A good read on the dishonesty of MSNBC and Keith Ubermann

There is an element of racism in the tea party group.

They spout repetedly LIES about Obama like the birthers, deathpanels, bullshit about any attempt to fix the healthcare system is labeled a takeover of the medical system, stupid crap about socialism, facsism, communism or any other ism they can think of.

Why so much manufactured hate for a guy who was elected by the American people?

because hes black
There is an element of racism in the tea party group.

They spout repetedly LIES about Obama like the birthers, deathpanels, bullshit about any attempt to fix the healthcare system is labeled a takeover of the medical system, stupid crap about socialism, facsism, communism or any other ism they can think of.

Why so much manufactured hate for a guy who was elected by the American people?

because hes black

Any asshole can make your silly claim.

But it has not been -- and indeed it cannot be -- substantiated.

Opposition to the Obama Administration proposals and policies is based on something a lot more important and real.

Guys like you -- who just spout shit off, as though merely saying it somehow makes it true -- will never figure this out.
Then why does the group always carry signs and scream shit that are filled with idiot talking points that are based on bullshit and lies?
Then why does the group always carry signs and scream shit that are filled with idiot talking points that are based on bullshit and lies?

First off, nimrod, there is no "the group." The Tea Party MOVEMENT consists of many many DIFFERENT groups.

Secondly, there are some folks who believe that President Obama has failed to establish his actual Constitutional eligibility because nobody has been permitted to see his actual birth certificate to this very day. Whether or not there is any merit behind this so-called "birther" contention is a separate issue. It has no demonstrable relationship, however, to racism, which is your stupid and dishonest contention.

Thirdly, you focus -- because you choose to do so -- on the sideshow participants. You do this because its what you mindless Obamaphiles are told to do by the propaganda ministry of the LMSM and retarded groups like Daily Kos and The Democrap Underground.
But, the primary motivation of the Tea Party Movement remains the deep concern with the direction in which this Nation is being steered by the liberal Democratics.

It should be obvious, but I'll highlight it again for fun, that you pointed to ZERO evidence of racism in your sophomoric post.
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the never-ending hatred from the Con wing is truly palpable.

this country really is at war with itself... sad.

But then, that will happen when half of our nation covers for undeniable, incontrovertible fraud regarding its foreign policy. With so much at stake, I guess I can understand why elephants are so desperate to cling to denial, division and hatred.
Is that supposed to be an attempt to derail the thread?

Not a very good effort.
There is an element of racism in the tea party group.

They spout repetedly LIES about Obama like the birthers, deathpanels, bullshit about any attempt to fix the healthcare system is labeled a takeover of the medical system, stupid crap about socialism, facsism, communism or any other ism they can think of.

Why so much manufactured hate for a guy who was elected by the American people?

because hes black

The article was spot on.

Racism is a tool of the left, thanks for just proving that AGAIN.

Where are these so called lies?

1) Birthers - While i believe that Obama was born in America, i can't prove it, can you ?

2) Prove "death panels" is a lie ........

3) Many of the policies Obama and the dems want to implement are socialistic, including and especially their version of healthcare reform.

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