A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife

It's been a bloodbath on Obama's watch.

And don't you love the Prog sophistry? Somehow, the laws that prevent military from carrying weapons are SACROSANCT and must not be changed, but Obama ignores immigration law, treaty law, and any other law that inhibits his agenda.
A blood bath? You`re downright funny. Unlike his predecessor, Obama doesn`t allow terrorists to hijack planes and fly them into our skyscrapers. I`ll bet he even reads his PDB`s.
Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are a moron. If you wish to delve into the root causes of 9/11, you won't find them arising on Bush's watch. There are also were NO REPEATS of the 9/11 attacks.

Obama, however, has overseen multiple assassinations of military personnel by radical Islams on Jihad on his watch, and refused to acknowledge reality or to take responsibility for protecting American military personnel.
Pretty piss poor spin attempt. What was known in 1997 or 1998 has no bearing on Gomer ignoring his PDB. The "brilliant" Condi Rice told us they ignored it because it wasn`t specific enough. She needed the flight numbers of the planes intended to be hijacked.
Funny considering Bush had no idea what, when, or how they were going to do. Nobody even used an entire plane loaded with innocents as a missle, but he was suppose to stop it.
Now we have Obama on the anniversary of 911. Was warned something might happen. Extra security was requested. So with Obama knowing where and when , he let it happen. Then got up lied about it, and took off for vegas. To campaign and play golf. Oh yeah, Britain and the red cross were smart enough to get their people out. Obama failed.
Facts really suck don`t they. Bush had no idea about any fucking thing ever in his life but it was Condi`s job to read it to him if a passing third grader wasn`t available. Perhaps you people should tell the National Archives they got it all wrong.
The President s Daily Brief
Obama goes months without going to his pdb. The information wouldn't of told Bush when, where, and how. But Obama knew and still failed.
August West

At least be honest about the PDB..... Bush had no real warning.
August 6 PDB - 911myths
You can't be warned when you ignore the warnings.
Obama was told, Britain got their people out, and the red cross got their people out. Obama campaigns, plays golf, entertains at the Whitehouse, and plans his vacations. Instead of doing his job. I mean he was told where and when, he still screwed it up.
To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
Typical reaction from an con ass licker...pretend like they have ever spent one minute in uniform and know what's best practice on a military installation.
To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......

It's rather telling how the progs resort to Racism and Sexism at the drop of a HAT.
To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......

It's rather telling how the progs resort to Racism and Sexism at the drop of a HAT.
It's rather telling when you post stupid shit...
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
Typical reaction from an con ass licker...pretend like they have ever spent one minute in uniform and know what's best practice on a military installation.
It just so happens I'm a vet with seven years in and an honorable discharge..... And yes, I lost good friends in the Army....

As opposed to a pussy like you whose mouth would get his ass kicked before he even made it through the gate of a military installation.....
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
Typical reaction from an con ass licker...pretend like they have ever spent one minute in uniform and know what's best practice on a military installation.
It just so happens I'm a vet with seven years in and an honorable discharge..... And yes, I lost good friends in the Army....

As opposed to a pussy like you whose mouth would get his ass kicked before he even made it through the gate of a military installation.....
Wow...you stacked helmets...lol.
Son the only ass you are capable of kicking are drunk passed out women...
If you were truly a combat arms member, you compound your obvious stupidity by suggesting everyone on base should be walking around locked and loaded.
Oh yeah...that would probably give you a false sense of courage...after all you are a bitch.
To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
He pretends to be military hence the name "Recon" Mark. Even if he is or was, it was somewhere in the REMF world dreaming about action while shuffling papers or counting shitty underwear in a warehouse.
To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
He pretends to be military hence the name "Recon" Mark. Even if he is or was, it was somewhere in the REMF world dreaming about action while shuffling papers or counting shitty underwear in a warehouse.
Your "loved ones" don't count...

Nope, 11H20... Know what that means????

Don't hear a MOS from you... What's wrong, they not send you one in the mail as a reward for not joining????

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