off Obama and Clinton, but it's obvious that she can't. It's a real talent to be able to lie.
As a female I take no offense to Mr. Limbaugh's comments. Skanky ho's having multiple children with multiple partners are pretty dumb. Divorced women who want the govt to take care of them like a husband and daddy would are pretty dumb. I'd say women who voted for Obama are pretty dumb. Then again, so are the men. No offense anyone.
I still think Rush is a jerk. Anyone who attacks a child in the guise of "humor" is pretty low.
C'mon, chelsea was truly scary. And even more scary is the fact that the Clinton machine has managed to remove all homely pictures of her from the face of the planet, including the internet.

THAT'S what freaks me out.
As a female I take no offense to Mr. Limbaugh's comments. Skanky ho's having multiple children with multiple partners are pretty dumb. Divorced women who want the govt to take care of them like a husband and daddy would are pretty dumb. I'd say women who voted for Obama are pretty dumb. Then again, so are the men. No offense anyone.

If you are married, please let your husband know that there are those of us that think he is very lucky and are envious that he could find a woman with such great insight and strength.
C'mon, chelsea was truly scary. And even more scary is the fact that the Clinton machine has managed to remove all homely pictures of her from the face of the planet, including the internet.

THAT'S what freaks me out.

You don't attack a 13 yr old girl who's done nothing to deserve it. It just isn't funny to make fun of a child's appearance - especially, in the name of public entertainment.

I have no problem with making fun of Clinton's cigar or anything else - but it's very mean spirited to take it out on a child.
C'mon, chelsea was truly scary. And even more scary is the fact that the Clinton machine has managed to remove all homely pictures of her from the face of the planet, including the internet.

THAT'S what freaks me out.

You don't attack a 13 yr old girl who's done nothing to deserve it. It just isn't funny to make fun of a child's appearance - especially, in the name of public entertainment.

I have no problem with making fun of Clinton's cigar or anything else - but it's very mean spirited to take it out on a child.

So I guess you have been very vocal about the ridiculous amount of garbage that has been said about the Palin children, right?
I guess that explains your idolatry of the skinny, gray lipped dictator that is doing his community organizing best to fuck up our country.

Sitarro, your comments and remarks are generally idiotic but that even extends your idiocy. Go back to hateville, you are better there and among your kind.

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