A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife

Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:

Umm...a Republican was Governor of all those states at the time. Why isn't she blaming them?
Governors have no power over Federal Military bases, another liberal dumbass opens his mouth.
Did this Chattanooga shooting happen on a military base?
If you wish to delve into the root causes of 9/11, you won't find them arising on Bush's watch.
If you wish to delve into the root causes of all these shootings, you won't find them arising on Obama's watch.

Obama has poured gasoline on the Radical Islam fire via his appeasement efforts.
Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:

Umm...a Republican was Governor of all those states at the time. Why isn't she blaming them?
Governors have no power over Federal Military bases, another liberal dumbass opens his mouth.
Did this Chattanooga shooting happen on a military base?
Yes a reserve unit base...damn syndy dont you even research this stuff before you go posting you ass off about how it was GWBs fault.
This pretty much sums it up: Obama's anti-gun policies put military members' and their families' lives at risk.

I have little hope that you’ll ever read this, but I have to get this off my chest. Since 1993, our military personnel, many of whom have had extensive weapons training including sidearms, have not been allowed to carry weapons openly or concealed on military properties. Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:


When these bad guys are on base, there is little or nothing our disarmed military members–people like my husband–can do save hide, call 9-1-1, and hope like hell the MPs hurry up. Isolated recruiting stations are in a worse position, open to the public and completely vulnerable.

With the recent threats by ISIS to target military personnel and their families, why are we pretending our military bases and stations are not military targets, ripe for exploitation by hidden terrorist assets or lone-wolf nut cases? For the love of God and country, allow our military members who pass standard background checks and have weapons training to carry personal sidearms in or out of uniform. The lives of military members and families alike–families just like mine–could depend on the courage of these armed and honorable individuals.

The lives of four military members could have been saved today in Chattanooga by such a change in policy. May God comfort their families. I doubt, Mr. Obama, that you will.


A Military Wife

An Open Letter from a Military Wife to Obama About Military Property Security PJ Tatler

And she is correct: Obama Will Do Nothing.
Why didn't she write that to George H.W. Bush? It was under his watch that this was implemented and IIRC it was because of the high rate of suicides on military bases.

Better to cough up some money and station MPs up the ying yang at all military facilities. Malls, too. Churches, too. And on and on and on.

Where's the list of shootings under 41's watch?
An American president hadn't killed 100,000 Iraqis at that point.
This pretty much sums it up: Obama's anti-gun policies put military members' and their families' lives at risk.

I have little hope that you’ll ever read this, but I have to get this off my chest. Since 1993, our military personnel, many of whom have had extensive weapons training including sidearms, have not been allowed to carry weapons openly or concealed on military properties. Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:


When these bad guys are on base, there is little or nothing our disarmed military members–people like my husband–can do save hide, call 9-1-1, and hope like hell the MPs hurry up. Isolated recruiting stations are in a worse position, open to the public and completely vulnerable.

With the recent threats by ISIS to target military personnel and their families, why are we pretending our military bases and stations are not military targets, ripe for exploitation by hidden terrorist assets or lone-wolf nut cases? For the love of God and country, allow our military members who pass standard background checks and have weapons training to carry personal sidearms in or out of uniform. The lives of military members and families alike–families just like mine–could depend on the courage of these armed and honorable individuals.

The lives of four military members could have been saved today in Chattanooga by such a change in policy. May God comfort their families. I doubt, Mr. Obama, that you will.


A Military Wife

An Open Letter from a Military Wife to Obama About Military Property Security PJ Tatler

And she is correct: Obama Will Do Nothing.
Why didn't she write that to George H.W. Bush? It was under his watch that this was implemented and IIRC it was because of the high rate of suicides on military bases.

Better to cough up some money and station MPs up the ying yang at all military facilities. Malls, too. Churches, too. And on and on and on.

Where's the list of shootings under 41's watch?
An American president hadn't killed 100,000 Iraqis at that point.
How many of those muslims were killed by other muslims? I would bet that most of them were. Damn Syndy you are streching it today.
This has been military policy for more than 40 years. Why is this suddenly Obama's fault?

