A free and independent press.


Like I said in the above post unless Rupert Murdoch has changed his citizenship he own FOX.

They own the 2nd largest portion of Fox. Let me guess, that doesn't matter right?

Evidence? When you state that the Saudis own FOX try to back it up with fact not statements.

Wait I own stock in GM does that mean I own them?

(My bold)

Here you go - more @ Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia: Will Big Oil Buy Our Next Election? - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com - The full article includes a listing of sources.

Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia: Will Big Oil Buy Our Next Election?

Julia Bodeeb , Yahoo! Contributor Network
Apr 11, 2010 "Share your voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here ."More: FOX News Prince Strategic Alliance FlagClosePost a comment

Fox "news" is owned by the parent company News Corp. The four top shareholders of News Corp are the Murdoch family, Liberty Media, Fidelity Management & Research Company, and Prince Alwaleed bin Talan.

DC Bureau reports that Prince Alwaleed bin Talan, a nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, "has personally donated huge amounts of money to the families of the Palestinian suicide bombers." He also released a statement after 9/11 blaming the attacks on the U.S.: "not on the 15 airline hijackers from Saudi Arabia-but on the United States' support of Israel."

After the Prince made this statement Rudy Giuliani returned a $10 million dollar donation that Prince Alwaleed bin Talan had given to NYC for relief efforts.

Prince bin Talan now owns 7% of shares at News Corp. And his agenda in owning shares of this company probably has something to do with oil. Think Progress reports that when Fox's Neil Cavuto recently interviewed the Prince he stated "Saudi Arabia's strategic alliance with the United States will continue and as a derivative of that, the link with the oil between oil and dollars is there."

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