A letter from...........Michael Moore...minors and conservatives strictly prohibited!


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
Michael Moore
Oscar and Emmy-winning director
Posted: November 19, 2010 02:19 PM

How Corporate America Is Pushing Us All Off a Cliff

When someone talks about pushing you off a cliff, it's just human nature to be curious about them. Who are these people, you wonder, and why would they want to do such a thing?

That's what I was thinking when corporate whistleblower Wendell Potter revealed that, when "Sicko" was being released in 2007, the health insurance industry's PR firm, APCO Worldwide, discussed their Plan B: "Pushing Michael Moore off a cliff."

But after looking into it, it turns out it's nothing personal! APCO wants to push everyone off a cliff.

APCO was hatched in 1984 as a subsidiary of the Washington, D.C. law firm Arnold & Porter -- best known for its years of representing the giant tobacco conglomerate Philip Morris. APCO set up fake "grassroots" organizations around the country to do the bidding of Big Tobacco. All of a sudden, "normal, everyday, in-no-way-employed-by-Philip Morris Americans" were popping up everywhere. And it turned out they were outraged -- outraged! -- by exactly the things APCO's clients hated (such as, the government telling tobacco companies what to do). In particular, they were "furious" that regular people had the right to sue big corporations...you know, like Philip Morris. (For details, see the 2000 report "The CALA Files" (PDF) by my friends and colleagues Carl Deal and Joanne Doroshow.)

Right about now you may be wondering: how many Americans get pushed off a cliff by Big Tobacco every year? The answer is 443,000 Americans die every year due to smoking. That's a big cliff.

With this success under their belts, APCO created "The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition." TASSC, funded partly by Exxon, had a leading role in a planned campaign by the fossil fuel industry to create doubt about global warming. The problem for Big Oil speaking out against global warming, according to the campaign's own leaked documents, was that the public could see the "vested interest" that oil companies had in opposing environmental laws. APCO's job was to help conceal those oil company interests.

And boy, have they ever succeeded. Polls now show that, as the world gets hotter, Americans are getting less and less worried about it.

Whole article...
Michael Moore will keel over from his own fat long before many smokers will die.

And it won't be a moment too soon.
I love Moore's posturing about what a "rebel" and "outsider" he is... his freakin' movies are in every theater in America, every other year.

Ever seen a conservative documentarist get his movie in the theater?
conservatives strictly prohibited!

translation: nobody challenge this; I don't want to have to defend the following statements

all I needed to read to know not to bother with it
I find it mildly amusing, and also terribly tragic, that MM fails to see how individuals are responsible for their own actions and simply blames corporations. Take the smoking issue he brought up. No one forced anyone to smoke. No one has prevented them from quitting. But somehow it's not the smokers fault. The smoker is not responsible at all. It's somehow the evil corporation who is at fault for providing the product.

As for global warming. I wish it was warming up. It's freakin freezing around here. Unfortunately, the facts don't support the conclusions.
I find it mildly amusing, and also terribly tragic, that MM fails to see how individuals are responsible for their own actions and simply blames corporations. Take the smoking issue he brought up. No one forced anyone to smoke. No one has prevented them from quitting. But somehow it's not the smokers fault. The smoker is not responsible at all. It's somehow the evil corporation who is at fault for providing the product.

Leftists don't do personal responsibility.
I find it mildly amusing, and also terribly tragic, that MM fails to see how individuals are responsible for their own actions and simply blames corporations. Take the smoking issue he brought up. No one forced anyone to smoke. No one has prevented them from quitting. But somehow it's not the smokers fault. The smoker is not responsible at all. It's somehow the evil corporation who is at fault for providing the product.

Leftists don't do personal responsibility.

Sadly, I know.
I find it mildly amusing, and also terribly tragic, that MM fails to see how individuals are responsible for their own actions and simply blames corporations. Take the smoking issue he brought up. No one forced anyone to smoke. No one has prevented them from quitting. But somehow it's not the smokers fault. The smoker is not responsible at all. It's somehow the evil corporation who is at fault for providing the product.

Leftists don't do personal responsibility.

