A Former Classmate Of Barack Obama Speaks Out

So...what if you believe that Obama is the worst thing this country has ever experienced? If there are few choices and, as an American, you will do whatever is necessary to remove this pretender from where he has no right to be?

"Whatever is necessary"?! Like what, assassination? Impeachment? On what grounds?

All YOU can do is vote, and maybe do some grassroots 'get out the vote'. That is IT.

"Whatever is necessary." WTF-ever.

Voting is what I was referring to, you? What extremes will you go to when Obama loses? What extremes others may go to will you support, or at least condone?

None. You're the one using the inflammatory "Do WHATEVER is necessary to remove this pretender" speech.
No, ya smarmy idiot asshole. I meant what I said. Idiots like you mean "misinformed electorate." Actually scum like you mean UNinformed electorate.

You RELY on uninformed electorates to GET scum-suckers like President Obama into Office.

You LOATHE an informed electorate because they might be smart enough to toss the dope OUT of office.
I LOATHE GOP scripted lies like the 15 to 20 thousand IRS agents MISinformation stupid assholes like you swallow without question. SCUM like you are so blinded by HATE you eat up any SHIT the GOP feeds you and then you beg for more.

Go change your tampon, bitch.

I couldn't give a shit what you loathe.

We both know that the fucking ObamaCare Act was a covert taxation bill and it sure as hell DID provide for a massive increase in the number of damn IRS agents.

Assholes like you deny REALITY based on your zealous desire to do the bidding of scum like President Obama and that foul shit head, Soros.

You willingly and eagerly lap up whatever shit and semen the Dems permit you to feast upon. Fools like you actually just loathe the truth.

Too bad.

It is going to continue to be thrust under your snotty nose, bitch.
Still mindlessly parroting the bullshit fed to you by the GOP DISINFORMATION machine because you are too stupid and lazy to think for yourself. The SMALL number of IRS agents are there to provide info on the services available through the Exchange.

From the actual bill that the GOP assumes you are too lazy to read so they can lie to stupid SUCKERS like you:

30 of each year, the Secretary of the Treasury, acting through
the Internal Revenue Service and in consultation with the Secretary
of Health and Human Services, shall send a notification to each
individual who files an individual income tax return and who is
not enrolled in minimum essential coverage (as defined in section
5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986). Such notification
shall contain information on the services available through the
Exchange operating in the State in which such individual resides.

Now YOU cite the parts that contain the lies you were stupid enough to swallow!
The good news is, he won't need a re-election fund for his third, and subsequent terms of "service". (He'll service Americans like a bull services the cows. Brace yourself, ladies.)

That would allude to you might think he is going to proclaim himself 'Leader', and suspend the Constitution...

Will he have the audacity?

If, and that's big IF, he should cheat, lie, steal, or otherwise bullshit his way into a second elected term, how could he not have the audacity to declare himself "Leader for Life"? I mean, given the mess Bush left him, it might just take more than TWO terms in office to repair all that damage. Besides, elections have consequences...

He couldn't just win, huh. No dangling chads involved here, sunshine.
The good news is, he won't need a re-election fund for his third, and subsequent terms of "service". (He'll service Americans like a bull services the cows. Brace yourself, ladies.)

That would allude to you might think he is going to proclaim himself 'Leader', and suspend the Constitution...

Will he have the audacity?

If, and that's big IF, he should cheat, lie, steal, or otherwise bullshit his way into a second elected term, how could he not have the audacity to declare himself "Leader for Life"? I mean, given the mess Bush left him, it might just take more than TWO terms in office to repair all that damage. Besides, elections have consequences...

Indeed they do...will it be once bitten twice shy?
"Elections have consequences" - more heavy-handed, vague mutterings. What are you prattling on about this time.

You read whatever you want into what I write. Whatever. I begin to see that there will never be a reasonable discussion...
That particular phrase is a direct quote from you freakin' messiah...

