A letter to the Adults of the GOP

I know you're a bigot, but how does that one even make sense?

Person with crazy, insane, evil cult beliefs + weapons that can destroy the planet = we are really fucked if that ever happens.

Simple math. Even a retard like you could understand.

I'm convinced. I never want you near nuclear weapons...

NOr would I really want them.

But since I reject religion, sky pixies and ignorant superstition, that isn't the point, is it?

Mitt Romney thinks he can baptize dead people, his underwear protects him from harm and he's going to rule his own planet in the afterlife.

Not a guy I want with nukes. Sorry.
Mitt Romney thinks he can baptize dead people, his underwear protects him from harm and he's going to rule his own planet in the afterlife

Mainstream LDSer's don't believe that. You're a lot more nuts then any Mormon I know. I'd trust them around nukes before I'd you in a heartbeat. But that's the nature of being a hate filled bigot, isn't it Joe?
Mitt Romney thinks he can baptize dead people, his underwear protects him from harm and he's going to rule his own planet in the afterlife

Mainstream LDSer's don't believe that. You're a lot more nuts then any Mormon I know. I'd trust them around nukes before I'd you in a heartbeat. But that's the nature of being a hate filled bigot, isn't it Joe?

I'm not sure what Mainstreamers you've met.

Mitt Romney DID Baptize his dead Father In Law. So he believes in teh crazy shit, obviously.

Mormonism is a scam started by a child molestor. It deserves no respect, and I give it none.
Carville: GOP adults want 'children' to behave themselves - CNN.com

If you notice that I have changed my current missive to address adults (as opposed to addressing the establishment as I've done in the previous two), this was done to acknowledge Indiana GOP Chairman Eric Holcomb.

Holcomb said recently, "Republicans are fretting the four dancing now can't beat Obama in the fall — so their national talent search continues," adding that the pleas had come from "the adults" in the party.

Is there someone in the wings who is going to be the Conservative saviour of the GOP?

Carville? Seriously?

The great thing about Carville is he's from an old time filthy sticking rich family with an entire town named for them... Carville, LA... and the ultimate irony is, it used to be a leper colony.

James Carville has more brains, common sense and intuitive savvy than all the conservatives on this planet combined.
Mitt Romney DID Baptize his dead Father In Law. So he believes in teh crazy shit, obviously

Yet you say you're not a believer in any religion, but it makes sense to you to baptize living people but not dead ones. You don't believe in religion or "sky fairies" but it's just the Mormons and the Jew bastards who killed Jesus you hate. Actually, that's what you do, hate. Seriously.
Mitt Romney DID Baptize his dead Father In Law. So he believes in teh crazy shit, obviously

Yet you say you're not a believer in any religion, but it makes sense to you to baptize living people but not dead ones. You don't believe in religion or "sky fairies" but it's just the Mormons and the Jew bastards who killed Jesus you hate. Actually, that's what you do, hate. Seriously.

I think there is a major diffference between baptizing live people and dead people.

Live people can consent or renounce their baptism, if they choose to.

In the case of Ann Romney's dad, he was a scientist who rejected religion all his life. "Baptizing" him into Mormonism, which he considered pretty silly, is an insult to his memory. It's also an insult to baptize Holocaust victims into Mormonism when those people died for their beliefs. Which the Mormons were doing until someone called Shenanigans on them.

Incidently, I don't hate the Jews. I just think insisting on living in a place where your neighbors are determined to kill you is kind of, um, dumb. And honestly, so do the 70% of the world's Jews who don't live in Israel, and kind of look at what the Zionists are doing with a bit of embarrassment.

Israel's biggest supporters are dumb Christian Funditards in this country who think Israel has to be there so Jesus can come back. Which is ass-poundingly retarded, when you think about it.

If Mitt Romney said he believed in Bigfoot or UFO's, and I said this was silly and stupid and probably a disqualifier, you'd agree with me.

But he believes in Magic Underpants and Nephites and dark skin being a curse from God, and you say,"Well, you can't criticize those beliefs, those are his sacred religious beliefs! Hater! Bigot!"

To put it simply for you...


This is silly.


this does not become less silly because you call it a religion.

Any question?
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I think there is a major diffference between baptizing live people and dead people

To people who BELIEVE in religion, yes. To someone who thinks religion is all bunk, no.

Incidently, I don't hate the Jews. I just think insisting on living in a place where your neighbors are determined to kill you is kind of, um, dumb
And supporting those people like you do is hate.

