A growing list of NYC restaurants have Permanently Closed.

Who cares about New York.

Finest city in the US
Apparently you do not get out much

I have been to every major city in the US
NY, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Phoenix, LA, San Diego, SF, Seattle

None are close to NYC
None compare to NYC
All cities are cesspools and I've probably been to most of em all around the globe. This includes Paris, San Fagcisco, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, Manila, Seoul, NYC, LA, Copenhagen, Nairobi, Amsterdam etc. The closesest to tolerable was probably Helsinki likely because it's a bit smaller. The bigger they are the more they suck.
NY is fun to visit but there is no way in hell I would live there.

Now, it's not even fun to visit.
Like Vegas in that respect. I stay the hell away from that shithole now. When the mafia was running things it was OK then the MBA asshats took over and turned it into nothing more than a shitty sleezy clip joint for fools.
Who cares about New York.

Finest city in the US
Apparently you do not get out much

I have been to every major city in the US
NY, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Phoenix, LA, San Diego, SF, Seattle

None are close to NYC
None compare to NYC

That must be a B.C. year....Before Covid! :abgg2q.jpg:

NY will recover from COVID, as will other major cities
Last I heard, there are a lot of vacant buildings where businesses used to be, and landlords can't make their payments because people are leaving the Big Apple for the wide open spaces in states where businesses are allowed to stay open, and the people themselves are doing social distancing and wearing masks because they choose to make sure others are safe. We are getting some lovely new restaurants here out west where we needed a treat.
Who cares about New York.

Finest city in the US
Apparently you do not get out much

I have been to every major city in the US
NY, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Phoenix, LA, San Diego, SF, Seattle

None are close to NYC
None compare to NYC
All cities are cesspools and I've probably been to most of em all around the globe. This includes Paris, San Fagcisco, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, Manila, Seoul, NYC, LA, Copenhagen, Nairobi, Amsterdam etc. The closesest to tolerable was probably Helsinki likely because it's a bit smaller. The bigger they are the more they suck.
Farm boys are intimidated by big cities
Everyone else has a good time
Restaurants and bars nationwide should be opened to all RWNJs who want to drink or dine in them, with the provision: CUSTOMER ARE NOT PERMITTED TO WEAR MASKS! (However, employers must provide fresh and suitable N95 or KN95 masks to employees, daily. It is an inexpensive safety measure to assure their fitness to work.)

Additionally, employees will be given hazardous duty pay, and all customers will be expected to leave a minimum 25% cash tip on their table. It's only fair the customer pay extra for endangering the employees' lives. And the employer's business is saved by the courageous employees putting their lives on the line to keep his (her) business afloat.

This is simply one of the necessary steps American companies will be required to make to accommodate the impeached president trump's COVID-19 incompetence, and the "new normal" that incompetence imposes on the American people.

Who cares about New York.

Finest city in the US
Apparently you do not get out much

I have been to every major city in the US
NY, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Phoenix, LA, San Diego, SF, Seattle

None are close to NYC
None compare to NYC
All cities are cesspools and I've probably been to most of em all around the globe. This includes Paris, San Fagcisco, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, Manila, Seoul, NYC, LA, Copenhagen, Nairobi, Amsterdam etc. The closesest to tolerable was probably Helsinki likely because it's a bit smaller. The bigger they are the more they suck.
Farm boys are intimidated by big cities
Everyone else has a good time
Asshole I've lived in more big cities than you have probably and for longer too. Denver, LA and
Silicon Valley included. Where have you lived butthole? I know damn well I've been in more of them. Maybe farm boys just know what shit is when they see it and smell it and you don't. Likely the case. You don't know what a good time is unless someone tells you you are. Face it you're a sheeple, a thoughtless member of a herd and a drooling idiot.
Who cares about New York.

Finest city in the US
You should check it out

Tens of millions from around the world already have



I would rather check out the woods.

Who cares about New York.

Finest city in the US
Apparently you do not get out much

I have been to every major city in the US
NY, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Denver, Phoenix, LA, San Diego, SF, Seattle

None are close to NYC
None compare to NYC
All cities are cesspools and I've probably been to most of em all around the globe. This includes Paris, San Fagcisco, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, Manila, Seoul, NYC, LA, Copenhagen, Nairobi, Amsterdam etc. The closesest to tolerable was probably Helsinki likely because it's a bit smaller. The bigger they are the more they suck.
Farm boys are intimidated by big cities
Everyone else has a good time
Asshole I've lived in more big cities than you have probably and for longer too. Denver, LA and
Silicon Valley included. Where have you lived butthole? I know damn well I've been in more of them. Maybe farm boys just know what shit is when they see it and smell it and you don't. Likely the case. You don't know what a good time is unless someone tells you you are. Face it you're a sheeple, a thoughtless member of a herd and a drooling idiot.
Actually he is a shill from Langley that has penetrated this site. :trolls:
On 9-11, NYC showed it was the greatest city in the world
My uncle Bob was there.
Saw the second plane hit from the SI ferry and saw all 3 towers fall from Staten Island. He moved to Kentucky 15 years ago...couldn't stand it there any more.

I have been to Kentucky
Not even close

Not enough concrete, pavement, and trash for your taste.

Are big cities good for the environment?

Say in terms of rainwater and thermal absorption?
Same here in Pittsburgh. A couple of my favorite restaurants have closed for good and I'm rather bummed about it. I have numerous friends in the hospitality industry and this has been a disaster for most of them.
NYC, through no fault of its own, became Ground Zero for the pandemic. They experienced the "perfect storm" of large numbers of foreign visitors, necessary intermingling of people (in subways, buses, various venues), and an understandable reluctance to shut down, as necessary - nobody knew how this would play out. They remain, by far, the hardest hit city in the country, inflating all the bad numbers for the whole of the U.S.A.

New York is a GREAT city. No matter what your interests are (with a few exceptions), you can enjoy them in New York (or nearby), and often to a greater extent than anywhere else. It is mostly outrageously expensive, but many things can be found at very reasonable cost - and of course not needing a car softens the blow of the stratospheric housing costs. In fact, many "New Yorkers" don't actually live in New York, but commute from the four points of the compass into one of the five boroughs.

New York is a cultural cornucopia for music, performing arts and the graphic arts. It also has hundreds of interesting historic and architectural wonders, and the unique Central Park. It is one of the greatest places to go for a walk on the planet.

As fucked up as City Hall is, it is not sufficiently fucked up to ruin life the city for those who live there. One could write books about the inefficiency, waste, corruption, featherbedding, incompetence, and general hostility to business of the city government, with all its bureaus, agencies, and departments. (I have read that 25% of New Yorkers either work for the city or are supported by someone who is). But still, it's a great city with its fair share of poverty, crime, and craziness.

The devastation of the pandemic may actually be a good thing for New York. It may bring real estate prices and rents down a bit. It will give new entrepreneurs the opportunity to take the place of those that failed.

New York will be fine. Maybe not tomorrow, but in a while.

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