Are you weak at comprehension?
Statistikhengst (AKA Scat) STFU dumbass. It went into effect in 1992,Keep your stupid mouth shut about things you dont have clue about. I was in the Navy when that order went into effect.

Department of Defense issued a directive in February 1992 affecting the carrying of firearms on bases by military personnel. That directive was eventually implemented through a regulation190-14 issued by the Department of the Army (not via executive order) in March 1993,
Then why didn't Bush and the Republican House and Republican Senate change it?
Ahh maybe because on thier watch, the muslims were too fucking scared to attack a military base on US soil, not so much now that we have a weakling in the whitehouse.
Oh, so you're going full retard? OK.

I'm going back to work.
Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:

Umm...a Republican was Governor of all those states at the time. Why isn't she blaming them?
Governors have no power over Federal Military bases, another liberal dumbass opens his mouth.
Did this Chattanooga shooting happen on a military base?
Yes a reserve unit base...damn syndy dont you even research this stuff before you go posting you ass off about how it was GWBs fault.
Looked like a strip mall to me.
Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:

Umm...a Republican was Governor of all those states at the time. Why isn't she blaming them?
Governors have no power over Federal Military bases, another liberal dumbass opens his mouth.
Did this Chattanooga shooting happen on a military base?
Yes a reserve unit base...damn syndy dont you even research this stuff before you go posting you ass off about how it was GWBs fault.
Looked like a strip mall to me.
He hit two sites, a recuritng office and a reserve base. Wrong again Syndy.
This has been military policy for more than 40 years. Why is this suddenly Obama's fault?

Are you weak at comprehension?
Statistikhengst (AKA Scat) STFU dumbass. It went into effect in 1992,Keep your stupid mouth shut about things you dont have clue about. I was in the Navy when that order went into effect.

Department of Defense issued a directive in February 1992 affecting the carrying of firearms on bases by military personnel. That directive was eventually implemented through a regulation190-14 issued by the Department of the Army (not via executive order) in March 1993,
Then why didn't Bush and the Republican House and Republican Senate change it?
Ahh maybe because on thier watch, the muslims were too fucking scared to attack a military base on US soil, not so much now that we have a weakling in the whitehouse.
Attacks on military bases in the US only count if Muslims commit them?
This pretty much sums it up: Obama's anti-gun policies put military members' and their families' lives at risk.

I have little hope that you’ll ever read this, but I have to get this off my chest. Since 1993, our military personnel, many of whom have had extensive weapons training including sidearms, have not been allowed to carry weapons openly or concealed on military properties. Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:


When these bad guys are on base, there is little or nothing our disarmed military members–people like my husband–can do save hide, call 9-1-1, and hope like hell the MPs hurry up. Isolated recruiting stations are in a worse position, open to the public and completely vulnerable.

With the recent threats by ISIS to target military personnel and their families, why are we pretending our military bases and stations are not military targets, ripe for exploitation by hidden terrorist assets or lone-wolf nut cases? For the love of God and country, allow our military members who pass standard background checks and have weapons training to carry personal sidearms in or out of uniform. The lives of military members and families alike–families just like mine–could depend on the courage of these armed and honorable individuals.

The lives of four military members could have been saved today in Chattanooga by such a change in policy. May God comfort their families. I doubt, Mr. Obama, that you will.


A Military Wife

An Open Letter from a Military Wife to Obama About Military Property Security PJ Tatler

And she is correct: Obama Will Do Nothing.
Why didn't she write that to George H.W. Bush? It was under his watch that this was implemented and IIRC it was because of the high rate of suicides on military bases.

Better to cough up some money and station MPs up the ying yang at all military facilities. Malls, too. Churches, too. And on and on and on.

Where's the list of shootings under 41's watch?
An American president hadn't killed 100,000 Iraqis at that point.
^this is what the RWNJs keep forgetting.
Yet on your watch the following incidents have occurred:

Umm...a Republican was Governor of all those states at the time. Why isn't she blaming them?
Military installations are FEDERAL jurisdiction... (Sometimes even the stupid seems to be wise as long as he keeps his mouth shut)

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