A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife


Don't hear a MOS from you... What's wrong, they not send you one in the mail as a reward for not joining????
I hope he will look it up among Marine MOS, maybe he is fake all the way and doesn't even know where to look.

Face it, this is as close to the military as Ol' Recon got......

You can't post a MOS because you probably think that's something you catch from your gay boyfriend.....

Learn your history...

There were isolated shootings at military installations prior to Obama, but the Muslim attacks (other than 9/11) began in 2009, under Obama' watch...

When will enough be enough on those attacks????

It's been a bloodbath on Obama's watch.

And don't you love the Prog sophistry? Somehow, the laws that prevent military from carrying weapons are SACROSANCT and must not be changed, but Obama ignores immigration law, treaty law, and any other law that inhibits his agenda.
A blood bath? You`re downright funny. Unlike his predecessor, Obama doesn`t allow terrorists to hijack planes and fly them into our skyscrapers. I`ll bet he even reads his PDB`s.
Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Nope.....He just let's them shoot us in our streets and neighborhoods.....blow us up at our sporting events....and attack us with knives and axes.

Oh.....and 911 resulted in heavy consequences ...so they don't do that anymore.......or at least didn't do that anymore. But now that we have this terrorism facilitator in the Whitehouse they have no fear of reprisal.

You can't post a MOS because you probably think that's something you catch from your gay boyfriend.....
So you are mad because you are stupid...whose fault is that...lol.
Weak... And you got exposed.

Before you spout off about having a MOS again, read up on the Stolen Valor Act.

Impersonating a veteran is a crime.
When will you be prosecuted????
Really. you are mad at me because you are stupid???...lol.
Again, you are stupid because you believe state side military installations should have everyone walking around armed, you are stupid because you don't know how do perform a simple search function on this site and finally, you are stupid because you would post an "Army" photo in an attempt to make fun of a "Marine."

Next time you pretend to be a military member, just remember we wear different uniforms depending on our branch of service...
Carry on your charade now...

Learn your history...

There were isolated shootings at military installations prior to Obama, but the Muslim attacks (other than 9/11) began in 2009, under Obama' watch...

When will enough be enough on those attacks????

It's been a bloodbath on Obama's watch.

And don't you love the Prog sophistry? Somehow, the laws that prevent military from carrying weapons are SACROSANCT and must not be changed, but Obama ignores immigration law, treaty law, and any other law that inhibits his agenda.

I have no problem with the intent to change the 40 year old law- I am curious what the original reason why the law was put in place- and I would like to know the opinions of the senior military leadership- but in theory I have no problem with changing the regulations.

Will it stop such incidents? No. Give the military more of a chance to return fire- absolutely.

Is a 40 year old policy Obama's fault- no. But if he doesn't take a look at why the policy is the way it is, and see whether it makes sense to change the policy- then it will be Obama's fault.

You were no Marine. A Marine would never disrespect the widow of one of our fallen like you did.
Sorry...maybe in the Army being a stupid pussy is acceptable...not in the Marines.
We know it's ridiculous for every member to be walking around locked and loaded.
That's the issue, which you jumped on the band wagon of and are equally as stupid as she...widow or not.

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