A good explanation why Trump remains so popular among the GOP, and why DeDantis will lose


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
The never-Trumpers on both sides of the aisle are really ratcheting up their rhetoric in some quixotic attempt they're convinced will dissuade Trump-supporters. But as the poll numbers keep indicating, President Trump's popularity hasn't seemed to wane, even in spite of his indictments. This has to be driving the never-Trumpers in the GOP and those on the left in particular, out of their collective minds.

So why is it that President Trump's supporters aren't "leaving him in droves" like some folks would like to pretend? And why is it that Ron DeSantis can't seem to generate the numbers needed to overtake him in the polls?

An email to conservative Mollie Hemingway summed it up succinctly:

"Keep in mind that supporting Trump came with costs never associated with supporting Bush, McCain, or Romney. Trump supporters lost friendships. Brothers and sisters stopped talking to each other. There are parents whose children disowned them, and grandparents who will never see their grandchildren again because they stood by Trump.

Every Republican has these stories. Every Republican knows Republicans who have these stories.

Attacking Trump was effectively telling the people who made real sacrifices that they were stupid for doing so because Trump was just a poser."

On the failure of the DeSantis Campaign:

"A better campaign strategy for DeSantis would have been to describe Trump as the victim of a hysterical media that created a prejudiced populace. This would have enabled DeSantis to be the "MAGA without the baggage" candidate that many Republicans say they want.

The effectiveness of this approach is not hypothetical. It is precisely the tactic used by Mr. Ramaswamy. DeSantis has lost half of his support from its peak five months ago. Meanwhile, support for Ramaswamy has increased by a factor of twelve. DeSantis would have left Trump in the dust by now had he used that approach.

Trump had a 90% approval rating among GOP voters when DeSantis decided to go negative. Even most people who supported DeSantis for the nomination approved of Trump. The choice to go negative alienated many of those supporters. Trump didn't cause a drop in DeSantis' support. The governor was hoisted by his own petard."


"Last week @davidharsanyi and I received a podcast listener email that is a particularly good and straightforward analysis of why anti-Trumpism in the GOP primary does not persuade GOP voters."

Trump voters were never 'all about Trump'; that is what the Party hacks and deviants and commies will never get, as their cults can't grasp a world without their reactionary beliefs and brainwashing.

Their obsession with Trump is a real mental illness, and one that will cost them, no matter what they do to Trump. They are the Walking Dead, mindlessly destructive sociopaths.
Trump is GAINING support from Independents who are aghast at how the Democrats have turned the DOJ into a political hit squad.

Candidates no longer really need the Parties like they did in the past, and raise funds and support without being totally reliant on the Party's owners and dictators. The RNC doesn't support Trump, and they work with the technocrats on the left and the DNC; they are a team player, not an opposition Party. They think nobody notices that fact about them. Trump has stolen a big chunk of their base from them. permanently.
Trump 2024. Yes buttercups, Trump is going to be the next President of the USA.....


A good explanation why Trump remains so popular among the GOP​

Teabaggers love their criminals.
The more corrupt, the better they love them.


Now, it's Trump.
See a pattern?
The never-Trumpers on both sides of the aisle are really ratcheting up their rhetoric in some quixotic attempt they're convinced will dissuade Trump-supporters. But as the poll numbers keep indicating, President Trump's popularity hasn't seemed to wane, even in spite of his indictments. This has to be driving the never-Trumpers in the GOP and those on the left in particular, out of their collective minds.

So why is it that President Trump's supporters aren't "leaving him in droves" like some folks would like to pretend? And why is it that Ron DeSantis can't seem to generate the numbers needed to overtake him in the polls?

An email to conservative Mollie Hemingway summed it up succinctly:

"Keep in mind that supporting Trump came with costs never associated with supporting Bush, McCain, or Romney. Trump supporters lost friendships. Brothers and sisters stopped talking to each other. There are parents whose children disowned them, and grandparents who will never see their grandchildren again because they stood by Trump.

So you all can't admit you made a mistake... is that what you are saying here?

I pretty much stopped talking to a certain family members because they supported Trump, and my life is better off for it because those people were fucking toxic.

But to the point, the vast majority in this country don't support Trump and never will. 53% say they definitely won't vote for him and another 11% say they probably won't.

His steadfast dead-enders might get him the nomination, but they won't get him the election.
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Keep in mind that supporting Trump came with costs never associated with supporting Bush, McCain, or Romney. Trump supporters lost friendships. Brothers and sisters stopped talking to each other. There are parents whose children disowned them, and grandparents who will never see their grandchildren again because they stood by Trump.

MAGA is hard

Makes people hate you
Whaaa, poh Trump, no politician deserves emotive investment by the mass populace.
Who are you going to avoid at a party?

1. The woman showing pictures of her cats
2. The fat guy with bad personal hygiene
3. Someone you owe money
4 The guy in a MAGA hat

Most Americans would choose 4
Bitch, you try to knock my MAGA hat off my head.
When you wake up, Trump will be your President.
Got a link for that?

You cited an article from June 17. An August 14 Marist poll shows that 72% of Independents are more likely to support Trump over DeSantis, and 66% of Independents think Trump is the best person to lead the Republican Party.


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