My 'freakin Messiah' does not walk this earth.

And we had a reasonable discussion a few minutes ago, in the Cosby thread.
Idiots like edthesickdick get all agitated when it is claimed that the ObamaCare Act (if not voided by the SCOTUS, that is) will yield another fucking massive number of IRS agents/employees in order to fucking make sure that we vill comply!

But, while it is certainly possible to quibble over the precise numbers, it is NOT honestly possible to deny that the IRS will be needing LOTS more employees and agents to get the fucking "job" done.

A March 18 report from House Ways & Means Committee Republicans estimates the IRS will need to hire between 11,800 and 16,500 new agents to enforce the bill.
-- IRS looking to hire thousands of tax agents to enforce health care laws | The Daily Caller

Now, sure, that ESTIMATE might prove to be "off." IT might be a third that number.
Ways and Means Republicans got the 16,500 job figure by making calculations based on what they called "reasonable assumptions," which include current IRS payroll figures. Yet the job figure could just as likely shrink to 5,900 if the lower end of the CBO estimate, or $5 billion, is used, PolitiFact says.
-- Will new law mean more IRS agents?: Health Care Fact Check | cleveland.com

But that's still a fucking SHIT LOAD.

And meanwhile assholes like edthesickdick and that chucklehead LonelyLaughable lap it up: it's all "good" to such vermin since it emanates from "The ONE."
Shit. Inability is very emotional. And getting his dumb ass kicked.

If by "Inability" you are attempting to refer to me, LonelyLaughable, you are engaged in wishful thinking. Neither the perpetual lightweight propagandist edthesickdick nor the void that is you is capable of kicking my ass.

Facts are my friends. Not yours. And you and idiots like your pal edthesickdick rely on pure fantasy.

Now get back to the President's zipper. Service your Obamassiah, bitch.
Scared white people make me laugh. Just wait and see what he does after he wins reelection this November.

"Add it up and you've got the perfect Marxist scheme -- all devised by my Columbia University college classmate Barack Obama."

Posted: Jun. 6, 2010 | 12:00 a.m

Amazing how some things never change??? But who can argue the points Wayne Allyn Root, makes about the guy in office, who was never vetted. Can anyone here at USMB? ***Athena

"Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.Â

"Barack Obama is my college classmate (Columbia University, class of '83). As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University. They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it.

Below is a link to the six methods Obama is pushing to accomplish his goals, in the mind of his classmate, Wayne Allyn Root, from Columbia University and it starts with Universal health care and why Obama really wants it.

Obama's agenda: Overwhelm the system - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

The only problem I have with the OP is he says Obama is" brilliant" I don't see it.
Oh T, I see what you're saying...

You argue is that because Bush on a scale of 1-10 was maybe an 6, but that Obama is an 8, us electing Mitt into office who is a 7, is the country moving in the right direction.

I see Mitt as better than Obama, sure. But I look at the big picture, we are moving the Republican party more left, Progressive liberal even... So what does it matter when in 2016 when you have 2 very progressive liberals trying to run for office, much like we have today? Was it me that helped get us to this point, or you?

If Obama wins we can thank all those able to vote who either voted for him in actuality or in absence- That's a fact.

I disagree with your estimation of Romney and his abilities/goals- but regardless, your position helps an Obama win-

There is no way in hell Romney is an Obama type ideologue and there is no proof that he is- NONE. Is he the conservative you hoped for? Obviously you do not think so- So you are stuck with the fact that a non vote for Romney is a vote for Obama- That is a FACT. Primaries allow a vote of conscience in a two party system- Picking up your toys and going home because your guy didn't win is definitely an option- but imo a piss poor one.

