A full description of Barack Obama


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
This man is a perfect fraud, a living breathing lie.

He portrays himself as a "victim" of his skin color. The truth is that, for his entire life, he has used his skin color to get ahead via preferences and Affirmative Action. He even used his "born in Keyna" status to improve his "diversity score" to get scholarships to prep school and college. Obama is the perfect example of everything wrong with Affirmative Action. First, he has nothing in his past to justify receiving it. He and his ancestors never suffered any discrimination at the hands of America. In fact, both of his parents' ancestors were part of the slave trade, his white mom's ancestors owned them, and his black ancestors were rounding them up to be sold to Jewish owned slave ships. Hence, his gargantuan bigotry towards whites has absolutely no basis in reality. So why does he have it? A: Affirmative Action. Obama was not competitive with the kids with the required grades and test scores in school, so he won't show us his transcript, because not only does it out him as not qualified to be there in the first place, but also that he magnetized towards the "new courses" for the Affirmative Action crew, mainly WHITE HATTING described as "Black Studies" or the like. Affirmative Action doesn't produce black scientists and business leaders. It produces professional bigots like Obama.

As President, he never missed an opportunity to steal from the taxpayer, and an audit of his original "stimulus" would reveal the Beatles song "Taxman" as dead on - one for you 19 for Obama and his kleptocratic party. He lied to white medical marijuana users in 2009 about not prosecuting them only to immediately jack up such prosecutions without warning as soon as he took office, salivating at the opportunity to pack whites in prison for whatever reason. He has no remorse about running up 10 trillion dollars of debt. His "Obamacare" can't raise premiums fast enough to cover for the waste fraud and abuse it was deliberately intended to cause.

Obama is a perfectly worthless person. He lies. He hates. He steals, and he discriminates. And he never fails to miss a chance to race bait.

Obama should inspire one thing - the total repeal of Affirmative Action.

Then there is what he covered up.... 911.... Global Warming....

Hopefully Trump and Sessions will care more about America than Ryan and McConnell do, as both had the chance to impeach Obama for covering up Global Warming and didn't do so... because Mr. Netanyahu told them not to....
one word is all that's necessary to describe him, as he's about to be erased:


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