A great example of why socialism is better than "charity"

Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.

You attempt to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum.I will not play that game.

That is exactly the game you're playing. You just have your panties in a bunch because it's not YOUR narrow bigoted spectrum that's being allowed to frame the conversation.
So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Just because you call yourself something, doesn’t make it so. Born a male, still a male, chromosomes dont lie. Nice sidestep of my question.
You attempt to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum.I will not play that game.

And you are trying to frame the conversation within your narrow bigoted spectrum and I refuse to let this man be a victim and look at a larger picture and take many views into consideration.
When you refer to this woman as a man you show your prejudices and your comments are pretty much worthless.

"I only listen to comments that agree with me! It's worthless if I don't like it!"
You cite a one sided, one example from a heavily biased news source to base your opinion? Isn’t that pretty narrow minded and judgemental?

I read the story from a neutral site and the story plays out much differently, it seems your agenda comes out loud and clear. It is dishonesty at its best.
Link ?

Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.

According to the USNews story, the shelter even paid for a cab to take the MAN to an appropriate shelter. Not exactly the "turn HIM out in the cold to freeze" narrative Taint the Liar wants to present,

Exactly, the issue wasn't resolved the way he wanted. Also being intoxicated is a reason many shelters will not let you stay and be all accounts he was intoxicated.

Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He knows better than you what woman is. :D
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

So, like, 3 million people flee Venezuela, and it is because of charitable orginazations.

You live in a strange world.
What if,

the former Soviet Union had, "refused the line" and launched an industrial automation "offensive" instead.

We may have had no choice but to engage them with a Mission to Mars.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

So, like, 3 million people flee Venezuela, and it is because of charitable orginazations.

You live in a strange world.
What if,

the former Soviet Union had, "refused the line" and launched an industrial automation "offensive" instead.

We may have had no choice but to engage them with a Mission to Mars.

They lost "star wars" and USSR fell apart because they couldn't pay the tab.

Russian industrial automation challenge? Do you know how far they're behind western countries on that field? They do not have technology and they cannot finance it. Sure, some of it can be bought, but that's peanuts in comparison to us. They're heavily dependent of western technologies and investments, that's why they adopted market economy.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

So, like, 3 million people flee Venezuela, and it is because of charitable orginazations.

You live in a strange world.
What if,

the former Soviet Union had, "refused the line" and launched an industrial automation "offensive" instead.

We may have had no choice but to engage them with a Mission to Mars.

They lost "star wars" and USSR fell apart because they couldn't pay the tab.

Russian industrial automation challenge? Do you know how far they're behind western countries on that field? They do not have technology and they cannot finance it. Sure, some of it can be bought, but that's peanuts in comparison to us. They're heavily dependent of western technologies and investments, that's why they adopted market economy.
The line was an Arms Race they were not equipped to win versus an Industrial Automation race that would have given the US an impetus for a Mission to Mars.
Took me a couple seconds to find more stories on this, not sure what you can’t find them, maybe it is willful agenda ignorance on your part.

Here is your silly link. Tons more if you google it.

Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He knows better than you what woman is. :D

Yeah, and apparently dumb bitches like me - and the ones in the shelter - should just shut up, powder our noses, and accept what the men around us tell us to accept.

I love the concern for "women's rights" the left shows when they don't realize we can see them.
I love the concern for "women's rights" the left shows when they don't realize we can see them.

Isn't it funny how fond those on the left wrong are of falsely accusing us on the right of waging a “war on women”, and then they turn around and pull this sort of solid digestive waste.
Yes I read that one as well. It quotes their lawyer and only gives one side of the story.
The thing is their case is not that she was drunk or abusive. Their case is that she is a man. Which brings us back to the OP. You need to read your own links matey.

So you are all for an intoxicated man sleeping in the same room as victimized women. The women in shelters have been abused and victimized all their lives and you want to do it again. We can’t this man go to a men’s shelter or a coed shelter? Lots of other options yet you chose to victimize women.
Shes a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He knows better than you what woman is. :D

Yeah, and apparently dumb bitches like me - and the ones in the shelter - should just shut up, powder our noses, and accept what the men around us tell us to accept.

I love the concern for "women's rights" the left shows when they don't realize we can see them.
hit up some guy for an appointment for full body massage and ask if you can spend the night. claim you just need someone to lean on, for a little while.
Shes [sic] a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He doesn't even know what a woman is. He thinks that a “woman” can have an XY chromosome pattern, and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Basic science, basic human biology, is beyond his grasp.