You are the reason Obama will win. You put up a useless turd Mitt and now people just don't give a fuck. You need to take responsibility for what you helped create. It’s not my job or anyone else’s job to vote for “your guy.” Just as it’s not your job to write in or support someone that I tell you too… In fact your argument is so full of shit I could say that if you all voted for Ron Paul then he would beat Obama and you would have conservative, and if you don’t vote for Ron Paul you helped Obama get re-elected, and with your logic I’d be 100% dead on right. But that’s not logic…

What you’re doing is pitiful and disgusting propaganda for the record.

No, I will vote for Romney- He is a good candidate. He is certainly a better candidate then Obama a KNOWN failure. YOU are the voter with his head firmly planted in his 3rd point of contact. It has seemingly been there for so long you think the candidate, that has for all intents and purposes, won the primary vote, is a turd.

For this reason and this reason alone, it is voters such as yourself that may hand the presidency to the worst president in modern history.

Ron Paul lives in a theoretical everyone will just get along universe. His ideas are not all bad- but some are and some are based on the principle that we don't need to be engaged outside our borders- I STRONGLY disagree with those ideas- that said if he had won the GOP nomination I WOULD have voted for him!

My logic stands- yours falls.
Scared white people make me laugh. Just wait and see what he does after he wins reelection this November.


The reason WHY you should be negged EARLY...and often SaltPeter.

YOU are a race hustler...RACE baiter.

He's not good enough to be a "race hustler" nobody buys his bull:cuckoo:

No matter...that person deserves to be negged right the Hell OFF the boards.

He's SCUM.
Idiots like edthesickdick get all agitated when it is claimed that the ObamaCare Act (if not voided by the SCOTUS, that is) will yield another fucking massive number of IRS agents/employees in order to fucking make sure that we vill comply!

But, while it is certainly possible to quibble over the precise numbers, it is NOT honestly possible to deny that the IRS will be needing LOTS more employees and agents to get the fucking "job" done.

A March 18 report from House Ways & Means Committee Republicans estimates the IRS will need to hire between 11,800 and 16,500 new agents to enforce the bill.
-- IRS looking to hire thousands of tax agents to enforce health care laws | The Daily Caller

Now, sure, that ESTIMATE might prove to be "off." IT might be a third that number.
Ways and Means Republicans got the 16,500 job figure by making calculations based on what they called "reasonable assumptions," which include current IRS payroll figures. Yet the job figure could just as likely shrink to 5,900 if the lower end of the CBO estimate, or $5 billion, is used, PolitiFact says.
-- Will new law mean more IRS agents?: Health Care Fact Check | cleveland.com

But that's still a fucking SHIT LOAD.

And meanwhile assholes like edthesickdick and that chucklehead LonelyLaughable lap it up: it's all "good" to such vermin since it emanates from "The ONE."
So, you can show nothing in the law itself that calls for 15 to 20 thousand IRS agents, just as I said. You can only show the completely fabricated number invented by the GOP and parroted by the GOP hate media echo chamber, again exactly as I said. From experience GOP "estimates" are off by a minimum factor of 10 and usually much more.

But whatever the number, the law states what the purpose of the few hundred agents is,
"Such notification
shall contain information on the services available through the
Exchange operating in the State in which such individual resides."
Of course, even after being shown the exact words from the law itself, CON$ just continue to parrot the GOP lies, like good little mindless drones.
Idiots like edthesickdick get all agitated when it is claimed that the ObamaCare Act (if not voided by the SCOTUS, that is) will yield another fucking massive number of IRS agents/employees in order to fucking make sure that we vill comply!

But, while it is certainly possible to quibble over the precise numbers, it is NOT honestly possible to deny that the IRS will be needing LOTS more employees and agents to get the fucking "job" done.

A March 18 report from House Ways & Means Committee Republicans estimates the IRS will need to hire between 11,800 and 16,500 new agents to enforce the bill.
-- IRS looking to hire thousands of tax agents to enforce health care laws | The Daily Caller

Now, sure, that ESTIMATE might prove to be "off." IT might be a third that number. -- Will new law mean more IRS agents?: Health Care Fact Check | cleveland.com

But that's still a fucking SHIT LOAD.

