A Leader Leads

No child.....you just proved my point, again.....
You are posting in a thread that claims Putin is tough against ISIS and how he will decimate them if they attack Russia. ISIS took out a commercial jet full of Russian tourist and since that attack, the US has taken out far more ISIS members and leaders than Russia. Russia concentrates on bombing indiscriminately and focuses on enemies of Assad, most of which are not even part or allied with ISIS. You guys ignore facts and cheer for Putin while you disparage and ignore the successes of US Forces. You may note that the US is chasing down ISIS everywhere in the world, and killing them in Africa, Libya, and Afghanistan and anywhere else they try to hide. Putin is restricted to Syria and killing large numbers of innocents to kill the handfuls of ISIS soldiers he takes credit for.
No, I am posting in a thread where Putin is openly mocking your Obama.....and all Obama can do about his tragic failure is falsify CENTCOM reports......
You are posting in a thread that uses a ridiculous right wing nut job publication for a link that makes ridiculous claims. And of course, your last comment that CENTCOM reports are false and show where you stand with your bullshit. The final argument you have presented is that the US military is lying about the combat actions of our brave airmen and soldiers in the war against terrorism. While they risk their lives turds and traitors like you deny them credit and call them liars while you cheer for the Russians.
No child...I am pointing out how Putin is openly mocking your Obama and that all your Obama can do about it is lie.....

And when Obama lies, our soldiers die......
You are sounding more and more lost and delusional sock puppet. You really have nothing to say other than talking point crap. Sock puppets are by definition cowards. That makes you a cowardly traitor. Afraid to use even your regular avatar name, you have had to make up the dwebo name to cover and hide. Coward. Now STFU and run away.
Indeed...I accept your surrender.....
I used to understand it. Now I don't
This country needs to be turned upside down. The good picked up and the bullsh#t left to rot.

And who decides who lives and who dies? You? Trump? You are so frightened you want to abandon the Constitution?

What a disgusting traitorous pussy.

"Hitlery.....thus the importance of his post...."

You think Clinton wants to murder millions of Americans?

You are seriously mentally ill.
Do you believe hitlery will end the death panel?

I do not support Hillary. That said she will be a lot less dangerous than Trump.
This country needs to be turned upside down. The good picked up and the bullsh#t left to rot.

And who decides who lives and who dies? You? Trump? You are so frightened you want to abandon the Constitution?

What a disgusting traitorous pussy.

"Hitlery.....thus the importance of his post...."

You think Clinton wants to murder millions of Americans?

You are seriously mentally ill.
Do you believe hitlery will end the death panel?

I do not support Hillary. That said she will be a lot less dangerous than Trump.
Hitlery appreciates your support....
This whole Trump/Putin thing certainly has been interesting.

There is a group that has been conditioned to be so intensely anti-Obama and anti-Clinton that it finds itself cozying up with some pretty nasty folks.

Funny, I can think of another group on the other end of the spectrum that does something very much like that.

Amazing how blatantly similar hardcore ideologues on both ends of our political spectrum can be. And counter-productive, too.

You can think of a group? How nice. What group? Who does something very much like that?

What fascist dictator do USMB lefty's point to as being preferable as a leader than a democratically elected American?

We have Putin worship from scores of current USMB members and a candidate for POTUS. Why can't you just say that and not try to claim that both sides do it.

Both sides don't do it.
This whole Trump/Putin thing certainly has been interesting.

There is a group that has been conditioned to be so intensely anti-Obama and anti-Clinton that it finds itself cozying up with some pretty nasty folks.

Funny, I can think of another group on the other end of the spectrum that does something very much like that.

Amazing how blatantly similar hardcore ideologues on both ends of our political spectrum can be. And counter-productive, too.

You can think of a group? How nice. What group? Who does something very much like that?

What fascist dictator do USMB lefty's point to as being preferable as a leader than a democratically elected American?

We have Putin worship from scores of current USMB members and a candidate for POTUS. Why can't you just say that and not try to claim that both sides do it.

Both sides don't do it.
Seems only democrats do....
And who decides who lives and who dies? You? Trump? You are so frightened you want to abandon the Constitution?

What a disgusting traitorous pussy.

