A former trump fan explained why he stopped supporting him

It sounds like this Danny Collins character is a stealth leftie who thought it would be fun and provocative to pretend he was a Trump supporter. It's not uncommon these days. Anyway tic-toc is for dumb assed kids and it's much ado about nothing.

It's Yahoo... dubious at best
I wake up every morning with a smile on my face that I am living in a lakeside community where the air smells sweet, and the neighbours are friendly, in one of the best nations on earth to live. I am grateful that when the pandemic hit, our elected officials, set aside politics and rancor, and set about to work together to get us through it with the least amount of death, disease and economic displacement possible, and that they succeeded.

I am grateful that year in and year out, my children and grandchildren will have the resources and opportunities available to them, to achieve their dreams, whatever those dreams may be.

I am beyond grateful for the Canada Health Act. That when I had a minor cardiac event last week, I didn't have to wonder whether I had enough money in the bank for the co-pays to go to emergency. Or for hundreds of dollars for the all the tests they're now doing. I spent less than $300 getting my new knee last year - buying a toilet riser and shower bench for my apartment, and gas money at $9 a gallon, for friends to take me to the hospital in another town for the surgery, and again to pick me up and bring me home, and for a petsitter while I was in hospital for two weeks.

I don't have to worry when my grandchildren go to school that there will be a school shooting, or a drive by shooting on their way home. In fact, I don't worry about anybody in my family being shot. I did worry that my older brother would get shot in a hunting accident on his annual "deer hunts". I think there was a lot more drinking than hunting going on. Jigs went "deer hunting" every year for 20 years, and never once shot a deer.

Unlike you, I don't curse anyone. It's very bad karma to wish ill on others, and it almost always comes back on you. All of the people who lied about Hillary Clinton being a criminal, starting the chants of "LOCK HER UP" are now all under indictment/investigation and about to be locked up.

The Bible warns "Judge not lest ye be judged" and further warns that the punishment you would inflict on those you accuse and judge will be YOUR punishment, in the end.

I live by the adage "It's really hard to get ahead, when you spend all of your time getting even". Living well really is the best revenge.

You seem to project your rage and anger on everyone you encounter. My face has deep smile lines these days, from waking up every morning with that smile on my face pretty much all of my life.
Canada has done an excellent job staying white…it’s only nice and safe for that reason alone.
(did that make you piss your pants?)
I wake up every morning with a smile on my face that I am living in a lakeside community where the air smells sweet, and the neighbours are friendly, in one of the best nations on earth to live. I am grateful that when the pandemic hit, our elected officials, set aside politics and rancor, and set about to work together to get us through it with the least amount of death, disease and economic displacement possible, and that they succeeded.

I am grateful that year in and year out, my children and grandchildren will have the resources and opportunities available to them, to achieve their dreams, whatever those dreams may be.

I am beyond grateful for the Canada Health Act. That when I had a minor cardiac event last week, I didn't have to wonder whether I had enough money in the bank for the co-pays to go to emergency. Or for hundreds of dollars for the all the tests they're now doing. I spent less than $300 getting my new knee last year - buying a toilet riser and shower bench for my apartment, and gas money at $9 a gallon, for friends to take me to the hospital in another town for the surgery, and again to pick me up and bring me home, and for a petsitter while I was in hospital for two weeks.

I don't have to worry when my grandchildren go to school that there will be a school shooting, or a drive by shooting on their way home. In fact, I don't worry about anybody in my family being shot. I did worry that my older brother would get shot in a hunting accident on his annual "deer hunts". I think there was a lot more drinking than hunting going on. Jigs went "deer hunting" every year for 20 years, and never once shot a deer.

Unlike you, I don't curse anyone. It's very bad karma to wish ill on others, and it almost always comes back on you. All of the people who lied about Hillary Clinton being a criminal, starting the chants of "LOCK HER UP" are now all under indictment/investigation and about to be locked up.

The Bible warns "Judge not lest ye be judged" and further warns that the punishment you would inflict on those you accuse and judge will be YOUR punishment, in the end.

I live by the adage "It's really hard to get ahead, when you spend all of your time getting even". Living well really is the best revenge.

