A Hillary Clinton team member says that black voters are stupid

Given the state of our government, most voters are stupid, so he's not exactly wrong.
The email to Podesta is about this:


Mr. Sanders released a 60-second commercial in Iowa on Thursday that features the Simon and Garfunkel song “America” and that seeks to remind his supporters how far he has come since declaring his candidacy. The ad is intended to motivate people to caucus for him on Feb. 1. No words are spoken, apart from the song’s lyrics, and Mr. Sanders is seen greeting voters on the campaign trail, first in small groups, then in gymnasiums and finally at huge rallies.

David Brock, a longtime Clinton supporter who founded the “super PAC” backing her, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advertising presented a “bizarre” image of America focused on white voters. Mr. Brock also said the ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base,” according to the news agency.

“From this ad it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders,” Mr. Brock told The Associated Press.

Mrs. Clinton has historically had close ties with black voters, and several polls show her with significant leads on Mr. Sanders among the black electorate.

Mr. Brock has emerged in this campaign as one of Mrs. Clinton’s most acerbic allies, challenging both her critics and unflattering news stories about her, and increasingly turning his fire on Mr. Sanders.
Given the state of our government, most voters are stupid, so he's not exactly wrong.
True but at least the democratic voters are smart enough to kill their kids to help make the World a better place, don;t you agree?
The email to Podesta is about this:


Mr. Sanders released a 60-second commercial in Iowa on Thursday that features the Simon and Garfunkel song “America” and that seeks to remind his supporters how far he has come since declaring his candidacy. The ad is intended to motivate people to caucus for him on Feb. 1. No words are spoken, apart from the song’s lyrics, and Mr. Sanders is seen greeting voters on the campaign trail, first in small groups, then in gymnasiums and finally at huge rallies.

David Brock, a longtime Clinton supporter who founded the “super PAC” backing her, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advertising presented a “bizarre” image of America focused on white voters. Mr. Brock also said the ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base,” according to the news agency.

“From this ad it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders,” Mr. Brock told The Associated Press.

Mrs. Clinton has historically had close ties with black voters, and several polls show her with significant leads on Mr. Sanders among the black electorate.

Mr. Brock has emerged in this campaign as one of Mrs. Clinton’s most acerbic allies, challenging both her critics and unflattering news stories about her, and increasingly turning his fire on Mr. Sanders.

Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

Face it Hillary and all her goons are just using black people, and feed them welfare crumbs
The email to Podesta is about this:


Mr. Sanders released a 60-second commercial in Iowa on Thursday that features the Simon and Garfunkel song “America” and that seeks to remind his supporters how far he has come since declaring his candidacy. The ad is intended to motivate people to caucus for him on Feb. 1. No words are spoken, apart from the song’s lyrics, and Mr. Sanders is seen greeting voters on the campaign trail, first in small groups, then in gymnasiums and finally at huge rallies.

David Brock, a longtime Clinton supporter who founded the “super PAC” backing her, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advertising presented a “bizarre” image of America focused on white voters. Mr. Brock also said the ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base,” according to the news agency.

“From this ad it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders,” Mr. Brock told The Associated Press.

Mrs. Clinton has historically had close ties with black voters, and several polls show her with significant leads on Mr. Sanders among the black electorate.

Mr. Brock has emerged in this campaign as one of Mrs. Clinton’s most acerbic allies, challenging both her critics and unflattering news stories about her, and increasingly turning his fire on Mr. Sanders.

Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

Face it Hillary and all her goons are just using black people, and feed them welfare crumbs
Hey retard. It was a Clinton campaign staffer who said Brock thinks black voters are stupid. You are proving they have integrity, idiot.

Yes you could AND YOU DID.

No one actually said that black voters are stupid, ON THE CONTRARY they are saying blacks ARE NOT stupid.

The more wiki-leaks the higher opinion I have of Hillary operations - is that really ALL THEY COULD FIND IN THERE?
Oh yes they did, if you bother to open the link you will see it, and Hillary will not deny this like she has not denied any other email..........LOL jump retard Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”
Let's be honest yet not so politically correct, OK?

If 95% of African Americans vote Democrat for no apparent reason outside false narrative, a rational conclusion would be these people are [fill in the blank].
Or that they have been conned and lied to, and were led to believe that being jobless and on welfare is a better solution than letting illegal aliens take those jobs away from Americans

Or is secondary, I'm looking for primary. I can only play the victim role to extent. At some point people just need to wise up and stop being the mere sheep they are (no slight to sheep). At best they're foolish, just like anyone who supports Clinton today. Doesn't matter what color or creed, unless Hillary owes you a personal favor, there's not one legit reason to vote for this waste of a perfectly good tampon. There's every reason to remove her name from the ballot completely.
The email to Podesta is about this:


Mr. Sanders released a 60-second commercial in Iowa on Thursday that features the Simon and Garfunkel song “America” and that seeks to remind his supporters how far he has come since declaring his candidacy. The ad is intended to motivate people to caucus for him on Feb. 1. No words are spoken, apart from the song’s lyrics, and Mr. Sanders is seen greeting voters on the campaign trail, first in small groups, then in gymnasiums and finally at huge rallies.