As a woman, I find it to be misogynistic, patriarchal, and culturally-appropriating to be told that my femaleness is just some ephemeral, ultimately-meaningless state of mind that a man can adopt and claim because he "feels like it". We live in a world where the left routinely attacks people for dressing their kid up as Moana for Halloween because it's an "insult to Polynesian people" or some such shit, but tell women that we're supposed to mutely accept that our womanhood, something far more integral to our core identities, can be grafted onto a man by a dress, some makeup, and a "feeling".
Shes [sic] a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He doesn't even know what a woman is. He thinks that a “woman” can have an XY chromosome pattern, and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Basic science, basic human biology, is beyond his grasp.

As a woman, I find it to be misogynistic, patriarchal, and culturally-appropriating to be told that my femaleness is just some ephemeral, ultimately-meaningless state of mind that a man can adopt and claim because he "feels like it". We live in a world where the left routinely attacks people for dressing their kid up as Moana for Halloween because it's an "insult to Polynesian people" or some such shit, but tell women that we're supposed to mutely accept that our womanhood, something far more integral to our core identities, can be grafted onto a man by a dress, some makeup, and a "feeling".

Following your dumb logic this guy would be allowed in that shelter

But his girl would not.


I cant see any logic in your thinking.
Shes [sic] a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He doesn't even know what a woman is. He thinks that a “woman” can have an XY chromosome pattern, and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Basic science, basic human biology, is beyond his grasp.

As a woman, I find it to be misogynistic, patriarchal, and culturally-appropriating to be told that my femaleness is just some ephemeral, ultimately-meaningless state of mind that a man can adopt and claim because he "feels like it". We live in a world where the left routinely attacks people for dressing their kid up as Moana for Halloween because it's an "insult to Polynesian people" or some such shit, but tell women that we're supposed to mutely accept that our womanhood, something far more integral to our core identities, can be grafted onto a man by a dress, some makeup, and a "feeling".

Following your dumb logic this guy would be allowed in that shelter

But his girl would not.


I cant see any logic in your thinking.

I can't see your logic either and this post does nothing to help your argument.
Shes [sic] a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He doesn't even know what a woman is. He thinks that a “woman” can have an XY chromosome pattern, and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Basic science, basic human biology, is beyond his grasp.

As a woman, I find it to be misogynistic, patriarchal, and culturally-appropriating to be told that my femaleness is just some ephemeral, ultimately-meaningless state of mind that a man can adopt and claim because he "feels like it". We live in a world where the left routinely attacks people for dressing their kid up as Moana for Halloween because it's an "insult to Polynesian people" or some such shit, but tell women that we're supposed to mutely accept that our womanhood, something far more integral to our core identities, can be grafted onto a man by a dress, some makeup, and a "feeling".

Following your dumb logic this guy would be allowed in that shelter

But his girl would not.


I cant see any logic in your thinking.

Perhaps if you understood logic enough to realize that airbrushed pictures of carefully made-up people have little or nothing to do with the real world, especially homeless people.

Are you seriously imagining that your treasured photographs are what all transgendered - or even most, or even a goodly number - people are like? Hell, even Bruce Jenner's Vanity Fair picture isn't what he's actually like, and it was of him!

Back in RealityLand, the 52-year-old homeless person who currently identifies as "Samantha Amanda Coyle" but who is identified as "Timothy Paul Coyle, male" on legal records as recently as January, 2017 (the last time MISTER Coyle had a run-in with the law) only came to this women's shelter after being sent away from the Brother Francis Shelter earlier that day for being drunk and fighting. Since MISTER Coyle frequently lists the address of the Brother Francis Shelter as his residence, it's safe to say they're familiar with him.

The first time he showed up at Downtown Hope Center, they actually sent him away because he was injured, and they gave him cab fare to go to a hospital, and directions to yet another shelter, which takes both men and women. Not exactly your "abandoned to the cold streets" scenario, hmmm? They also agreed with Brother Francis Shelter that he smelled strongly of alcohol.

According to Downtown Hope Center, when MISTER Coyle showed up the next day and tried to gain entrance, they actually sent him away because it was too early in the day. The overnight women's shelter portion of their services doesn't begin until 5 pm.

Also, it's important to note that more investigation into MISTER Coyle tells us that he has a long criminal history, including charges for violent crimes.