You seem to project your rage and anger on everyone you encounter. My face has deep smile lines these days, from waking up every morning with that smile on my face pretty much all of my life.
Ain’t the internet great!? You can tell yourself anything….lol

A former trump fan explained why he stopped supporting him

Former trump fan Danny Collins has gone viral after posting on TikTok why he stopped supporting the disgraced and disgraceful former president.

“Collins said he used to agree with Trump's words, then realized they reflected the ‘worst’ of himself.” Responding to another creator who was questioning trump's critics as to why they “‘hate him so much,’” Collins explained in his video, “‘It's simple for me, because he made me realize how horrible of a person I really was.’” Collins admitted he ‘drank the juice’ and ‘joined the cult.’”

“‘I was on the Trump train, baby,’ he said.” Collins said he agreed completely when trump would “speak about building a wall around Mexico and keeping immigrants out of the US and that Muslim people were a threat to the US.”

“‘All of those internalized beliefs, the worst of me that I used to keep suppressed, he brought to the surface,’ he said. ‘He showed me how much of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, woman-hating, Christian white nationalist I truly was.’”

Collins said he felt trump's slogan, “Make America Great Again, with ‘every fiber’ of his being.”

Continuing, he said trump “‘made me believe as a white, straight Christian male, that I was under attack, that I was being discriminated against in America today.’”

Collins explained he had been an inmate in the Florida Department of Corrections for ten years “and was never tempted to join a gang until he was convinced that ‘the white man was under attack.’”

“In 2021, he was an inmate at the New River Correctional Institution and was ‘cheering’ on the crowd during the January 6 US Capitol attack while in the TV room. He said at that time, he believed people were taking their country back.”

Following his release in June of 2021 Collins had “‘every intention of telling the world how great Trump is.’”

Collins stated what hate most about trump “‘Is that I actually believed the lie. I believed that he actually cared about me, the poor, common folk. I hate that he brought out the worst in me and everybody else that I was closely associated with.’”

It was a friend he made in prison, a Black Muslim man that made Collins change his “perspective.” He began to understand that “‘everything he identified in Trump was reflected in something in himself.’”

“‘He didn't make me be a bad person — he just emboldened me to be the person I already was,’ he said. ‘Donald Trump appeals to the worst of America. In 2024, we need to bring out the best of America.’”

Collins' video touched thousands of people, the majority of responses were complimentary of his “‘self-awareness’ and ‘humility’” and thankful for his video.

Hopefully, Collins epiphany will inspire others to self-examination and to see trump, and themselves, in a true light. Most Americans are disgusted by trump’s hate-filled rhetoric, his thousands of lies, his corruption, and his criminal behavior.

I was just wondering what Danny's thoughts were. LOL
You do realize that every time you say that, you're letting your mask slip - right?

And I'm not talking about that stinky filth-ridden thing you wear by yourself in your car to ward off the common cold.

What mask??? The entire world watched as Trump committed his crimes on TV, and we read his Twitter feed - the one where he threatened witnesses about to testify against him in court or in an oversight hearing.

We read the news reports when Bill Barr ordered Cyrus Vance Jr. to shut down his Trump Corporation bank and wire fraud investigation, and the DOJ started paying Trump's legal fees in the E. Jean Carroll trial.

I can think of at least 10 crimes - just off the top of my head, that the world watched Trump commit while he was in the Oval Office that they're not even investigating. Starting with - What happened to the $100 million Inauguration Fund? Trump promised an audited financial statement. Crickets. Ivanka Trump and Michael Cohen both had a hand in what went down. Charges were laid in connection with foreign donations to the fund, but no account of what happened to the money was ever given. Then there's the whole "pay for play" grift that happened at his East Coast Golf Clubs.

The Mueller Report identified 5 criminal charges that Trump committed but he couldn't recommend charging because of the "rule" about sitting Presidents.

Before voting Trump's acquittal in the second impeachment trial, McConnell literally begged the DOJ to hold Trump accountable, because McConnell lacked the balls to do it. "He hasn't gotten away with anything - yet".

A former trump fan explained why he stopped supporting him

Former trump fan Danny Collins has gone viral after posting on TikTok why he stopped supporting the disgraced and disgraceful former president.

“Collins said he used to agree with Trump's words, then realized they reflected the ‘worst’ of himself.” Responding to another creator who was questioning trump's critics as to why they “‘hate him so much,’” Collins explained in his video, “‘It's simple for me, because he made me realize how horrible of a person I really was.’” Collins admitted he ‘drank the juice’ and ‘joined the cult.’”

