A letter to the Adults of the GOP

yes, whether you consent to a ritual is important. This is not saying the religion "makes sense", but that you've agreed to participate. When the Latter Day ZOmbies go around baptizing dead people who wanted nothing to do with them when they were alive, that's disrespectful

As someone who despises religion, I can categorically say you don't know what you are talking about. I believe in God, but religion is an institution of man where people delude themselves into believing facts they don't know. I believe that God is good because we have it in our power to be happy and only a good God would give us that power. But that God wrote books or his son walked the earth? I have no freaking idea and neither does anyone else.

That you claim you don't believe in religion and yet then you say what you do is idiotic. What difference does a religious rite for a dead person make? You don't believe in God, but choosing to have a religious rite makes sense to you but doing it in the name of a dead person you care about is evil? You are an idiot. And you are a liar, you are a Christian who for whatever reason wants to pretend you're not. Maybe you hate your father and want to marry your mother. But no way are you being honest about your views.

So if someone were to go descecrate a grave of one of your loved ones, that'd be totally fine with you because they're dead and they don't care? I'm really trying to understand your logic here.

Trust me, snookums, I'm not a Christian. I'm an atheist who just got burned by Mormons 30 years ago and now I'm having the time of my life mocking their stupid religion and tearing down their champion.

Learn to deal.
When we and the USSR had nukes pointed at each other, we had people who had the good sense on both sides to realize they had more to lose than gain. Hence, we survived. The philosophy that God wants you to nuke the other guy... meh, not sure if we are going to survive that.

Israel is the size of a toenail compared to the Muslim part of the world, and yet it is Muslims who are obsessed with murdering Jews. The Jews have only retaliated to protect themselves or thwart attacks. There are roughly 100 rockets fired into Israel...a day...with zero military value. The only time Israel strikes back is to protect themselves. Israelis don't put bombs on ambulances or busses or in discos, they don't strap them to children, they don't murder teenage girls in grocery stores. There are Muslims in the Knesset. It's illegal punishable by death to BE Jewish in most of the Muslim world. And it's the Jew's fault. Believe you don't hate Jews, Adolph. The facts belie that shallow claim.

Yawn... poor little Israel, so misunderstood.

They invaded someone else's land and stole it. And they are wondering why those people are fighting back. (pssst. Pssst. it's called HUMAN NATURE).

The Israelis have done a lot more than strike back. they've been the aggressors a lot of times. Such as when tehy blew up the Osirak Reactor in 1982, or when they helped the British and French attempt to seize the Suez Canal in 1956.

To which, again, I say, who cares. It doesn't involve us. Or it wouldn't if we kept our noses out of it, which is what any sensible person would do and what most of the world is doing.

Just for the record, I'm NOT Mormon but I DO have a pair of magic underpants.

Wearin' 'em right now. Pretty cool.


As long as it isn't THIS kind of Magic Underwear...

The left demands civility only when they're getting their asses kicked across the parking lot for shooting off their mouth one too many times.
With all due respect, Joe...what has Obama ever compromised on? He's backed off on some things that he couldn't get the votes for but in general he hasn't budged from his agenda at all. If you think that's going to get better in a second term when he isn't running for office then I think you're a bit naive. Obama's "legacy" had already been written before he even took office. If you don't believe that then explain to me how someone can win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing?

I know you think the Mormans are coming to eat our babies or some such nonsense but your irrational fear of Mitt Romney's religion is rather comical to me. Mitt's not the "bogeyman" despite what you've convinced yourself of.

This is baked into the pie. I will not vote for a Mormon. Ever. Just ain't gonna happen. You want me to vote GOP this time, don't nominate the Mormon.

You guys can go on all day about what Obama will do in a second term, but you know what, the damage he's done is done.

Were you "traumatized" by roaming bands of Mormans as a youngster, Joe? I hate to break this to you but Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts for a WHOLE term and as far as I know ABSOLUTELY NO MORMAN CULT ACTIVITY OCCURED!!! Pretty sure no cult activity during the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City either... Gee, do you think Mitt has been setting us up for the big cult takeover? What a devious guy...
Romney is waiting until he is President to put the cult in power.........and Obama's REAL birthplace was hidden for decades because his mother KNEW at the moment of conception, the child would want to run for President..........................................................
This is baked into the pie. I will not vote for a Mormon. Ever. Just ain't gonna happen. You want me to vote GOP this time, don't nominate the Mormon.

You guys can go on all day about what Obama will do in a second term, but you know what, the damage he's done is done.

