A gaggle of truckers in D.C!!

Yet in the following sentences, you admit what you just said was a lie
Apparently you lie about his not responding, and when he does
you ignore his response.
One of the primary reasons I've given up trying to communicate with the orange cult here.

If they don't have a simplistic, rote answer provided by Tucker or Hannity or Alex Jones, they just attack like a child on a middle school playground.

Pointless. Predictable. Boring.
Yet in the following sentences, you admit what you just said was a lie

Apparently you lie about his not responding, and when he does
you ignore his response.
an emoji is not a response. I asked a question and it was unanswered. I see you feel mac can't take care of himself, are you his baby sitter?
One of the primary reasons I've given up trying to communicate with the orange cult here.

If they don't have a simplistic, rote answer provided by Tucker or Hannity or Alex Jones, they just attack like a child on a middle school playground.

Pointless. Predictable. Boring.
I see the misinformation tanker arrived. Pure nonsense, none of us listen to those people. We use internet, youtube, Gettr rumble for stories. There are quite a few out there even though the cartel doesn't want us to see it. Ahhhhhh, but it's out there. pisses off the cartel as well, they need to censor information that doesn't comply. We know this. You should fill up your tanker so you can cruise some more.
A large gaggle of truckers has assembled outside Washington, D.C., to protest something, but nobody quite knows what. They’re threatening to repeat the driving-around-in-a-big-circle thing Monday, but to show they really mean business, they’re adding a third Beltway lap, and organizers say they’ll add an extra lap each day until their demands are met. What are their demands? Masks? No, they're mostly gone. Vaccines? No, the country has gone down that road also. Again, who knows?

Did I mention that Russia has invaded Ukraine and the Ukrainian people are bravely defending their homeland, making the truck protesters look even more tone deaf and whiny?”

One of the Truckers (Stan) said: “We want to go back to the way it was before the COVID stuff. Personally, me, I’d like to go back before 9/11, the Patriot Act. Things like that. It’s just very tyrannical type stuff. It’s government overreach. And that’s what we’re all about. Sure, the mask things and the shots and all this, they’re the … easy thing to talk about, but it’s all the other things behind the scenes. … We have freedom. They’re trying to take it away, and we’re gonna stop ’em. We’re gonna take our freedom back to where it was before.”

Can someone please explain what this babbling nonsense means? :cuckoo:

Disgruntled dumbfuckery.
So I guess it's a secret. Okay.
so you can't watch a few minutes of a video to understand the convoy from the origin's mouth? Naw, no secret, you're far too ignorant to listen.
what i want is people who post in here to answer questions when one is directed at them.

O.K. Let's apply that to the person making that demand.

Question: Why did you lie about Mac1958 not answering questions?
Just so's everyone is aware, especially those making fun of truckers. Everything in your life depends on trucks. You're food, clothes, coffee, phones, cars, medical equipment, Covid vaccines, dog/cat toys.
I think everyone understands that.
It’s these nitwits who are the target of ridicule. Certainly not all truckers.
an emoji is not a response. I asked a question and it was unanswered. I see you feel mac can't take care of himself, are you his baby sitter?

As a general rule questions can't be answered with an emoji, but there are cases where they can. It has to be taken on a case by case basis. It's just like when somebody responds with a meme, or a twitter post.
I think everyone understands that.
It’s these nitwits who are the target of ridicule. Certainly not all truckers.
like all the nitwits who kneel at professional sports who make millions? those nitwits?

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