“‘I was on the Trump train, baby,’ he said.” Collins said he agreed completely when trump would “speak about building a wall around Mexico and keeping immigrants out of the US and that Muslim people were a threat to the US.”

“‘All of those internalized beliefs, the worst of me that I used to keep suppressed, he brought to the surface,’ he said. ‘He showed me how much of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, woman-hating, Christian white nationalist I truly was.’”

Collins said he felt trump's slogan, “Make America Great Again, with ‘every fiber’ of his being.”

Continuing, he said trump “‘made me believe as a white, straight Christian male, that I was under attack, that I was being discriminated against in America today.’”

Collins explained he had been an inmate in the Florida Department of Corrections for ten years “and was never tempted to join a gang until he was convinced that ‘the white man was under attack.’”

“In 2021, he was an inmate at the New River Correctional Institution and was ‘cheering’ on the crowd during the January 6 US Capitol attack while in the TV room. He said at that time, he believed people were taking their country back.”

Following his release in June of 2021 Collins had “‘every intention of telling the world how great Trump is.’”

Collins stated what hate most about trump “‘Is that I actually believed the lie. I believed that he actually cared about me, the poor, common folk. I hate that he brought out the worst in me and everybody else that I was closely associated with.’”

It was a friend he made in prison, a Black Muslim man that made Collins change his “perspective.” He began to understand that “‘everything he identified in Trump was reflected in something in himself.’”

“‘He didn't make me be a bad person — he just emboldened me to be the person I already was,’ he said. ‘Donald Trump appeals to the worst of America. In 2024, we need to bring out the best of America.’”

Collins' video touched thousands of people, the majority of responses were complimentary of his “‘self-awareness’ and ‘humility’” and thankful for his video.

Hopefully, Collins epiphany will inspire others to self-examination and to see trump, and themselves, in a true light. Most Americans are disgusted by trump’s hate-filled rhetoric, his thousands of lies, his corruption, and his criminal behavior.

Well, that does it....I won't vote for him.

A former trump fan explained why he stopped supporting him

Former trump fan Danny Collins has gone viral after posting on TikTok why he stopped supporting the disgraced and disgraceful former president.

“Collins said he used to agree with Trump's words, then realized they reflected the ‘worst’ of himself.” Responding to another creator who was questioning trump's critics as to why they “‘hate him so much,’” Collins explained in his video, “‘It's simple for me, because he made me realize how horrible of a person I really was.’” Collins admitted he ‘drank the juice’ and ‘joined the cult.’”

“‘I was on the Trump train, baby,’ he said.” Collins said he agreed completely when trump would “speak about building a wall around Mexico and keeping immigrants out of the US and that Muslim people were a threat to the US.”

“‘All of those internalized beliefs, the worst of me that I used to keep suppressed, he brought to the surface,’ he said. ‘He showed me how much of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, woman-hating, Christian white nationalist I truly was.’”

Collins said he felt trump's slogan, “Make America Great Again, with ‘every fiber’ of his being.”

Continuing, he said trump “‘made me believe as a white, straight Christian male, that I was under attack, that I was being discriminated against in America today.’”

Collins explained he had been an inmate in the Florida Department of Corrections for ten years “and was never tempted to join a gang until he was convinced that ‘the white man was under attack.’”

“In 2021, he was an inmate at the New River Correctional Institution and was ‘cheering’ on the crowd during the January 6 US Capitol attack while in the TV room. He said at that time, he believed people were taking their country back.”

Following his release in June of 2021 Collins had “‘every intention of telling the world how great Trump is.’”

Collins stated what hate most about trump “‘Is that I actually believed the lie. I believed that he actually cared about me, the poor, common folk. I hate that he brought out the worst in me and everybody else that I was closely associated with.’”

It was a friend he made in prison, a Black Muslim man that made Collins change his “perspective.” He began to understand that “‘everything he identified in Trump was reflected in something in himself.’”

“‘He didn't make me be a bad person — he just emboldened me to be the person I already was,’ he said. ‘Donald Trump appeals to the worst of America. In 2024, we need to bring out the best of America.’”

