A gun made for women? European women don't bother watching, you aren't allowed to protect yourselves anyway....

Yeah, you wouldn’t want to read anything that disagrees with your fantasy story.
On the contrary, I've probably read more of Lott's drivel than most posters here, given that 2aguy thinks the sun shines out of his posterior, despite him losing every academic position he ever held, and his "research" having been thoroughly debunked.
His pissant web site, that NO ONE has ever heard of,
Correction, it's been available in Google for at least ten years and is widely known internationally. So it would be far more accurate for you to state that YOU have never heard of it. Here's a link, knock yourself out...

I approve of women arming themselves, but what exactly makes this a gun “made for women”? I think it’s just a marketing gimmick.
Well....the muslim mayor of London did say that the city is not safe for women or girls....

Rape, beatings, robberies.......just send those poor women to the NHS and get them patched up.....no need to stop the rapes, robberies or murders....

A year ago, true. Here's a link to what really goes on and what steps are being taken to improve things (spoiler alert, no guns involved):
Really? Care to provide a link to back up your statement?

Like you did?

I was hesitant to make up a fake site like suckmydick.com, because it might turn out to be a gay porn site and you'd spend the next 20 hours at it - which it looks like is what happened..
Correction, it's been available in Google for at least ten years and is widely known internationally. So it would be far more accurate for you to state that YOU have never heard of it. Here's a link, knock yourself out...

WIDELY KNOWN - travelocity better be scared.

So why don't you morons list the actual violent crimes against travelers? Oh my ALLAH (tip of the hat to the Caliphate that rules England) - while England has far more violent crimes per 100,000 visitors than the USA does, those Yanks let the PEASANTS have arms? What would Henry the VIII say? (Well, now days in Londonstan he'd have to say "Allahu Akbar")
o why don't you morons list the actual violent crimes against travelers? Oh my ALLAH (tip of the hat to the Caliphate that rules England) - while England has far more violent crimes per 100,000 visitors than the USA does, those Yanks let the PEASANTS have arms? What would Henry the VIII say? (Well, now days in Londonstan he'd have to say "Allahu Akbar")
If women in the UK wear a burka, then they are safe from being raped.

Submit to the ruling Caliphate.
Like you did?

I was hesitant to make up a fake site like suckmydick.com, because it might turn out to be a gay porn site and you'd spend the next 20 hours at it - which it looks like is what happened..
Yup, you definitely voted for Trump, and are an excellent example of what Isaac Asimov was talking about.
Well, "discerning" is one word to describe a mind, so is "closed", "biased", "bigoted", "credulous", "rigid", "pig headed", "persuadable", etc etc.

All I have done is presented evidence that well regulated firearms laws in a country result in less gun violence in that that country. Nothing at all to do with any Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. I believe I have demonstrated the "necessary relationship" (whatever that means) by presenting sufficient examples where this is the case. Go as far out as Mongolia and the pattern holds true (30 gun deaths), or even a Right wing semi-dictatorship like Hungary (56 gun deaths). The result is consistent. The tighter the gun control, the less risk of being shot and/or killed by firearm. QED

No....you haven't come close to establishing "Causation." And you can't....you use countries that are homogenous, used to obeying the government, respectful of authority to the point of being slavish.......and countries that experienced cultural and societal destruction because of World War 2....

And yet those countries are not changing, catching up to the United States with violence.....as their social welfare states have destroyed their families, and now fatherless boys and girls are turning to crime and violence, and they have imported violent, 3rd world males from cultures that not only do not respect Western culture, but hold it in open contempt, who do not respect or fear your police ...........

So you haven't shown anything that would relate to gun control laws limiting gun crime and murder.....

This is especially true since the criminals of Europe favor fully automatic military rifles for their criminal activity....and in Sweden they also like hand grenades...
A year ago, true. Here's a link to what really goes on and what steps are being taken to improve things (spoiler alert, no guns involved):


More CCTV cameras? Now that is funny....

So when the woman is dragged into an alley by her attacker, they will capture it on video...so when the woman is at the NHS hospital getting treated for her beating and rape, the local Bobbies can come in and tell her, yep, they caught it all on video, but the attacker was hooded, dragged her into an alley with no CCTV coverage, so the likelihood is they will never catch the guy until he rapes enough British women that they eventually catch him by accident.....