And honestly, so do the 70% of the world's Jews who don't live in Israel
Obama wishes that were so, but it's crap just like everything else you say. Only a small percentage think that, most don't

Any question?

From you? No.
You just danced around teh whole issue of consent there, didn't you.

Selectively editing arguments- always the sign that you've lost the debate.

Incidently, Obama got 78% of the Jewish Vote in 2008. He'll probably do better amongst the Jews next time with Romney up there dipping their dead Uncle Moshe...
You just danced around teh whole issue of consent there, didn't you.

Selectively editing arguments- always the sign that you've lost the debate

You're such a dim wit. To someone who said God doesn't exist, the distinction of whether I need to specify one consented to a rite to a non-existent God or not is irrelevant. But dim-wittedness and blind hate are so highly correlated, the surprise you have both would be zero, Joe. You say you aren't religious, then you say all religions make sense except for Mormonism and Judism. The former are scary, other religions aren't. And the Jew bastards who killed Jesus should die entirely. But you don't believe in Jesus, but Christianity makes sense, but not Mormonism...

You're a whole fruit basket of nuts, Joe.
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You just danced around teh whole issue of consent there, didn't you.

Selectively editing arguments- always the sign that you've lost the debate

You're such a dim wit. To someone who said God doesn't exist, the distinction of whether I need to specify one consented to a rite to a non-existent God or not is irrelevant. But dim-wittedness and blind hate are so highly correlated, the surprise you have both would be zero, Joe. You say you aren't religious, then you say all religions make sense except for Mormonism and Judism. The former are scary, other religions aren't. And the Jew bastards who killed Jesus should die entirely. But you don't believe in Jesus, but Christianity makes sense, but not Mormonism...

You're a whole fruit basket of nuts, Joe.

I've never criticized Judaism once.

I criticize ZIONISM. It's not the same thing. So if you are going to be that patently dishonest in your arguments, I'm just not sure why I should bother. What's scary about Zionism as a POLITICAL philosophy is that it has to stockpile nuclear weapons to continue its existence and lives in mortal fear someone else might get them.

When we and the USSR had nukes pointed at each other, we had people who had the good sense on both sides to realize they had more to lose than gain. Hence, we survived. The philosophy that God wants you to nuke the other guy... meh, not sure if we are going to survive that.

Never said I thought the Jews killed Jesus. I don't even think Jesus was a real person. So how much time do you want to waste on arguments I didn't make because you can't win against the ones I did?

yes, whether you consent to a ritual is important. This is not saying the religion "makes sense", but that you've agreed to participate. When the Latter Day ZOmbies go around baptizing dead people who wanted nothing to do with them when they were alive, that's disrespectful.

I do think Mormonism is more evil than let's say, Lutheranism.

Martin Luther started a religion because he saw his Church was corrupt.

Joseph Smith started a religion because he wanted to scam less smart people out of money and screw 14 year old girls.

One of those things is more evil than the other. Sorry. It just is.
No, if the President "had his way" we would be investing in more alternative energy and shifting our energy needs away from fossil fuels. If he "had his way", we would be prioritizing energy conservation by consumers over greater production (which, by the way, is what a majority of Americans favor as well).

"Barry" has no control over the price of gasoline...that would be the Oil Master in places like Saudi Arabia. The Prince of the oil, Al-Waleed bin Talal, has said that he wants to keep oil prices low enough to keep us addicted.

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives"

You all may not like or agree with what the President has said, but it IS the truth. As long as the price stays where we are willing to pay, we aren't going to actively seek alternatives. When will we decide to do it? When it's either too painful at the pump or we run the fuck out of oil altogether and are just screwed.

We need to start developing these alternatives NOW...before the $8 a gallon they pay elsewhere. We need higher fuel efficiency requirements on our vehicles now, reducing our demand even further.

We're addicted to the dirtiest, most costly and FINITE fuel source the planet offers.

We need a new drug.

Do you not see the fallacy in your argument? You're saying that we'll only change to alternate sources of energy when the price of fossil fuels becomes too expensive...right? So it's obvious that you have "some" grasp of the idea of how a free market works...and if that's the case then why don't you let that free market dictate when we switch over to alternate sources of energy instead of trying to artificially dictate it with high taxes on fossil fuels while subsidizing "green" energy sources? The reason whale oil lamps aren't what we burn to light our homes isn't because we taxed whale oil into being obsolete or because we subsidized the incandesant bulb...it was the natural process of the free market that decided that one was better than the other. The same thing will happen with fossil fuels. When they become economically unfeasable they will quickly be replaced by something that is. But you progressives can't understand that simple concept...can you?