"Hitlery.....thus the importance of his post...."

You think Clinton wants to murder millions of Americans?

You are seriously mentally ill.
Do you believe hitlery will end the death panel?

I do not support Hillary. That said she will be a lot less dangerous than Trump.
Hitlery appreciates your support....

It is astonishing the RNC allowed Trump to make it through the primaries. They should have coached better candidates on how to debate a bully. Sad really. Trump made it this far WITH the blessing of the media because the carnage his style left in it's wake was entertaining. Nobody was prepared to deal with his outrageous statements. The media didn't catch on to how dangerous he was until it was way too late. Now they try to make up for their dis service by showing what a bizarre personality he has. Too little too late. Funny how he went from being their darling to the anti Christ.

No sane patriotic American WANTS Clinton. No intelligent sane American could WANT someone as crazy as Trump in the white house. This election has evolved from entertaining to horrific. I blame the media for backing Trump early on with no regard for the wack things he said. I blame the RNC for not assisting much more qualified candidates to defeat him in the primaries.

"Hitlery.....thus the importance of his post...."

You think Clinton wants to murder millions of Americans?

You are seriously mentally ill.
Do you believe hitlery will end the death panel?

I do not support Hillary. That said she will be a lot less dangerous than Trump.
Hitlery appreciates your support....

It is astonishing the RNC allowed Trump to make it through the primaries. They should have coached better candidates on how to debate a bully. Sad really. Trump made it this far WITH the blessing of the media because the carnage his style left in it's wake was entertaining. Nobody was prepared to deal with his outrageous statements. The media didn't catch on to how dangerous he was until it was way too late. Now they try to make up for their dis service by showing what a bizarre personality he has. Too little too late. Funny how he went from being their darling to the anti Christ.

No sane patriotic American WANTS Clinton. No intelligent sane American could WANT someone as crazy as Trump in the white house. This election has evolved from entertaining to horrific. I blame the media for backing Trump early on with no regard for the wack things he said. I blame the RNC for not assisting much more qualified candidates to defeat him in the primaries.
Hitlery appreciates your support...
We here in America got stuck with a pussy. Putin on the other hand has a deal for islamics living in Russia that is very straight forward and to the point.

Pull an "Orlando" in Russia and muslims will die. Pull a "San Bernadino" in Russia and muslims are going to die. Not one not a couple not a few or even several. Bodies of muslims so deep you need a 4x4 to go shopping.

This is truly the only thing a savage understands. When the savage becomes aware that the action of one savage could result in the deaths of every savage for 100 square miles, well the savage tends to calm down a bit.

We on the other hand with the failure of a man who leads from behind give them increased welfare and better than equal rights to appease them. To appease an invader is an act of treason if not surrender. In the end Putin's savages will be more pro Russian and smarter. Ours will be more anti-American and dumb as rocks.
VLADIMIR PUTIN: “I swear, if they (the Islamic State savages) ever bomb Russia, in half an hour every Muslim will die”

Putin is ex-KGB and and an admirer of Stalin. I'm quite sure he would have no problem killing the innocent along with guilty. Like Trump says, it will be fast and easy.
But aren't you an admirer of Stalin too? Like your most admired president FDR.
Islamic thugs who attack Russia are dead.

They know that and Russian authorities know that too.

Russia knows how to deal with mediaeval scum. :thup:

Yeah so there's one terrorist hiding in a house somewhere on your street so trump carpet bombs your neighborhood leaving you and everybody else dead just to kill one terrorist.

It'll be fast and easy just like he said.
Islamic thugs who attack Russia are dead.

They know that and Russian authorities know that too.

Russia knows how to deal with mediaeval scum. :thup:

Yeah so there's one terrorist hiding in a house somewhere on your street so trump carpet bombs your neighborhood leaving you and everybody else dead just to kill one terrorist.

It'll be fast and easy just like he said.
It's sad your Obama brought the war here....
This whole Trump/Putin thing certainly has been interesting.

There is a group that has been conditioned to be so intensely anti-Obama and anti-Clinton that it finds itself cozying up with some pretty nasty folks.

Funny, I can think of another group on the other end of the spectrum that does something very much like that.

Amazing how blatantly similar hardcore ideologues on both ends of our political spectrum can be. And counter-productive, too.