And meanwhile assholes like edthesickdick and that chucklehead LonelyLaughable lap it up: it's all "good" to such vermin since it emanates from "The ONE."
So, you can show nothing in the law itself that calls for 15 to 20 thousand IRS agents, just as I said. You can only show the completely fabricated number invented by the GOP and parroted by the GOP hate media echo chamber, again exactly as I said. From experience GOP "estimates" are off by a minimum factor of 10 and usually much more.

But whatever the number, the law states what the purpose of the few hundred agents is,
"Such notification
shall contain information on the services available through the
Exchange operating in the State in which such individual resides."
Of course, even after being shown the exact words from the law itself, CON$ just continue to parrot the GOP lies, like good little mindless drones.

Well, you were busy contesting something I DIDN'T say, so take the mote out of your own eye, dipshit.

Your wrath and fury (stamp your widdle footsies some more, bitch) is directed at the Ways and Means Committee.

Need tissue?

Anyway, if their estimates are wrong (and instead of being too high, given the proclivity of the empty suit who is our present President, it is instead likely that they would be "off" by estimating too low), that doesn't change the fact that the fucking mess of a law does call for more fucking IRS agents and employees.

So why are you so upsetty wetty, Betty?

The truth hurts your poor little sandy vag?

In the meanwhile HERE is what the Ways and Means report said:

* * * *
Although it is impossible to know exactly how many new employees the IRS would have to hire
to enforce the individual mandate and other provisions of the Democrats’ health care bill, the
IRS’s own data, plus reasonable assumptions about costs and program responsibilities as
described below, suggest that the number of additional examiners, agents, and other
employees could reach 16,500.
First, assume that the IRS budget would grow by the $10 billion that CBO indicates could be
necessary.10 While there might be some early-year start-up costs to prepare for the added
workload, most of the costs would accrue in the last six years of CBO’s ten-year budget window,
when the individual mandate and other provisions, which present the bulk of the new
enforcement responsibilities, take effect. Thus, for this analysis, assume that $1 billion total will
be spent by the IRS in the first four years to prepare for the mandate with the spending increasing
to $1.5 billion per year in each of the last six years.11
Second, in the last year for which actual IRS data is available, fiscal year 2009, the IRS
employed the equivalent of 92,577 people, nearly half of whom worked directly in examinations

9 IRC sec. 6055(b)(2), as added by H.R. 3590, sec. 1502(a).
10 Congressional Budget Office, “H.R. 3590, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” p. 5 (March 11, 2010).
11 One of the bills’ many shortcomings is that it does not provide for future IRS appropriations that will be necessary
to implement it. Thus, the estimates to follow could vary, up or down, depending on the actual appropriations
provided to the IRS by future Congresses.​

and collections.12 In total, the IRS had payroll and benefit expenses of $8.371 billion, implying
that costs per worker were $90,427. If the $1.5 billion in annual funds are used for the payroll
and benefits of a similar mix of employees, the IRS could add more than 16,500 additional
agents, auditors, examiners, and administrative support personnel to enforce large portions of the
nation’s health insurance system.
Some might argue that figure over-estimates the number of employees that would be hired,
because it includes only payroll and benefit costs and does not include other costs that would be
incurred, including office overhead. However, note that the IRS total budget in fiscal year 2009
was $11.708 billion, meaning that, when all costs are included, IRS total spending averaged
$126,474 per employee. Thus, critics of the 16,500 figure might argue that any new employees
should be assumed to cost as much as the average member of the existing workforce and that the
$1.5 billion per year would “only” support hiring slightly more than 11,800 new IRS
employees.13 * * * *

The Wrong Prescription:
Democrats’ Health Overhaul
Dangerously Expands IRS
Committee on Ways and Means Republican Report -- http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/tx08_brady/irs_power_report.pdf

The less than objective "FactCheck" folks then disputed and quibbled:

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