Collins' video touched thousands of people, the majority of responses were complimentary of his “‘self-awareness’ and ‘humility’” and thankful for his video.

Hopefully, Collins epiphany will inspire others to self-examination and to see trump, and themselves, in a true light. Most Americans are disgusted by trump’s hate-filled rhetoric, his thousands of lies, his corruption, and his criminal behavior.


Trumpsts will say whatever, just an anecdote...but here is the thing, however many Trump turned off for 2024 he sure as hell didn't gain anyone.

So even aside form indictments and looming convictions, he is already in even worse position for 2024 than for 2020 election he lost.

If Republicans weren't such nutbag cultists they would dump The Loser and nominate a clean, young, centrist Republican like Nikki Haley and easily sweep the presidency.
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Trumpsts will say whatever, just an anecdote...but here is the thing, however many Trump turned off for 2024 he sure as hell didn't gain anyone.

So even aside form indictments and looming convictions, he is already in even worse position for 2024 than for 2020 election he lost.
No Scamdemic, no George Floyd guiding ignorant white guilt fools, leftist academia forcing faggotry and sexual deviancy down the throats of children in our schools, $5 fuel for negroes and Mexicans, historically high inflation for negroes and Mexicans, interest rates so high negroes and Mexicans can’t buy homes, Asians getting their asses beat daily by your pet human dark people, millions of new wetbacks fucking shit up…..hahahaha…you wackos are sooooo FUCKED…you have no pathway to a win.
Trump has gained no new votes, none, from 2020. He lost then by 7mm votes! He will lose by twice that many in 2024!!
No Scamdemic, no George Floyd guiding ignorant white guilt fools, leftist academia forcing faggotry and sexual deviancy down the throats of children in our schools, $5 fuel for negroes and Mexicans, historically high inflation for negroes and Mexicans, interest rates so high negroes and Mexicans can’t buy homes, Asians getting their asses beat daily by your pet human dark people, millions of new wetbacks fucking shit up…..hahahaha…you wackos are sooooo FUCKED…you have no pathway to a win.

A former trump fan explained why he stopped supporting him

Former trump fan Danny Collins has gone viral after posting on TikTok why he stopped supporting the disgraced and disgraceful former president.

“Collins said he used to agree with Trump's words, then realized they reflected the ‘worst’ of himself.” Responding to another creator who was questioning trump's critics as to why they “‘hate him so much,’” Collins explained in his video, “‘It's simple for me, because he made me realize how horrible of a person I really was.’” Collins admitted he ‘drank the juice’ and ‘joined the cult.’”

“‘I was on the Trump train, baby,’ he said.” Collins said he agreed completely when trump would “speak about building a wall around Mexico and keeping immigrants out of the US and that Muslim people were a threat to the US.”

“‘All of those internalized beliefs, the worst of me that I used to keep suppressed, he brought to the surface,’ he said. ‘He showed me how much of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, woman-hating, Christian white nationalist I truly was.’”

Collins said he felt trump's slogan, “Make America Great Again, with ‘every fiber’ of his being.”

Continuing, he said trump “‘made me believe as a white, straight Christian male, that I was under attack, that I was being discriminated against in America today.’”

Collins explained he had been an inmate in the Florida Department of Corrections for ten years “and was never tempted to join a gang until he was convinced that ‘the white man was under attack.’”

“In 2021, he was an inmate at the New River Correctional Institution and was ‘cheering’ on the crowd during the January 6 US Capitol attack while in the TV room. He said at that time, he believed people were taking their country back.”

Following his release in June of 2021 Collins had “‘every intention of telling the world how great Trump is.’”

Collins stated what hate most about trump “‘Is that I actually believed the lie. I believed that he actually cared about me, the poor, common folk. I hate that he brought out the worst in me and everybody else that I was closely associated with.’”

It was a friend he made in prison, a Black Muslim man that made Collins change his “perspective.” He began to understand that “‘everything he identified in Trump was reflected in something in himself.’”

“‘He didn't make me be a bad person — he just emboldened me to be the person I already was,’ he said. ‘Donald Trump appeals to the worst of America. In 2024, we need to bring out the best of America.’”

Collins' video touched thousands of people, the majority of responses were complimentary of his “‘self-awareness’ and ‘humility’” and thankful for his video.

