A good guy with a gun versus a bad one with a gun???

Inevitably, gun nuts will be heralding that it is now absolutely necessary for EVERYONE to have a gun......even folks who [supposedly] attend a religious service,praising Jesus and calling out for peace and harmony in the world.

How essentially different are these gun nuts in mixing guns and Bibles, than their counterparts Jihadists who mix bomb vests with the Koran?
Well, the Walmart shooter had a whole stack of bibles.

So there's that.
Inevitably, gun nuts will be heralding that it is now absolutely necessary for EVERYONE to have a gun......even folks who [supposedly] attend a religious service,praising Jesus and calling out for peace and harmony in the world.

How essentially different are these gun nuts in mixing guns and Bibles, than their counterparts Jihadists who mix bomb vests with the Koran?
You sound chipper today...you must think you know something
They're fairly different. The "gun nuts" don't generally assert that their guns should be used by adherents to "gun nutterism" to arbitrarily shoot any and every infidel they can. There may be some who've thus advocated, but I don't see that as a prevailing refrain among the "gun nut" crowd. Among fanatical Christians who happen also to be "gun nuts," it's a different story, but for those loons, the dominant theme, like that of fanatical Muslims, Jihadists, issues from their warped notions about their faith, not from their "gun nutterism."

Make no mistake, I'm no friend, per se, of "gun nutterism," but neither am I prone to ascribe to anyone traits, behaviors, beliefs, etc. that aren't contextually supportable in a sound way. Frankly, my integrity is more important to me than is my disdain for "gun nutterism" and its effects.

My point, however, is much more along the lines of making weapons to EASILY and READILY kill others, an almost religious tenet or calling.
Inevitably, gun nuts will be heralding that it is now absolutely necessary for EVERYONE to have a gun......even folks who [supposedly] attend a religious service,praising Jesus and calling out for peace and harmony in the world.

How essentially different are these gun nuts in mixing guns and Bibles, than their counterparts Jihadists who mix bomb vests with the Koran?

That was just odd.
Inevitably, gun nuts will be heralding that it is now absolutely necessary for EVERYONE to have a gun......even folks who [supposedly] attend a religious service,praising Jesus and calling out for peace and harmony in the world.

How essentially different are these gun nuts in mixing guns and Bibles, than their counterparts Jihadists who mix bomb vests with the Koran?

One difference, bible betters are doing the killing, that was easy wasn’t it.

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That was just odd.

Want some more "comparisons"???

  • Who is all for denying a woman's right to choose what goes on in her womb?
  • Who is anti-gay and...left alone in their mob mentality would also throw gays off a roof?
  • Who is all for intertwining religion with government?
They're fairly different. The "gun nuts" don't generally assert that their guns should be used by adherents to "gun nutterism" to arbitrarily shoot any and every infidel they can. There may be some who've thus advocated, but I don't see that as a prevailing refrain among the "gun nut" crowd. Among fanatical Christians who happen also to be "gun nuts," it's a different story, but for those loons, the dominant theme, like that of fanatical Muslims, Jihadists, issues from their warped notions about their faith, not from their "gun nutterism."

Make no mistake, I'm no friend, per se, of "gun nutterism," but neither am I prone to ascribe to anyone traits, behaviors, beliefs, etc. that aren't contextually supportable in a sound way. Frankly, my integrity is more important to me than is my disdain for "gun nutterism" and its effects.

My point, however, is much more along the lines of making weapons to EASILY and READILY kill others, an almost religious tenet or calling.
Okay. TY for the clarification. Clarification notwithstanding, however, I'm still of a mind that the analogy you're making is one that suffers from flaws of rational composition/division. (See the videos posted here.)

I'll share with you what Momma told me when I was learning about such things. The fact that there's butter in both mashed potatoes and a cake does not make a cake be at all like mashed potatoes or vice versa. It just means they both have butter as an ingredient, and the mere presence of butter, even in the right proportions, doesn't guarantee that the cake or mashed potatoes will taste good or bad.
Any body remember the church shooting about a month ago, it was a refugee that did that shooting, but no big media coverage, I wonder if they forgot to report on it?

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Inevitably, gun nuts will be heralding that it is now absolutely necessary for EVERYONE to have a gun......even folks who [supposedly] attend a religious service,praising Jesus and calling out for peace and harmony in the world.

How essentially different are these gun nuts in mixing guns and Bibles, than their counterparts Jihadists who mix bomb vests with the Koran?

Do Jihadists use the bombs for self defense?

We learn something new every day. The leftist views are truly illuminating.

High capacity mags are getting them closer to that goal.

Nonetheless, that's lame.

Fact is, most shooters are christian, most domestic terrorists are christian, most prisoners are christian.
Any body remember the church shooting about a month ago, it was a refugee that did that shooting, but no big media coverage, I wonder if they forgot to report on it?

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You must have fallen asleep during the time period. There was plenty of news coverage. I think you were asleep until a week later when the Las Vegas shooter drumpfed him.
Inevitably, gun nuts will be heralding that it is now absolutely necessary for EVERYONE to have a gun......even folks who [supposedly] attend a religious service,praising Jesus and calling out for peace and harmony in the world.

How essentially different are these gun nuts in mixing guns and Bibles, than their counterparts Jihadists who mix bomb vests with the Koran?

Do you mean the atheist who went in to the church where people were praying and murdered 26 of them....or the atheists in China, Russia, Germany, Cambodia, Cuba......who murdered close to 100 million innocent, unarmed....men, women and children...

Yeah...what is it with atheism that leads to mass murder so easily?

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