A gaggle of truckers in D.C!!

You mean burning all that gas, blocking roads and disrespecting the American Flag? Don't they have jobs?

Thank you, btw, to the 99.9% of America's truckers on the job.
Oh, did you pay for all the gas they're using? We didn't know. Apologies. I guess it IS your business then. :auiqs.jpg:

Otherwise, go fuck your ignorant self because you had nothing to say all last summer when your heroes were doing the same in the streets of American cities.
Remember America, Democrats call freedom, "freedumb" and say things like "fuck your freedom". Democrats literally support internment camps for the unvaccinated and taking their kids. Fortunately for the truckers and America, the science has changed with the polls and covid is over till after the election. The truckers in Canada saved the day. Now freedom loving people know to get their money out of the banks to avoid being frozen and how not to crowd fund.
Follow the (political) science!
A large gaggle of truckers has assembled outside Washington, D.C., to protest something, but nobody quite knows what. They’re threatening to repeat the driving-around-in-a-big-circle thing Monday, but to show they really mean business, they’re adding a third Beltway lap, and organizers say they’ll add an extra lap each day until their demands are met. What are their demands? Masks? No, they're mostly gone. Vaccines? No, the country has gone down that road also. Again, who knows?

Did I mention that Russia has invaded Ukraine and the Ukrainian people are bravely defending their homeland, making the truck protesters look even more tone deaf and whiny?”

One of the Truckers (Stan) said: “We want to go back to the way it was before the COVID stuff. Personally, me, I’d like to go back before 9/11, the Patriot Act. Things like that. It’s just very tyrannical type stuff. It’s government overreach. And that’s what we’re all about. Sure, the mask things and the shots and all this, they’re the … easy thing to talk about, but it’s all the other things behind the scenes. … We have freedom. They’re trying to take it away, and we’re gonna stop ’em. We’re gonna take our freedom back to where it was before.”

Can someone please explain what this babbling nonsense means? :cuckoo:

Well, as a career trucker for 30 years now, I think what we are mad about is the absolute control of everything in our lives…Most people don’t know that we are some of the most regulated people in the country, 2nd only to Airline pilots. We are under unbelievable schedules, working with no respect, and now with fuel pricing ($5.39 last night), high operating costs, and did I mention, no respect?

the mandates were just the last straw for some….You people will be screwed when we can’t afford to do it.
Prosecution and humiliation will be better
Yeah, I like the humiliation part. Prosecution? Just means they'll be taking up prison space. I think if we can humiliate them into lives that are nothing but meaningless................... oh, wait...................... that's not a far journey.
YOu mean putin's price hike.
You can't be that fking stupid. I thought we weren't buying russian oil? The price doubled before Putin ever invaded. so shut up misinformation genius.
why is any protester ever there?
Mac1958 as always can't answer. He's a qualified mass misinformation punk!!!! I laugh at you friend. You think I give a shit about what you respond with. You must have brain matter oozing out of your ears. In fact, I enjoy your memes. It allows me the moment like this to better represent who you are. Punk. I know you will emoji me again and I encourage it. Let everyone see who you are.
Mac1958 as always can't answer. He's a qualified mass misinformation punk!!!! I laugh at you friend. You think I give a shit about what you respond with. You must have brain matter oozing out of your ears. In fact, I enjoy your memes. It allows me the moment like this to better represent who you are. Punk. I know you will emoji me again and I encourage it. Let everyone see who you are.
You're so desperate for my attention.

I have one question: What is the protest about?

Everything else is just you being a drama queen.
You're so desperate for my attention.

I have one question: What is the protest about?

Everything else is just you being a drama queen.
what i want is people who post in here to answer questions when one is directed at them. Your failure to answer is a point of failure on your position. What they want? Post #114 video will explain it for you. Senator Ted Cruse and Ron Johnson.

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