A great example of why socialism is better than "charity"

You cite a one sided, one example from a heavily biased news source to base your opinion? Isn’t that pretty narrow minded and judgemental?

I read the story from a neutral site and the story plays out much differently, it seems your agenda comes out loud and clear. It is dishonesty at its best.
Link ?

Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.
our government has official metrics based upon that model and uses it for public policy purposes.

it is applied not merely theoretical; just another appeal to ignorance on Your part.
So you claim but so ar you have been wrong every time and have posted nothing but appeals to ignorance.

The government does many idiotic things so your example proves. .....................nothing.
metrics can provide solutions.

appeals to ignorance are merely a waste of time.
No metrics simply mean a way of gauging something they do not offer a solution. I may use metrics to determine how large a fence I need but they do not help me build the fence.
metrics help you determine the type and quantity of material to be used.
Which does no good if you don't do the labor to build it which is precisely what happens with socialism

It only takes away it never builds.
lousy management does that. private sector firms fail all the time.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

So, like, 3 million people flee Venezuela, and it is because of charitable orginazations.

You live in a strange world.
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Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.
You attempt to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum.I will not play that game.
Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.
You attempt to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum.I will not play that game.

And you are trying to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum and I refuse to let this man be a victim and look at a larger picture and take many views into consideration.
Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.
You attempt to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum.I will not play that game.

And you are trying to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum and I refuse to let this man be a victim and look at a larger picture and take many views into consideration.
When you refer to this woman as a man you show your prejudices and your comments are pretty much worthless.
So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.
You attempt to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum.I will not play that game.

And you are trying to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum and I refuse to let this man be a victim and look at a larger picture and take many views into consideration.
When you refer to this woman as a man you show your prejudices and your comments are pretty much worthless.

He is a biological man, science tells us so. Your bigotry against women is also noted.
It's pathetic that evil people should feel arrogant enough to tell others how their faith SHOULD be practiced.

That's not what's pathetic. That is exactly what is to be expected of such types.

What is truly pathetic is when otherwise good people allow themselves to be shamed and intimidated by the evil people that you mention, to the point that they will go along with what they know to be wrong.
So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.
You attempt to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum.I will not play that game.

And you are trying to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum and I refuse to let this man be a victim and look at a larger picture and take many views into consideration.
When you refer to this woman as a man you show your prejudices and your comments are pretty much worthless.

Every cell in his body is male, ironically except for his sperm cells.
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No, the point of socialism is that they HAVEN'T paid, and they don't want to. Socialism is about making someone ELSE pay.
They have paid through their taxes. What part of that is so complicated ?
Through force and violence which is why the UK is a backwards failed society
What force and violence. People voted in a landslide to elect a socialist government to introduce the NHS and make their world better. Not one political party would be stupid enough to propose an American style mess of a system.

Moron, if you don't pay your taxes, what happens? Why, agents of the government show up at your house with guns, arrest your ass, and put it in jail. That would be force and the threat of violence.

Just because people vote to rob someone doesn't make it any less robbery.
Yes what they do not get is that it is even a more cowardly form of robbery.

A real thief generally tends to do his own dirty work. Robbing someone or taking a risk burglarizing someone's property.

These people want to steal from others but will not take the risk of doing it themselves they want the government to do it for them,

And then they want to be applauded and admired for how "compassionate" they are.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

How are gays and trans people treated in socialist Cuba?
He's not a woman. Basic biology says so. Why do you ignore science?
Science disagrees with you.

I dont want anybody to choose. People should get help as a right.

At whose expense? Even if helping one endangering others?

Sub zero temps outside should not see a distressed woman turned on to the streets. Ignorance is no excuse.

Woman? Or a man.

If helping should be a right, maybe police officers should be forced to take him to police station, it's warm there, or to their homes.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

So, like, 3 million people flee Venezuela, and it is because of charitable orginazations.

You live in a strange world.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

You cite a one sided, one example from a heavily biased news source to base your opinion? Isn’t that pretty narrow minded and judgemental?

I read the story from a neutral site and the story plays out much differently, it seems your agenda comes out loud and clear. It is dishonesty at its best.
Link ?

Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

Here's the first paragraph of the story:

"A conservative Christian law firm that has pushed religious issues in multiple states urged a U.S. judge on Friday to block Alaska's largest city from requiring a faith-based women's shelter to accept transgender women."

Yeah, that really sounds like they're only presenting the shelter's side of the story. Nothing biased in favor of the MAN there.

Five paragraphs in:

"Ryan Stuart, an assistant municipal attorney, countered that the preliminary injunction sought by plaintiffs was premature because an investigation by the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission had not been concluded, largely because of the shelter's noncooperation. The investigation is on hold.

Stuart also said there is no homeless shelter exemption. If there is, he said, it is "a legal theory that cannot be described as obvious," he said.

The city wants the federal court to abstain from the case, saying the matter should be allowed to proceed to completion by the commission."

What?! I thought you said they were only giving one side of the story. But right there you have the prosecutor stating his case.

So it seems like your real objection is "How DARE they present anything that doesn't back up my viewpoint!"
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

You cite a one sided, one example from a heavily biased news source to base your opinion? Isn’t that pretty narrow minded and judgemental?

I read the story from a neutral site and the story plays out much differently, it seems your agenda comes out loud and clear. It is dishonesty at its best.
Link ?

Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.

According to the USNews story, the shelter even paid for a cab to take the MAN to an appropriate shelter. Not exactly the "turn HIM out in the cold to freeze" narrative Taint the Liar wants to present,
You cite a one sided, one example from a heavily biased news source to base your opinion? Isn’t that pretty narrow minded and judgemental?

I read the story from a neutral site and the story plays out much differently, it seems your agenda comes out loud and clear. It is dishonesty at its best.
Link ?

Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

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