Because our dependence on oil is a National Security issue for one thing...much more than whale oil ever was. Would we give two shits about the Middle East if it wasn't for oil?(although, arguably, we would still be in Afghanistan for their other natural resources)

The President isn't the one over-inflating the price of oil, the people who are speculating on it are. There's also the pesky fact that we are running out of the stuff. We couldn't drill enough here if we put oil rigs in every back yard in America to keep up with our current DEMAND for the stuff. Solar panels on every roof sure would be a step in the right direction though.

Other country's governments are making it economically feasible to move to alternative energies...the reason we are falling behind is because we are not.

Oh, and it IS the "free" market that is currently driving the price of gas at the pump, the President has nothing to do with it. Ya'll righties should be happy about the price of gas...it's your free market at work. Freely speculating on it...

Ah, so now changing over from fossil fuel to "green" energy sources is a "National Security" issue? If that's the case then why didn't we OK the pipeline coming down from Canada to ensure a steady flow of oil from a friendly neighbor instead of having to hope the Middle East doesn't explode and cut off our supply?

As for how "happy" I am about the price of gas? I was happier about it when W. was in the Oval Office and gas was selling for $1.87 a gallon. Just filled up and it cost me $3.89 a gallon. Amazing what a President who has surrounded himself with fellow ideologues who all hate big oil can do in just a few short years...isn't it? But don't you worry, Wytch...when it hits $5.00 a gallon this summer and the economy goes back in the tank because of it, "President Clueless" will get off his ass and do something about the problem to try and save his job. That's what passes for an energy "policy" with these guys. Expect to see the price of electricity soar as well as Obama's "crew" clamps down on coal. Give him four more years and maybe we can have rolling brown outs.
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Carville: GOP adults want 'children' to behave themselves - CNN.com

If you notice that I have changed my current missive to address adults (as opposed to addressing the establishment as I've done in the previous two), this was done to acknowledge Indiana GOP Chairman Eric Holcomb.

Holcomb said recently, "Republicans are fretting the four dancing now can't beat Obama in the fall — so their national talent search continues," adding that the pleas had come from "the adults" in the party.

Is there someone in the wings who is going to be the Conservative saviour of the GOP?

Funny coming from the Oldest Juvenile Delinquent in American History. What did Mary ever see in him? :lmao: Hey, If I am ever in the mood for Hell Raising, I drive, James rides Shotgun, and the Kids ride in the back. ;)
yes, whether you consent to a ritual is important. This is not saying the religion "makes sense", but that you've agreed to participate. When the Latter Day ZOmbies go around baptizing dead people who wanted nothing to do with them when they were alive, that's disrespectful

As someone who despises religion, I can categorically say you don't know what you are talking about. I believe in God, but religion is an institution of man where people delude themselves into believing facts they don't know. I believe that God is good because we have it in our power to be happy and only a good God would give us that power. But that God wrote books or his son walked the earth? I have no freaking idea and neither does anyone else.

That you claim you don't believe in religion and yet then you say what you do is idiotic. What difference does a religious rite for a dead person make? You don't believe in God, but choosing to have a religious rite makes sense to you but doing it in the name of a dead person you care about is evil? You are an idiot. And you are a liar, you are a Christian who for whatever reason wants to pretend you're not. Maybe you hate your father and want to marry your mother. But no way are you being honest about your views.
When we and the USSR had nukes pointed at each other, we had people who had the good sense on both sides to realize they had more to lose than gain. Hence, we survived. The philosophy that God wants you to nuke the other guy... meh, not sure if we are going to survive that.

Israel is the size of a toenail compared to the Muslim part of the world, and yet it is Muslims who are obsessed with murdering Jews. The Jews have only retaliated to protect themselves or thwart attacks. There are roughly 100 rockets fired into Israel...a day...with zero military value. The only time Israel strikes back is to protect themselves. Israelis don't put bombs on ambulances or busses or in discos, they don't strap them to children, they don't murder teenage girls in grocery stores. There are Muslims in the Knesset. It's illegal punishable by death to BE Jewish in most of the Muslim world. And it's the Jew's fault. Believe you don't hate Jews, Adolph. The facts belie that shallow claim.
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