And finally, Anchorage apparently has two other women's shelters which do take in transgenders. And they clearly have at least two shelters which take both men and women. So why is it, do you suppose, that this criminally-inclined individual - who was perfectly happy to identify as a male for 50 years until just recently - is so very determined that HE has to stay at this particular shelter for abused women?

And how likely is it that HE looks like the blonde tranny you've always dreamed of and fapped to?
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

That's your argument for socialism?!?

Shes [sic] a woman.

Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He doesn't even know what a woman is. He thinks that a “woman” can have an XY chromosome pattern, and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Basic science, basic human biology, is beyond his grasp.

As a woman, I find it to be misogynistic, patriarchal, and culturally-appropriating to be told that my femaleness is just some ephemeral, ultimately-meaningless state of mind that a man can adopt and claim because he "feels like it". We live in a world where the left routinely attacks people for dressing their kid up as Moana for Halloween because it's an "insult to Polynesian people" or some such shit, but tell women that we're supposed to mutely accept that our womanhood, something far more integral to our core identities, can be grafted onto a man by a dress, some makeup, and a "feeling".

Following your dumb logic this guy would be allowed in that shelter

But his girl would not.


I cant see any logic in your thinking.

Perhaps if you understood logic enough to realize that airbrushed pictures of carefully made-up people have little or nothing to do with the real world, especially homeless people.

Are you seriously imagining that your treasured photographs are what all transgendered - or even most, or even a goodly number - people are like? Hell, even Bruce Jenner's Vanity Fair picture isn't what he's actually like, and it was of him!

Back in RealityLand, the 52-year-old homeless person who currently identifies as "Samantha Amanda Coyle" but who is identified as "Timothy Paul Coyle, male" on legal records as recently as January, 2017 (the last time MISTER Coyle had a run-in with the law) only came to this women's shelter after being sent away from the Brother Francis Shelter earlier that day for being drunk and fighting. Since MISTER Coyle frequently lists the address of the Brother Francis Shelter as his residence, it's safe to say they're familiar with him.

The first time he showed up at Downtown Hope Center, they actually sent him away because he was injured, and they gave him cab fare to go to a hospital, and directions to yet another shelter, which takes both men and women. Not exactly your "abandoned to the cold streets" scenario, hmmm? They also agreed with Brother Francis Shelter that he smelled strongly of alcohol.

According to Downtown Hope Center, when MISTER Coyle showed up the next day and tried to gain entrance, they actually sent him away because it was too early in the day. The overnight women's shelter portion of their services doesn't begin until 5 pm.

Also, it's important to note that more investigation into MISTER Coyle tells us that he has a long criminal history, including charges for violent crimes.

And finally, Anchorage apparently has two other women's shelters which do take in transgenders. And they clearly have at least two shelters which take both men and women. So why is it, do you suppose, that this criminally-inclined individual - who was perfectly happy to identify as a male for 50 years until just recently - is so very determined that HE has to stay at this particular shelter for abused women?

And how likely is it that HE looks like the blonde tranny you've always dreamed of and fapped to?

They refused her because of her sexuality and not because of any other reason. Why dont you answer the question ?
Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He doesn't even know what a woman is. He thinks that a “woman” can have an XY chromosome pattern, and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Basic science, basic human biology, is beyond his grasp.

As a woman, I find it to be misogynistic, patriarchal, and culturally-appropriating to be told that my femaleness is just some ephemeral, ultimately-meaningless state of mind that a man can adopt and claim because he "feels like it". We live in a world where the left routinely attacks people for dressing their kid up as Moana for Halloween because it's an "insult to Polynesian people" or some such shit, but tell women that we're supposed to mutely accept that our womanhood, something far more integral to our core identities, can be grafted onto a man by a dress, some makeup, and a "feeling".

Following your dumb logic this guy would be allowed in that shelter

But his girl would not.


I cant see any logic in your thinking.

Perhaps if you understood logic enough to realize that airbrushed pictures of carefully made-up people have little or nothing to do with the real world, especially homeless people.

Are you seriously imagining that your treasured photographs are what all transgendered - or even most, or even a goodly number - people are like? Hell, even Bruce Jenner's Vanity Fair picture isn't what he's actually like, and it was of him!

Back in RealityLand, the 52-year-old homeless person who currently identifies as "Samantha Amanda Coyle" but who is identified as "Timothy Paul Coyle, male" on legal records as recently as January, 2017 (the last time MISTER Coyle had a run-in with the law) only came to this women's shelter after being sent away from the Brother Francis Shelter earlier that day for being drunk and fighting. Since MISTER Coyle frequently lists the address of the Brother Francis Shelter as his residence, it's safe to say they're familiar with him.

