A great thinking American Sly Stallone

Cooking fava beans by Anthony Hopkins.
I heard a rumor he's working on another rambo movie.

Those are scenes from movies.

Movies are not real life.

People don't die from being shot in the movies.

Get the difference?


The gun and bible clutchers have sub standard thinking and reasoning skills and as we can see by their posts , its in the movies so it's real :cuckoo:

Since it seems your unaware of the fact we are mocking your thread you should work to improve your own sub standard thinking and reasoning skills if possible.
Pathetic that gun clutchers can't tell the difference from a part played in a movie and real life , Just Pathetic

I don't think it's pathetic to point out the screamingly loud hypocrisy of denouncing guns when he's made millions of dollars off them in his movies.
Between the 15 Rambo movies and the ten Expendables movies
Stallone has killed or maimed close to a million people with guns.

He doesn't get to say shit about people being able to own a gun.
STFU Sly Face.
any evidence he actually said that? forgive me if i dont take a picture on the internet as gospel truth.

if he did he is just another hollywood hypocrite
Calling the gun Clutches pathetic!!

OH fuck sake a millionaire who made his millions with guns and has armed body guards is anti second amendment?
He has a home in another country he has the money to move their I suggest he do so.
Pathetic is that some opportunistic, make-believe hero makes bank on a reputation of being a bad-assed, gun-toting hero who turns out to be one helluva hypocrite.

I agree, his 'ideas' for amending the Constitution are null & void.
He just lost 20 dollars...I won't be,going to see his new movie or any others...this has spread pretty quick...I don't know why these guys think they can offend half their audience and not hurt their product...of course he's rich, so it will only really effect the "little"people who own theaters and the people down the chain who make a living on these movies...
If he didn't say it he needs to get out there and tell people...it has spread through the media pretty quickly...
any evidence he actually said that? forgive me if i dont take a picture on the internet as gospel truth.

if he did he is just another hollywood hypocrite

Thanks Avatar, I looked it up; here is a much different view from the first quote:

"It's unbelievably horrible, what's happened. I think the biggest problem, seriously, is not so much guns. It's that every one of these people that have done these things in the past 30 years are friggin' crazy. Really crazy! And that's where we've dropped the ball: mental health," he said. "That to me is our biggest problem in the future, is insanity coupled with isolation."

Sylvester Stallone Supports Gun Control: 'Bullet To The Head' Star Doesn't See Value In Assault Weapons
Adam nails it on hollywood liberal hypocrisy

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