Hopefully, Collins epiphany will inspire others to self-examination and to see trump, and themselves, in a true light. Most Americans are disgusted by trump’s hate-filled rhetoric, his thousands of lies, his corruption, and his criminal behavior.


I really doubt he voted for Trump in either election, since he was doing time as a felon...




He fits well with Democrats. Nice of you to welcom people like him.
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Somehow you are more and more degenerated everytime I run into your posts.

Who do you think is going to read your batshit crazy nonsence past the first few words?
If you weren’t terrified of self awareness and if you wanted to be properly informed you’d read it…but I know you Libs, you hate reality.
If you weren’t terrified of self awareness and if you wanted to be properly informed you’d read it…but I know you Libs, you hate reality.
Lay off politics and mind your mental health, thats all I have to say to unhinged nutbags like you.
Ain’t the internet great!? You can tell yourself anything….lol

Look at the facts, fool. I'm not living any differently than another other Canadian senior who worked hard and paid their taxes throughout their lives.

Here's the Link to our guaranteed income supplements:

The Ontario Trillium Benefit:

Our Health Insurance:

Hold on…so some white guilting convict with finger tattoos hates Trump? FUCK….how bizarre. What a devastating loss for the “Trump Cult”.
Look, theres nothing to see here….this is just another foolish sucker that the Left wore down, conned and finally took ownership of his retarded ass….It’s what they do, they use the same tactics throughout academia….scream “RACIST, nationalistic, misogynistic, xenophobic capitalist” in some pussies face long enough and eventually they just bend over and take it in the ass…thats’s what sackless pussies always do.
Congrats Lefties….you took one of our bottom feeding degenerates…he fits in perfectly with you filthy wackos.

One by one. You're all bottom feeding degenerates at this point. Decent honest people abandonned the party the first year Trump was in office.
Lay off politics and mind your mental health, thats all I have to say to unhinged nutbags like you.
Says another Orange Man Bad groupie who can’t post a single thing without putting his/her insane level of TDS on full display.
Look at the facts, fool. I'm not living any differently than another other Canadian senior who worked hard and paid their taxes throughout their lives.

Here's the Link to our guaranteed income supplements:

The Ontario Trillium Benefit:

Our Health Insurance:

One by one. You're all bottom feeding degenerates at this point. Decent honest people abandonned the party the first year Trump was in office.
Yeah, well we don’t care for you Canuck communists either.

A former trump fan explained why he stopped supporting him

Former trump fan Danny Collins has gone viral after posting on TikTok why he stopped supporting the disgraced and disgraceful former president.

“Collins said he used to agree with Trump's words, then realized they reflected the ‘worst’ of himself.” Responding to another creator who was questioning trump's critics as to why they “‘hate him so much,’” Collins explained in his video, “‘It's simple for me, because he made me realize how horrible of a person I really was.’” Collins admitted he ‘drank the juice’ and ‘joined the cult.’”

“‘I was on the Trump train, baby,’ he said.” Collins said he agreed completely when trump would “speak about building a wall around Mexico and keeping immigrants out of the US and that Muslim people were a threat to the US.”

“‘All of those internalized beliefs, the worst of me that I used to keep suppressed, he brought to the surface,’ he said. ‘He showed me how much of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, woman-hating, Christian white nationalist I truly was.’”

Collins said he felt trump's slogan, “Make America Great Again, with ‘every fiber’ of his being.”

Continuing, he said trump “‘made me believe as a white, straight Christian male, that I was under attack, that I was being discriminated against in America today.’”

Collins explained he had been an inmate in the Florida Department of Corrections for ten years “and was never tempted to join a gang until he was convinced that ‘the white man was under attack.’”

“In 2021, he was an inmate at the New River Correctional Institution and was ‘cheering’ on the crowd during the January 6 US Capitol attack while in the TV room. He said at that time, he believed people were taking their country back.”

Following his release in June of 2021 Collins had “‘every intention of telling the world how great Trump is.’”

Collins stated what hate most about trump “‘Is that I actually believed the lie. I believed that he actually cared about me, the poor, common folk. I hate that he brought out the worst in me and everybody else that I was closely associated with.’”

It was a friend he made in prison, a Black Muslim man that made Collins change his “perspective.” He began to understand that “‘everything he identified in Trump was reflected in something in himself.’”

