A historical film on hitler

And Proctor, down the page, clearly explained that Hitler was not a socialist and that Big Business loved him. You misinterpret the quote. Once again, your own source blows you out of the water.

Hitler was not a socialist.

I know you have a link. You wouldn't lie, now would you jake?
He clearly explained? How did he explain it? Could he read hitlers mind?

Proctor is your source, bigrebnc. Did you forget? He is the authority, not you, and he blows your argument out of the water. Or are you able to read Hitler's mind?

Good grief, son, grow up.

I know you have a link. You wouldn't lie, now would you jake?
He clearly explained? How did he explain it? Could he read hitlers mind?
Your own source rejects your argument, bigrebnc. You can't have it both ways. Epic fail.

Do you have a link. You wouldn't lie, now would you jake?
He clearly explained? How did he explain it? Could he read hitlers mind?

Refute Jake's claim that your source rejects your argument. As for reading Hitlers mind, I believe he claimed to be a socialist. He wasn't.
Your own source rejects your argument, bigrebnc. You can't have it both ways. Epic fail.

Do you have a link. You wouldn't lie, now would you jake?
He clearly explained? How did he explain it? Could he read hitlers mind?

Refute Jake's claim that your source rejects your argument. As for reading Hitlers mind, I believe he claimed to be a socialist. He wasn't.

Whats to refute? jakes a liar until he comes up with a link that says otherwise all we have is his word.

So now we are to the point that hitler claimed to be a socialist but you still say he wasn't Well aren't you special? Hitler used socialism to push his agenda. How else could he incite the poeople to do what he wanted?
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Do you have a link. You wouldn't lie, now would you jake?
He clearly explained? How did he explain it? Could he read hitlers mind?

Refute Jake's claim that your source rejects your argument. As for reading Hitlers mind, I believe he claimed to be a socialist. He wasn't.

Whats to refute? jakes a liar until he comes up with a link that says otherwise all we have is his word.

He was claiming your source makes you a liar. Does it?
Refute Jake's claim that your source rejects your argument. As for reading Hitlers mind, I believe he claimed to be a socialist. He wasn't.

Whats to refute? jakes a liar until he comes up with a link that says otherwise all we have is his word.

He was claiming your source makes you a liar. Does it?

No it doesn't as far as I know. untikl he proiduces some informnation supporting his claim all we have is his word.
You are lying, bigrebnc. Nice try. The answer is on pp. 74 and 75. And I have posted it earlier. It refutes your claim. You are such a simpleton.

Elvis, follow the link to page 74 and read below the Hitler quote. Clearly, Hitler was not a socialist, and bigrebnc is a dedicated liar and prograndaist and fool.

The Nazi War on Cancer - Google Books
I always thought it was interesting Hitler went after socialist democrats and unions. ;)

HUMM.... Strange thing that he would join a new organization called the Germans workers party and within a year take control of that organization and rename it The National Socialist Germans Workers Party.

Yeah...like The People's REPUBLIC of China.
All that means is that Republicans are communist.
You are lying, bigrebnc. Nice try. The answer is on pp. 74 and 75. And I have posted it earlier. It refutes your claim. You are such a simpleton.

Elvis, follow the link to page 74 and read below the Hitler quote. Clearly, Hitler was not a socialist, and bigrebnc is a dedicated liar and prograndaist and fool.

The Nazi War on Cancer - Google Books

It's not saying what you said earlier. You said poctor said hitler wasn't a socialist. Yet hitlers comment still stands

"Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?"

I repeat hitler was a dictator that used socialism to advance his agenda.
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You misinterpret the quote. Go back and read what I said. Proctor clearly does not say Hitler was a socialist, and his remarks can clearly be read to mean that Proctor did not think Hitler was a socialist.

Your own source blew you up.
You misinterpret the quote. Go back and read what I said. Proctor clearly does not say Hitler was a socialist, and his remarks can clearly be read to mean that Proctor did not think Hitler was a socialist.

Your own source blew you up.

Jake on my link the quote is marked in yellow
second time I have posted this link
The Nazi War on Cancer - Google Books

Where does proctor say that?
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You have to read the whole page and the next one to see that clearly Proctor does not believe that Hitler was a socialist. Hitler was saying he did not need to socialize industry because he had the people behind him. That is correct. He did not socialize industry, thus he was not a socialist.

Your OP is epic fail.
You have to read the whole page and the next one to see that clearly Proctor does not believe that Hitler was a socialist. Hitler was saying he did not need to socialize industry because he had the people behind him. That is correct. He did not socialize industry, thus he was not a socialist.

Your OP is epic fail.

He didn't have to socialize industry because he had the support of the people because of all the promises of socialized programs he promised. Remember that 25 point list?
No, not at all. That is not what the document says at all, or that Proctor infers.

Anyone can read The Nazi War on Cancer - Google Books

Key words to look at
working man was a hero 2nd. Paragraph 5th line down
A moral duty was to be in the military or work 2nd. Paragraph 6th line down

Labor projected a special almost migical, aura for the nazis. 1st line second paragraph
So why socialize industry when the people were already socialized?

Now lets go back to the 25 points list.
The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party

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You just answered your own question: Hitler did not socialize industry. Nothing else matters. Epic fail.
You just answered your own question: Hitler did not socialize industry. Nothing else matters. Epic fail.

Hitler"Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?"

I repeat hitler was a dictator that used socialism to advance his agenda.

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