Sadly, I know.
conservatives strictly prohibited!

translation: nobody challenge this; I don't want to have to defend the following statements

all I needed to read to know not to bother with it

Hey asshole, you've got it wrong...what it means is THIS: because it's written by Michael Moore, it could be the cure for cancer and conservatives would dismiss it. It is a conditioned response akin to Pavlov's dogs salivating when they hear a bell.
conservatives strictly prohibited!

translation: nobody challenge this; I don't want to have to defend the following statements

all I needed to read to know not to bother with it

Hey asshole, you've got it wrong...what it means is THIS: because it's written by Michael Moore, it could be the cure for cancer and conservatives would dismiss it. It is a conditioned response akin to Pavlov's dogs salivating when they hear a bell.

if he has the cure for caner, I'll listen. that is quite an IF, though.
I find it mildly amusing, and also terribly tragic, that MM fails to see how individuals are responsible for their own actions and simply blames corporations. Take the smoking issue he brought up. No one forced anyone to smoke. No one has prevented them from quitting. But somehow it's not the smokers fault. The smoker is not responsible at all. It's somehow the evil corporation who is at fault for providing the product.

As for global warming. I wish it was warming up. It's freakin freezing around here. Unfortunately, the facts don't support the conclusions.

Let's talk about personal responsibility OK? Who does it apply to? Who is excluded? Are corporations included of excluded?
conservatives strictly prohibited!

translation: nobody challenge this; I don't want to have to defend the following statements

all I needed to read to know not to bother with it

Hey asshole, you've got it wrong...what it means is THIS: because it's written by Michael Moore, it could be the cure for cancer and conservatives would dismiss it. It is a conditioned response akin to Pavlov's dogs salivating when they hear a bell.

How can adding cancer to more cancer be a cure? Saying Michael Moore wrote something and comparing it as some kind of cure for America would be like a doctor telling his patient with lung disease to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day and eat a plate of pork three times a die.
translation: nobody challenge this; I don't want to have to defend the following statements

all I needed to read to know not to bother with it

Hey asshole, you've got it wrong...what it means is THIS: because it's written by Michael Moore, it could be the cure for cancer and conservatives would dismiss it. It is a conditioned response akin to Pavlov's dogs salivating when they hear a bell.

if he has the cure for caner, I'll listen. that is quite an IF, though.

The only cure is the art of dying, but it tends to be seen as a tad extreme...

I recall a Twilight Zone episode: The Gift



A humanoid alien crash-lands outside a mountain village just across the Texas-Mexico border. He accidentally kills a police officer and is wounded by another. When he reaches a village bar, he collapses. A sympathetic doctor operates on him, removing two bullets from his chest.

The alien (who refers to himself as "Mr. Williams") becomes friends with Pedro, an orphan whose job is to clean the bar. Pedro receives a gift from Williams, who tells Pedro that he will explain it later.

Meanwhile, the bartender notifies the army about Williams' location. Williams attempts to escape, but soldiers and villagers corner him. He tells Pedro to show the gift, but it is taken from him and set on fire, and Williams is shot and killed. The doctor picks up the remains of the gift from the fire. He reads it aloud: "Greetings to the people of Earth: We come.... in peace. We bring you this gift. The following chemical formula is.... a vaccine against all forms of cancer..."

The rest is burned away. As the doctor states, "We have not just killed a man; we have killed a dream."


The Twilight Zone - watch episodes
translation: nobody challenge this; I don't want to have to defend the following statements

all I needed to read to know not to bother with it

Hey asshole, you've got it wrong...what it means is THIS: because it's written by Michael Moore, it could be the cure for cancer and conservatives would dismiss it. It is a conditioned response akin to Pavlov's dogs salivating when they hear a bell.

How can adding cancer to more cancer be a cure? Saying Michael Moore wrote something and comparing it as some kind of cure for America would be like a doctor telling his patient with lung disease to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day and eat a plate of pork three times a die.

WOW...your '3 packs of cigarettes a day' and lung disease analogy is so truly ironic it's beyond irony. Clearly you are too afraid to even read Moore's letter or you wouldn't have made that analogy. Yea, you best stay away, because Moore uses words...Those nasty words can sometimes dent dogma. But I am very confident your dogma is safe...
Almost as accurate as cons don't do personal empathy.

Last I checked, empathy dosen't pay the bills...I've seen responsibilty do it though. But leftists don't want to pay their own way either...they want everyone else to be forced to pay their way :)
Leftists don't do personal responsibility.

Almost as accurate as cons don't do personal empathy.

Of course we do. We don't need the government to enforce our compassion, like liberals do.

Wrong. You don't. Not by even the lamest extrapolation.

Unless you insist "trickle down" economics is empathy. It isn't.

Yours is the party of division, separation, exclusion and privatization. The only thing your team wants minorities around for are sports, soldiering, changing linens and packing meat. Certainly not their culture.
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