Were you "traumatized" by roaming bands of Mormans as a youngster, Joe? I hate to break this to you but Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts for a WHOLE term and as far as I know ABSOLUTELY NO MORMAN CULT ACTIVITY OCCURED!!! Pretty sure no cult activity during the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City either... Gee, do you think Mitt has been setting us up for the big cult takeover? What a devious guy...
Romney is waiting until he is President to put the cult in power.........and Obama's REAL birthplace was hidden for decades because his mother KNEW at the moment of conception, the child would want to run for President..........................................................

Joe has some obvious "issues" when it comes Mormons and Jewish people...something that he displays with embarrassing regularity on this board.
You guys can go on all day about what Obama will do in a second term, but you know what, the damage he's done is done.

Actually the damage was done before he was president, Obama was just the sap who get stuck with it.

Which raises the question: how many more JoeB131s are out there, republicans who refuse to vote for Romney under any circumstance?
You guys can go on all day about what Obama will do in a second term, but you know what, the damage he's done is done.

Actually the damage was done before he was president, Obama was just the sap who get stuck with it.

Which raises the question: how many more JoeB131s are out there, republicans who refuse to vote for Romney under any circumstance?

No, I would say some of the things he's done, like 6 trillion in new debt, and a huge giveaway to big insurance, are really all on him. I was willing to give him a mulligan in 2009 and maybe 2010, but by 2011, it's all Obama.

I suspect that the "No Romney" crowd will be something like 1-2% of the GOP vote. Which will stay home, vote third party or may even drift to Obama. Most of the rest will swallow their pride, and vote for the idiot. It's what i did with McCain, even though I thought he was an awful candidate.
Were you "traumatized" by roaming bands of Mormans as a youngster, Joe? I hate to break this to you but Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts for a WHOLE term and as far as I know ABSOLUTELY NO MORMAN CULT ACTIVITY OCCURED!!! Pretty sure no cult activity during the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City either... Gee, do you think Mitt has been setting us up for the big cult takeover? What a devious guy...
Romney is waiting until he is President to put the cult in power.........and Obama's REAL birthplace was hidden for decades because his mother KNEW at the moment of conception, the child would want to run for President..........................................................

Joe has some obvious "issues" when it comes Mormons and Jewish people...something that he displays with embarrassing regularity on this board.

Sorry, man, despising Zionism is not anti-Semitism.

Sorry you are too stupid to see the diffrence.

Most Jews don't like Israel and her Apartheid policies any more than I do.

The Zionists now m ake their pitch to Funditarded Christians who want Israel to be there so "Jay-a-zus" can come back.

MOrmons, though. Yeah. I hate them. When you belong to a cult started by a child molestor, I don't have any respect for you.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra-Crispy.
Agree or not, this piece is interesting.

"...Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost by Matt Taibbi

"That's all the early conservative movement was. It was just a heartfelt request that we go back to the good old days of America as these people remembered or imagined it. Of course, the problem was, we couldn't go back, not just because more than half the population (particularly the nonwhite, non-straight, non-male segment of the population) desperately didn't want to go back, but also because that America never existed and was therefore impossible to recreate.

And when we didn’t go back to the good old days, this crowd got frustrated, and suddenly the message stopped being heartfelt and it got an edge to it.

The message went from, "We’re the real Americans; the others are the problem," to, "We’re the last line of defense; we hate those other people and they’re our enemies." Now it wasn’t just that the rest of us weren't getting with the program: Now we were also saboteurs, secretly or perhaps even openly conspiring with America’s enemies to prevent her return to the long-desired Days of Glory." Arizona Debate: Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone
Agree or not, this piece is interesting.

"...Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost by Matt Taibbi

"That's all the early conservative movement was. It was just a heartfelt request that we go back to the good old days of America as these people remembered or imagined it. Of course, the problem was, we couldn't go back, not just because more than half the population (particularly the nonwhite, non-straight, non-male segment of the population) desperately didn't want to go back, but also because that America never existed and was therefore impossible to recreate.

And when we didn’t go back to the good old days, this crowd got frustrated, and suddenly the message stopped being heartfelt and it got an edge to it.

The message went from, "We’re the real Americans; the others are the problem," to, "We’re the last line of defense; we hate those other people and they’re our enemies." Now it wasn’t just that the rest of us weren't getting with the program: Now we were also saboteurs, secretly or perhaps even openly conspiring with America’s enemies to prevent her return to the long-desired Days of Glory." Arizona Debate: Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

good grief...

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