You can think of a group? How nice. What group? Who does something very much like that?

What fascist dictator do USMB lefty's point to as being preferable as a leader than a democratically elected American?

We have Putin worship from scores of current USMB members and a candidate for POTUS. Why can't you just say that and not try to claim that both sides do it.

Both sides don't do it.
Oh, I see you're confused again.

Gosh, whatever could Mac MEAN?

This stuff can get very, very confusing.

It's confusing.

You're confused.
Islamic thugs who attack Russia are dead.

They know that and Russian authorities know that too.

Russia knows how to deal with mediaeval scum. :thup:

Yeah so there's one terrorist hiding in a house somewhere on your street so trump carpet bombs your neighborhood leaving you and everybody else dead just to kill one terrorist.

It'll be fast and easy just like he said.
It's sad your Obama brought the war here....

Well, like I said all along, Obamas foreign policy really fucking blows. Wasting the lives of thousands of our troops on third world Islamic shitholes like crapistan & Syria. We have no business being over there whatsoever. And that's why we're having so many terrorist attacks over here.
That's a pretty lame statement... Would be like me saying, I can point to millions of children that have healthcare because of Hillary, how many has Trump impacted?
Not really. Mutt is always pushing the point of building or rebuilding infrastructure. Trump has more hands on at that than Hillary.
Perhaps Hillary will contract Trump to build some shit after she takes office
I think after Trump wins she would be better off hiring "El Chapo's" tunnel diggers.
Do you honestly think Donald Trump is going to be president of the USA? Honestly?
For Trump to win, Hillary would have to withdraw which is one heck of a long shot. Even the most ardent Trump supporter has to recognize that his campaign has been going down hill ever since the beginning of the conventions when voters got a chance to compare the candidates.

With Hillary moving clearly ahead in the battleground states of, Pennsylvanian, Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, and Virginian, there seems little hope for Trump. Even in Ohio, Hillary is moving ahead winning in 4 out the 6 major polls.
In the big states of New York and California, Hillary is well ahead of Trump. In California Hillary leads Trump in all the major polls from 16 to 30 points depending on the poll. In New York, Trump's home state, it's the same story with Hillary leading 12 to 23 points.

In traditional Red states of Arizona Clinton is tying Trump and in Georgia, Clinton is winning.
Trump's talking points about ISIS and Obama being responsible for founding or promoting ISIS is exactly the same as the Russian talking points. Trump is supporting Russian propaganda. You can see his supporters in this thread doing the same.
We are laughing at Obama being owned by Putin.....and at people like you who are clueless as to why we are laughing....:lol:
You are the one that is clueless. Trump has become a dupe for Putin and Trump and his supporters are the ones who are clueless and uninformed.
No child.....you just proved my point, again.....
You are posting in a thread that claims Putin is tough against ISIS and how he will decimate them if they attack Russia. ISIS took out a commercial jet full of Russian tourist and since that attack, the US has taken out far more ISIS members and leaders than Russia. Russia concentrates on bombing indiscriminately and focuses on enemies of Assad, most of which are not even part or allied with ISIS. You guys ignore facts and cheer for Putin while you disparage and ignore the successes of US Forces. You may note that the US is chasing down ISIS everywhere in the world, and killing them in Africa, Libya, and Afghanistan and anywhere else they try to hide. Putin is restricted to Syria and killing large numbers of innocents to kill the handfuls of ISIS soldiers he takes credit for.
No, I am posting in a thread where Putin is openly mocking your Obama.....and all Obama can do about his tragic failure is falsify CENTCOM reports......

Mocking Obama? Since you don't have clue what you are taking about let me update you.
Obama slap Putin thug with crippling sanctions. Installed EIS missile system in Poland right next to Putin thug ass. Read the link I might help you. Putin is worth $200 billions. Can you explain how he became so rich?


Why the Russian
Economy Is Tumbling

Low oil prices and international sanctions have crippled Russia’s economy. The country has been operating at a deficit since 2012, and its Reserve Fund is slated to run out by 2017. Last week, the World Bank warned that the poverty rate in Russia is rising sharply.

Vladimir Putin Might Be the Richest Man in the World

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