a large capacity gun versus a knife?

That is poorly written, Dante...it's unclear if the creep has the gun or knife, or if we're facing off with the creep and we're armed with a gun or knife.:D
Sherry, I like you. I have to be honest with you...go fuck yourself. I hope you or people you know never meet the creep.

I have. I actually fought with a guy with a gun...low capacity. Fought with more than a few people who had knives...I was lucky and they were not
It can take 10 rounds for a trained person to kill someone. A person can take 3 or 4 rounds and still travel miles before dieing.
Sherry, I like you. I have to be honest with you...go fuck yourself. I hope you or people you know never meet the creep.

I have. I actually fought with a guy with a gun...low capacity. Fought with more than a few people who had knives...I was lucky and they were not

I mixed it up with a knife wielding tweaker. Got one good stabbing, and a slashing to the face. A gun would have don me no good really, but every situation is different.
How many of you would choose to face off against a creep with a large capacity gun versus a creep with a knife knife?

please, tell us.

I have a 10" Bagwell Bowie knife that I had to wait 3 years for and cost 3500 bucks...but it's my secondary weapon...the first is a .40 SIG. With 13 rounds...
Dante wrote: How many of you would choose to face off against a creep with a large capacity gun versus a creep with a knife knife?

Dat would depend...

... on who had the gun...

... an' who had the knife knife...

... would dat be a knife with a blade at both ends?...

... an' can it deflect bullets?...

... inquiring minds want to know.
You will get cut if the knife guy is moving within six to eight feet of you, no way it won't happen.
You will get cut if the knife guy is moving within six to eight feet of you, no way it won't happen.

More like 21 feet. That's why you shoot them farther than that. I've been a knife and sword fighter for over 45 years, and if presented with someone who knows what they're doing, I will shoot them. There are too many variables in a blade fight, so mine is backup only.
Where the hell do you people live that you have to worry about getting into knife fights and guns fights?

Just one round with my Mossberg gets the job done......I just have to decide if I should remove the guys head or entire chest area. Shotgun slug shots are fucking amazing......Zombie devestation s0ns!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2itvDmHK58o]Slug Barrel Shoot - YouTube[/ame]
How many of you would choose to face off against a creep with a large capacity gun versus a creep with a knife knife?

please, tell us.

Silly question. Zero people would choose to face off against a creep w/a large capacity gun or a creep with a knife knife.

What's a knife knife? Double edged or one in each hand?

Where the hell do you people live that you have to worry about getting into knife fights and guns fights?

I thought you said you used to teach in the Boston area?

Yeah, so?

I've lived in some truly shitty urban areas and never had to worry about it.

I live, for example in the Tenderloin of San Francisco, in St Albans, Queens and in the South End of Boston on the Roxbury border.

Not exactyly nice neighborhood, ya know?

I never carried a knife or gun.

Have things gotten so much worse in the last two decades?

If if they have, why are the crime statistics telling us they are not getting worse, but in fact getting better?
You never went to Chinatown late at night? Never hit the bars in Allston/Brighton, Quincy, or Revere? Never found yourself in Dorchester or Roxy? Good for you, but you seem to have missed out on some of the 'culture' of the area.
Some folks want to cut or shoot: simple. And it is not just the 'criminals' on the street.
Where the hell do you people live that you have to worry about getting into knife fights and guns fights?

As part of my work I used to travel to some of the most wonderful third world shitholes you could imagine, and instead of entrusting my life to mercenaries and thieves for hire, I would purchase many weapons upon arrival and fend for myself. That's why I'm still here and many of my colleagues aren't.

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