David Brock, a longtime Clinton supporter who founded the “super PAC” backing her, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advertising presented a “bizarre” image of America focused on white voters. Mr. Brock also said the ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base,” according to the news agency.

“From this ad it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders,” Mr. Brock told The Associated Press.

Mrs. Clinton has historically had close ties with black voters, and several polls show her with significant leads on Mr. Sanders among the black electorate.

Mr. Brock has emerged in this campaign as one of Mrs. Clinton’s most acerbic allies, challenging both her critics and unflattering news stories about her, and increasingly turning his fire on Mr. Sanders.

Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

Face it Hillary and all her goons are just using black people, and feed them welfare crumbs
Hey retard. It was a Clinton campaign staffer who said Brock thinks black voters are stupid. You are proving they have integrity, idiot.

LOL read on doofus Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”
The email to Podesta is about this:


Mr. Sanders released a 60-second commercial in Iowa on Thursday that features the Simon and Garfunkel song “America” and that seeks to remind his supporters how far he has come since declaring his candidacy. The ad is intended to motivate people to caucus for him on Feb. 1. No words are spoken, apart from the song’s lyrics, and Mr. Sanders is seen greeting voters on the campaign trail, first in small groups, then in gymnasiums and finally at huge rallies.

David Brock, a longtime Clinton supporter who founded the “super PAC” backing her, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advertising presented a “bizarre” image of America focused on white voters. Mr. Brock also said the ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base,” according to the news agency.

“From this ad it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders,” Mr. Brock told The Associated Press.

Mrs. Clinton has historically had close ties with black voters, and several polls show her with significant leads on Mr. Sanders among the black electorate.

Mr. Brock has emerged in this campaign as one of Mrs. Clinton’s most acerbic allies, challenging both her critics and unflattering news stories about her, and increasingly turning his fire on Mr. Sanders.

Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

Face it Hillary and all her goons are just using black people, and feed them welfare crumbs
Hey retard. It was a Clinton campaign staffer who said Brock thinks black voters are stupid. You are proving they have integrity, idiot.

LOL read on doofus Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

We did retard - in the email one person accuses another of treating blacks like they are stupid, but at no point did either of them say blacks are stupid.

The email to Podesta is about this:


Mr. Sanders released a 60-second commercial in Iowa on Thursday that features the Simon and Garfunkel song “America” and that seeks to remind his supporters how far he has come since declaring his candidacy. The ad is intended to motivate people to caucus for him on Feb. 1. No words are spoken, apart from the song’s lyrics, and Mr. Sanders is seen greeting voters on the campaign trail, first in small groups, then in gymnasiums and finally at huge rallies.

David Brock, a longtime Clinton supporter who founded the “super PAC” backing her, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the advertising presented a “bizarre” image of America focused on white voters. Mr. Brock also said the ad was a “significant slight to the Democratic base,” according to the news agency.

“From this ad it seems black lives don’t matter much to Bernie Sanders,” Mr. Brock told The Associated Press.

Mrs. Clinton has historically had close ties with black voters, and several polls show her with significant leads on Mr. Sanders among the black electorate.

Mr. Brock has emerged in this campaign as one of Mrs. Clinton’s most acerbic allies, challenging both her critics and unflattering news stories about her, and increasingly turning his fire on Mr. Sanders.

Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

Face it Hillary and all her goons are just using black people, and feed them welfare crumbs
Hey retard. It was a Clinton campaign staffer who said Brock thinks black voters are stupid. You are proving they have integrity, idiot.

LOL read on doofus Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

We did retard - in the email one person accuses another of treating blacks like they are stupid, but at no point did either of them say blacks are stupid.


Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”

Deal with it kid...................Your hero Clinton is a racist just like David Brock, and the Blumenthalls are Nazies. Keep pretending that the truth is fiction and that your hero is not a racist Nazi witch Hillary’s Israel-Hating Secret Advisor Comes Out Swinging
Is this really the best WIkleaks has? I.e. nothing and it's up to the internet trolls to pretend something is inferred that clearly isn't?
David Brock, who was with Priorities USA, the Hill's super pac. It was Obama's before that. He resigned now I see.Why wasn't he asked to resign when he did this crap?
I don't want to open up that link.

Can someone tell me who is the "Clinton operative" that said all this?
David Brock, who was with Priorities USA, the Hill's super pac. It was Obama's before that. He resigned now I see.Why wasn't he asked to resign when he did this crap?
I don't want to open up that link.

Can someone tell me who is the "Clinton operative" that said all this?
He wasn't ask to resign when he did this because Hillary approved.

Accept it already

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