A letter from the people of South-east Ukraine to all people of the world


Apr 9, 2014
I found this letter on an ukrainrsky site. I corrected a little grammatical errors.

We are the people of South-east of Ukraine appeal to all people of the world, to the people of America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

People have illegitimate power in Kiev, this power ordered to kill us but we want to live in peace, love, raise their children. Do not believe the Kiev authorities. In the South-east of Ukraine is on the Civil War now.

Foreign mercenaries used firearms against peaceful unarmed population of SouthEast of Ukraine . They kill us. Because we do not want illegal elections they kill us.

The people of the South-East of Ukraine does not recognize the power in Kiev.

Our Legitimate President is Yanukovych. On the territory of the South-East of Ukraine there are fascists. These are Bandera's supporters, political party "Svoboda", fighters and mercenaries.

We accept battle. We have no choice. But it is better to die in battle than to accept fascism. Trust us! Trust to the people of the South-east of Ukraine. The people of South-east does not want to join NATO, does not want to join the European Union.

Because of it Turchynov, Yatsenyuk, Tyahnibok, Tymoshenko, Yarosh, Poroshenko, Klitschko ordered to kill the people of the South-East of Ukraine.

They have already killed civilian people of the Ukraine in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Lugansk, Odessa regions. These areas are surrounded by tanks, armored personnel carriers, a lot of fighters mercenaries.

We ask people that live in the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, help to stop fascism. It is impossible to allow the beginning of thirds of world war. It will be a nuclear war. All people will perish in the world. Earth will perish. The people of the South-East of Ukraine before ours last fight appeal to you. This is may be last request. Help us and help yourself.

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"Trust us"? LoooooL, trust peace loving Russia! Apart from the fact that most people here don't have the faintest idea about who all these people are in your letter, I for one would like to draw your attention to the fact (as you very well know) that the Ukraine in its short history as an independent nation has invaded no-one (unlike Russia), and has given up its nuclear weapons in a treaty that Russia signed, that guaranteed the Ukraine's borders. If you love Russia so much, why don't you just pack up and leave!
You idiot Russians act as if we aren't in Ukraine and Russia watching what is going down. We know you are full of shit with your lies about "Russians being killed/surrounded."

We aren't fooled by your bullshit, this isn't 1938 where Hitler could invent shit and it take days to figure out he was lying back in the US, we now know before you tell your lie that you are full of shit.

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