A freight train carrying Coors Light and Blue Moon beer products has derailed in Montana

Guinness isn't thick. It's actually one of the lighter bodied stouts I've ever had.
Americans transitioned to quantity over quality many decades ago. And we lean to the "lager" side. Getting drunk or having a buzz is the goal for a majority.
Americans transitioned to quantity over quality many decades ago. And we lean to the "lager" side. Getting drunk or having a buzz is the goal for a majority.
Unfortunately true.

It's almost impossible to find a nice amber ale anymore.

And I'm rather sick of all those IPAs and disgusting sour beers that are everywhere
Unfortunately true.

It's almost impossible to find a nice amber ale anymore.

And I'm rather sick of all those IPAs and disgusting sour beers that are everywhere

I like an IPA. But when they mix citrus or other fruit in the beer? No thanks. 🤮
Americans transitioned to quantity over quality many decades ago. And we lean to the "lager" side. Getting drunk or having a buzz is the goal for a majority.
True, but they need to drink a 12 pack of that lite shitty bear to get a buzz, and piss a dozen times.
It is compared to a good stout.
it's too subjective to state with any certainty.

I don't think Guinness is thick

I've had some oatmeal stouts that you could chew

I've had some that felt as light as a lager
Reports from the scene say looters are taking all the Blue Moon.
Let's head to Montana for the party.
I can't get to Montana today. But I had my lady-friend pick me up a Lil sumpin' to help me commiserate this tragedy....
To me beer taste like what I envision cow piss to taste like.

The only time I buy it is to put in chili.

I call it horse piss, cause its what I would think horse piss would taste like.

Even though I love the taste of yeast, I find beer disgusting. Although it's freeking awesome to cook with.
I will just stick with beer bread for now.
The fire dept. says there is “no current threat to public safety and no hazardous materials being released.”

Stay safe, folks!

/---/ I can volunteer for the clean up crew.
I'm stealing that one.

I like Guinness but I'm finding that fewer places have it on tap anymore.
/----/Guinness has a short shelf life on tap and it will spoil if not sold fast enough.
BTW, my friend was born and raised in County Cork, Ireland. He said Guinness sells the good stuff in Ireland and exports the bad batches to the US. My friend is also a Bud drinker. My daughter worked for an airline, and when flying to Ireland, she saw the locals drinking the expensive "imported" beer, Budweiser.

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