The first time he showed up at Downtown Hope Center, they actually sent him away because he was injured, and they gave him cab fare to go to a hospital, and directions to yet another shelter, which takes both men and women. Not exactly your "abandoned to the cold streets" scenario, hmmm? They also agreed with Brother Francis Shelter that he smelled strongly of alcohol.

According to Downtown Hope Center, when MISTER Coyle showed up the next day and tried to gain entrance, they actually sent him away because it was too early in the day. The overnight women's shelter portion of their services doesn't begin until 5 pm.

Also, it's important to note that more investigation into MISTER Coyle tells us that he has a long criminal history, including charges for violent crimes.

And finally, Anchorage apparently has two other women's shelters which do take in transgenders. And they clearly have at least two shelters which take both men and women. So why is it, do you suppose, that this criminally-inclined individual - who was perfectly happy to identify as a male for 50 years until just recently - is so very determined that HE has to stay at this particular shelter for abused women?

And how likely is it that HE looks like the blonde tranny you've always dreamed of and fapped to?

They refused her because of her sexuality and not because of any other reason. Why dont you answer the question ?

They offered to take him to a facility that took in both males and females, there should have been no issue.
Not even remotely. And how dare you mansplain what being a woman "really" is, you patriarchal chauvinist?

He doesn't even know what a woman is. He thinks that a “woman” can have an XY chromosome pattern, and a fully-functional male reproductive system. Basic science, basic human biology, is beyond his grasp.

As a woman, I find it to be misogynistic, patriarchal, and culturally-appropriating to be told that my femaleness is just some ephemeral, ultimately-meaningless state of mind that a man can adopt and claim because he "feels like it". We live in a world where the left routinely attacks people for dressing their kid up as Moana for Halloween because it's an "insult to Polynesian people" or some such shit, but tell women that we're supposed to mutely accept that our womanhood, something far more integral to our core identities, can be grafted onto a man by a dress, some makeup, and a "feeling".

Following your dumb logic this guy would be allowed in that shelter

But his girl would not.


I cant see any logic in your thinking.

Perhaps if you understood logic enough to realize that airbrushed pictures of carefully made-up people have little or nothing to do with the real world, especially homeless people.

Are you seriously imagining that your treasured photographs are what all transgendered - or even most, or even a goodly number - people are like? Hell, even Bruce Jenner's Vanity Fair picture isn't what he's actually like, and it was of him!

Back in RealityLand, the 52-year-old homeless person who currently identifies as "Samantha Amanda Coyle" but who is identified as "Timothy Paul Coyle, male" on legal records as recently as January, 2017 (the last time MISTER Coyle had a run-in with the law) only came to this women's shelter after being sent away from the Brother Francis Shelter earlier that day for being drunk and fighting. Since MISTER Coyle frequently lists the address of the Brother Francis Shelter as his residence, it's safe to say they're familiar with him.

The first time he showed up at Downtown Hope Center, they actually sent him away because he was injured, and they gave him cab fare to go to a hospital, and directions to yet another shelter, which takes both men and women. Not exactly your "abandoned to the cold streets" scenario, hmmm? They also agreed with Brother Francis Shelter that he smelled strongly of alcohol.

According to Downtown Hope Center, when MISTER Coyle showed up the next day and tried to gain entrance, they actually sent him away because it was too early in the day. The overnight women's shelter portion of their services doesn't begin until 5 pm.

Also, it's important to note that more investigation into MISTER Coyle tells us that he has a long criminal history, including charges for violent crimes.

And finally, Anchorage apparently has two other women's shelters which do take in transgenders. And they clearly have at least two shelters which take both men and women. So why is it, do you suppose, that this criminally-inclined individual - who was perfectly happy to identify as a male for 50 years until just recently - is so very determined that HE has to stay at this particular shelter for abused women?

And how likely is it that HE looks like the blonde tranny you've always dreamed of and fapped to?

They refused her because of her sexuality and not because of any other reason. Why dont you answer the question ?

Oh, WELL, never mind the evidence, then. Taint has issued a one-sentence statement that THIS is how it was, so that's all there is to reality.

Why don't you read the damned post and see the answer, Taint? I barely respect you enough to dignify you once; I'm sure as shit not going to repeat myself for the sorry likes of you.

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