A Letter to Obama from a Military Wife


You were no Marine. A Marine would never disrespect the widow of one of our fallen like you did.
I wasn't in the military, but I know a lot that have. I also know once a marine always a marine. Recon needs to go to a bar full of them and spout his stupid shit.
Defcon4, Jknowgood

Yeah, if he had made a statement like that in the Marines, he would have found out the meaning of the term blanket party....

And by that I don't mean a romp with his gay boyfriend!!!!!

Learn your history...

There were isolated shootings at military installations prior to Obama, but the Muslim attacks (other than 9/11) began in 2009, under Obama' watch...

When will enough be enough on those attacks????

It's been a bloodbath on Obama's watch.

And don't you love the Prog sophistry? Somehow, the laws that prevent military from carrying weapons are SACROSANCT and must not be changed, but Obama ignores immigration law, treaty law, and any other law that inhibits his agenda.
A blood bath? You`re downright funny. Unlike his predecessor, Obama doesn`t allow terrorists to hijack planes and fly them into our skyscrapers. I`ll bet he even reads his PDB`s.
Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Guess Clinton shouldn't have let those guys in the country huh?

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This has been military policy for more than 40 years. Why is this suddenly Obama's fault?

Are you weak at comprehension?
Was it an issue 40 years ago??? It became one on OBAMA'S WATCH, and he refuses to address it...

The military created this policy in 1992 under Bush 1. It restricts carrying guns unless there is a reasonable threat against military base. This state of guerrilla terror war against our soldiers is a reasonable threat. So why are soldiers not carrying due to the reasonable threat exclusion? Soldiers need to exercise their rights & challenging anyone who tries to stop them. Why has Congress, Military Leaders or the President not acted?

You can't post a MOS because you probably think that's something you catch from your gay boyfriend.....
So you are mad because you are stupid...whose fault is that...lol.
Weak... And you got exposed.

Before you spout off about having a MOS again, read up on the Stolen Valor Act.

Impersonating a veteran is a crime.
When will you be prosecuted????
Really. you are mad at me because you are stupid???...lol.
Again, you are stupid because you believe state side military installations should have everyone walking around armed, you are stupid because you don't know how do perform a simple search function on this site and finally, you are stupid because you would post an "Army" photo in an attempt to make fun of a "Marine."

Next time you pretend to be a military member, just remember we wear different uniforms depending on our branch of service...
Carry on your charade now...
I think at the very least....all NCOs should be authorized a concealed weapon....If not a M4 and a secondary 9mm. I prefer belt-fed myself.....but I'll settle for 5.56mm

I like the German Politzi.....they carry an UZI.
Defcon4, Jknowgood

Yeah, if he had made a statement like that in the Marines, he would have found out the meaning of the term blanket party....

And by that I don't mean a romp with his gay boyfriend!!!!!
Aaawww...you have been reduced to calling for assistance because you are too stupid to think through the stupid assed comments you posted....
Please...let them come to your aid, maybe they can help you post some funny pictures...lol.

I don't need help. The fact that you would disrespect the widow of a fallen Marine proves you were no Marine. It goes against their entire code.

Face it, from this point on, you'll always be known as a fake vet on these forums.

I don't need help. The fact that you would disrespect the widow of a fallen Marine proves you were no Marine. It goes against their entire code.

Face it, from this point on, you'll always be known as a fake vet on these forums.
Son, you have been made the fool, not only because of your stupidity of the topic but because of your need to try to disprove the fact of my service in not one but two branches of service.
I don't give a flying fuck what an anonymous poster on the internet thinks of me, there was no disrespect of the woman in the article, if you need something to bitch about, at least be factual.

I suspect the Salvation Army homeless shelter was one branch you were in... What's the other one??? Girl Scouts????

I suspect the Salvation Army homeless shelter was one branch you were in... What's the other one??? Girl Scouts????
Well I guess your friends didn't come to your rescue, hence this lame attempt at an insult.
Again, why are you mad at me because you are stupid????
I'm not mad at you... I just find it humorous that you had to fall back on the typical Lib tactic of hurling insults when you got exposed as a fraud.....

Although I am disappointed that you didn't make a lame attempt to call me a racist too......

Maybe you need to go back to school and get you more of that good old liberal education......

I suspect the Salvation Army homeless shelter was one branch you were in... What's the other one??? Girl Scouts????
Well I guess your friends didn't come to your rescue, hence this lame attempt at an insult.
Again, why are you mad at me because you are stupid????
I'm not mad at you... I just find it humorous that you had to fall back on the typical Lib tactic of hurling insults when you got exposed as a fraud.....

Although I am disappointed that you didn't make a lame attempt to call me a racist too......

Maybe you need to go back to school and get you more of that good old liberal education......
View attachment 44786
HAHA...yeah...you are mad.
Struck a nerve didn't I.
You were mad the idiot on this particular topic...typical Cons..."I don't like the fact you made me look stupid, so I'll call you a fraud..."
Like I said , I don't give a flying fuck what some anonymous internet poster thinks of me...makes you even madder.

Call you racist???...yeah, sooner or later you just had to introduce that issue...just couldn't resist could you...lol.
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To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
Typical reaction from an con ass licker...pretend like they have ever spent one minute in uniform and know what's best practice on a military installation.
I spent 22 years in uniform, How about you?
To the military wife...go back in the kitchen make a cup of coffee and STFU!!!!!
Typical reaction from a Lib... Pretend to care for our troops when it fits their agenda, then show their hatred for our troops and survivors at the first opportunity......
Typical reaction from an con ass licker...pretend like they have ever spent one minute in uniform and know what's best practice on a military installation.
I spent 22 years in uniform, How about you?

16 active,5 reserve. 12 as an Infantryman and 6 as an aeromedical tech and 3 as an 8151.
Then served and retired from Law Enforcement full pension, anything else???

And you believe everyone on a stateside base should be armed???...oh boy.

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