Well, "discerning" is one word to describe a mind, so is "closed", "biased", "bigoted", "credulous", "rigid", "pig headed", "persuadable", etc etc.
Sadly for you, none of those terms describe soeone who remains unswayed by your "proof".
All I have done is presented evidence that well regulated firearms laws in a country result in less gun violence in that that country.
Oh. Well, OK.
I believe I have demonstrated the "necessary relationship" (whatever that means) by presenting sufficient examples where this is the case
Correlation does not prove causation - so, no, you have not.
You rest on a post hoc fallacy.
Just like I said.
Still if you look at countries with strict gun controls, their gun death figures are dramatically lower, even allowing for differences in population to those of the USA.
How is it you do not understand that correlation does not prove causation?
Willful ignorance?
If not, then what?

How is it you do not understand that correlation does not prove causation?

How is it that YOU don't understand that while correlation does not prove causation causal factors can be expected to correlate quite well.

It's almost like you had half a logic class but not the whole thing. Almost like you don't have a CLUE how inference works.

You mouthbreathers really need to travel. You have this hilarious trailer park cartoon version of what Europe is like.

Answer the question retard. My wife and I own a flat in Paris. I know Europe very well.

More CCTV cameras? Now that is funny....

So when the woman is dragged into an alley by her attacker, they will capture it on video...so when the woman is at the NHS hospital getting treated for her beating and rape, the local Bobbies can come in and tell her, yep, they caught it all on video, but the attacker was hooded, dragged her into an alley with no CCTV coverage, so the likelihood is they will never catch the guy until he rapes enough British women that they eventually catch him by accident.....

Ah yes, the usual cherry picked BS, coupled with your favourite masturbatory fantasy. Pity you didn't read the whole article, although it is a bit dated.
Sadly for you, none of those terms describe soeone who remains unswayed by your "proof".
True, nothing I say can convince closed minds, or anyone suffering from cognitive dissonance. I, and many millions like me feel safer living in a society with effective gun control. I can walk about unarmed and not have a constant fear that someone at my local pub, will not take offence at a chance remark and start shooting, or not like the way their hamburger was cooked and start shooting the staff, or having a family argument spiral out of control and start shooting each other, or being so frightened of being burgled, that I'd shoot my wife or daughter, returning late from work or a party. All of the aforementioned are fairly common occurrences in America.
Correlation does not prove causation - so, no, you have not.
You rest on a post hoc fallacy.
Just like I said
Ah, so you want me to provide a confounder. Interesting. I suppose you are aware of perhaps the most well known and important example of a correlation being clear but causation being in doubt? Smoking and lung cancer in the 1950's, where it was found that the rate of lung cancer had increased dramatically in the proceeding decades. Nobody at the time disputed that there was a correlation between lung cancer and smoking, but to prove that one caused the other would be no mean feat. It took a study involving more than 40,000 doctors in the UK 6 years to show conclusively that smoking really does cause cancer!

Sadly I neither have the time, nor if truth be told the inclination to perform such a statistical feat of gymnastics. I will maintain however that a well regulated system of firearms control significantly reduces the number of shootings that would otherwise occur without such control.
Answer the question retard. My wife and I own a flat in Paris. I know Europe very well.
Then you would be well aware of the French laws on self defence:
Article 122-5 of the Penal Code says "a person who, faced with an unjustified attack on themselves or a third person, simultaneously commits an act necessary to legitimate defence, shall incur no criminal liability except where the means employed are disproportionate to the seriousness of the attack." What is the law on self-defence?

You would also know what forms of self defence are allowed: What are the defensive weapons authorized in France?

The situation is very similar in Germany:
German law permits self-defense against an unlawful attack. If there is no other possibility for defense, it is generally allowed to use even deadly force without a duty to retreat. However, there must not be an extreme imbalance ("extremes Missverhältnis") between the defended right and the chosen method of defense.
Here's a useful article: German Self-Defence Law | Iain Abernethy
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