a large capacity gun versus a knife?

How many of you would choose to face off against a creep with a large capacity gun versus a creep with a knife knife?

please, tell us.

Is a knife knife an extra sharp knife like an assault knife?
I have a 10" Bagwell Bowie knife that I had to wait 3 years for and cost 3500 bucks...but it's my secondary weapon...the first is a .40 SIG. With 13 rounds...

Suit yourself but i have bunch of fighting knives i buy at thrift stores for 50 cents to $1.50. Thirfties sell lots of kitchen knives with blades in the 8-10 inch range and most of the blades are too thin for fighting. But some do have thick blades and i buy them and put a great edge on them and make sheaths for them out of poster board and duct tape and strips of metal from tuna cans.

They work great. I've gutted lots of mouthy illegals with them.
One of the great things about knives is they don't wreck your ears like guns do . Even with plugs AND muffs, gun practice still sets my ears ringing. I hate to think what would happen if i ever used a 357 for defense in a house. No ear protection and a confined space!!
How many of you would choose to face off against a creep with a large capacity gun versus a creep with a knife knife?

please, tell us.

He only had a box cutter & the razor blade broke off in a victim's face. Had he had a real knife he would have caused more damage & stabbed more victims. He would have exceeded the Sandy Hook numbers if he were attacking 5 year olds as were attacked there.

If someone poured Bleach, Ammonia & Toilet Bowel Cleaner together in the hallway it would have formed a chlorine gas that would have killed everyone in the building. Should we ban common household chemicals?
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I have a 10" Bagwell Bowie knife that I had to wait 3 years for and cost 3500 bucks...but it's my secondary weapon...the first is a .40 SIG. With 13 rounds...

Suit yourself but i have bunch of fighting knives i buy at thrift stores for 50 cents to $1.50. Thirfties sell lots of kitchen knives with blades in the 8-10 inch range and most of the blades are too thin for fighting. But some do have thick blades and i buy them and put a great edge on them and make sheaths for them out of poster board and duct tape and strips of metal from tuna cans.

They work great. I've gutted lots of mouthy illegals with them.

:lol::lol::lol: Sure you have big boy, sure you have....
How many of you would choose to face off against a creep with a large capacity gun versus a creep with a knife knife?

please, tell us.

Depends on how skilled the person is with the weapon if both are skilled and know how to use the weapon effectively there is no good choice given the option I would rather face the unskilled creep with the gun than a skilled knife fighter.
Sherry, I like you. I have to be honest with you...go fuck yourself. I hope you or people you know never meet the creep.

I have. I actually fought with a guy with a gun...low capacity. Fought with more than a few people who had knives...I was lucky and they were not

Awww now why did you have to go and get all sensitive...next time just man up and offer some clarification.:thup:
Sherry, I like you. I have to be honest with you...go fuck yourself. I hope you or people you know never meet the creep.

I have. I actually fought with a guy with a gun...low capacity. Fought with more than a few people who had knives...I was lucky and they were not

Yes, yes... Reminds me of the time I was attacked by 12.. no 13 large chinese pygmies, while exploring off the coast of new jersey... It was noon on the darkest night of the year 1699, I was stalking a domesticated wild boar with my trusty guide and companion Thursday. All of a sudden out of the desert forest they all came at once. Running down the hillside, their boots scraping the sands as they rode at me on horses of fire...

I quickly grabbed my knife, knife from my backpack,pack, and met them all at once with a flurry of steel. I side-stepped the first volley of bullets and quickly dispatched them all one by one. I skinned them all and used the bones to make a sled and raft to get us back home...

The end..

It's all true don't doubt me..

If you would like I can tell you all about the time I cured the plague with bailing wire and a Q-tip..
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I have a 10" Bagwell Bowie knife that I had to wait 3 years for and cost 3500 bucks...but it's my secondary weapon...the first is a .40 SIG. With 13 rounds...

Suit yourself but i have bunch of fighting knives i buy at thrift stores for 50 cents to $1.50. Thirfties sell lots of kitchen knives with blades in the 8-10 inch range and most of the blades are too thin for fighting. But some do have thick blades and i buy them and put a great edge on them and make sheaths for them out of poster board and duct tape and strips of metal from tuna cans.

They work great. I've gutted lots of mouthy illegals with them.

Go back and work on your act some more. It's still fucking pathetic. Like you.
How many of you would choose to face off against a creep with a large capacity gun versus a creep with a knife knife?

please, tell us.


I would choose neither.

If not given a choice, I'd rather face a gunman. they are easier to disarm and remain unharmed.

If you go at it with a bladesman, you are going to get hurt, especially if he has any idea how to use it.
Chinatown? Easy, often left jakes half in the bag and walked to th T with no problems.!!

Technically, you were in the Theater District.

Not at the Chinatown T stop!!

It is rare that I experience any feelings of threat or fear in Boston.

Unlike back in Huddersfield where you really must step carefully in the knowledge that you have no means of self defense

I asked a good friend of mine from Glasgow why everyone I saw from there had a scar on their face and his response was "well, if you have no scar you're a fuckin' tourist!"

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