“‘He didn't make me be a bad person — he just emboldened me to be the person I already was,’ he said. ‘Donald Trump appeals to the worst of America. In 2024, we need to bring out the best of America.’”

Collins' video touched thousands of people, the majority of responses were complimentary of his “‘self-awareness’ and ‘humility’” and thankful for his video.

Hopefully, Collins epiphany will inspire others to self-examination and to see trump, and themselves, in a true light. Most Americans are disgusted by trump’s hate-filled rhetoric, his thousands of lies, his corruption, and his criminal behavior.


Huh…it almost sounds like the story was written by the DNC themselves…and mr Collins is the mouthpiece for it.

We have no idea who Danny Collins is, if he was actually a trump supporter, or if he’s just a democrat trying to spread the democrat message, or if he’s one of the never trumpers., but every word he spoke sounds like it came straight out of the democrat playbook..

This video appears to have been focus tested for impact. People do that when they want to make sure a story has maximum impact.

For example:

Collins admitted he ‘drank the juice’ and ‘joined the cult.’”

“Drank the kool aid (the juice) and “the cult” are key words for the left, as are:

made me believe as a white, straight Christian male, that I was under attack, that I was being discriminated against in America today.’”


He showed me how much of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, woman-hating, Christian white nationalist I truly was.’

Those are all keywords, and talking points for leftist narrative. That last statement, he managed to use just about every one of them in a single sentence.

and was never tempted to join a gang until he was convinced that ‘the white man was under attack.’”

Ahh, have to mention the “gang angle” to being the violence image into play.

Again, that whole speech was likely written and focus tested by some lefty activist group and they got this Collins guy to be the face of it.

Also, there’s this:

It was a friend he made in prison, a Black Muslim man that made Collins change his “perspective.” He began to understand that “‘everything he identified in Trump was reflected in something in himself.’”

So, after all the things he described about how he felt, he says a black Muslim man helped him change his perspective while he was still IN PRISON. So, he had this epiphany about trump bringing out all of these feelings that were inside and a black Muslim man helped him see the error of his way, but….

Following his release in June of 2021 Collins had “‘every intention of telling the world how great Trump is.’”

So, despite all the changes he went though IN prison, once he was released, he had “every intention to tell the world how great trump is”..

Well, what happened? Why, after having this life changing experience in prison, was he still going to tell the world how great trump is?

Sounds like the dems found him and said “hey…how about telling THIS story instead?”

The exactness and the attention to make sure that ALL of the buzzwords were packed in there makes me think this story is a bit fishy.
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What mask??? The entire world watched as Trump committed his crimes on TV, and we read his Twitter feed - the one where he threatened witnesses about to testify against him in court or in an oversight hearing.

We read the news reports when Bill Barr ordered Cyrus Vance Jr. to shut down his Trump Corporation bank and wire fraud investigation, and the DOJ started paying Trump's legal fees in the E. Jean Carroll trial.

I can think of at least 10 crimes - just off the top of my head, that the world watched Trump commit while he was in the Oval Office that they're not even investigating. Starting with - What happened to the $100 million Inauguration Fund? Trump promised an audited financial statement. Crickets. Ivanka Trump and Michael Cohen both had a hand in what went down. Charges were laid in connection with foreign donations to the fund, but no account of what happened to the money was ever given. Then there's the whole "pay for play" grift that happened at his East Coast Golf Clubs.

The Mueller Report identified 5 criminal charges that Trump committed but he couldn't recommend charging because of the "rule" about sitting Presidents.

Before voting Trump's acquittal in the second impeachment trial, McConnell literally begged the DOJ to hold Trump accountable, because McConnell lacked the balls to do it. "He hasn't gotten away with anything - yet".
Lies. All lies. But that's exactly what we expect from this KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Trump isn't a criminal. Trying to overturn the election wasn't a crime. Trying to extort the Ukrainian President into opening a fake investigation into his political opponents, wasn't a crime. Stealing classified documents from the White House isn't a crime. Lying to the FBI, and the government in order to avoid returning the classified documents, and trying to destroy evidence, isn't a crime. Falsely claiming that the election was "rigged" and "stolen" and that you won, in order to raise money to fight the "stolen election" isn't fraud.

Trump is right. He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and you'd say that wasn't a crime either.
More lies.

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