A Letter to white America (and you too, Clarence Thomas)


Apr 23, 2011
I was just listening to one of your beloved right-wing talk show host. He was ranting about the decision of lawmakers in Philadelphia, to hand out condoms to sexually active eleven year olds. He went on and on about how a lack of discipline and education was the root cause of this activity. He ended his rant with; “These children need discipline, not condoms. They need to be educated. I am a firm believer in education”.

I got to thinking; this guy was probably in favor of all the cuts that have crippled public education over the years; and now he is a “firm believer in education”. He was fine with taking Wood Shop, Music, Art, and Prayer out of schools, but he’s a “firm believer in education”. He probably also believes it is OK for parents to be arrested when little Johnny shows up in school with a welt on his behind, from a sorely needed, good old fashioned spanking (which is now called child abuse), and now he asks, “Where’s the discipline”.

He happily collected his shareholder earnings as Washington and their corporate backers sent millions of jobs over-seas, then calls Americans lazy when they can’t find work. And he continually sends these same old, rich, white guys back to Washington and expects things to change. Reality check; they are rich and comfortable. Their kids go to private schools that cost more than you make in a year. They have the best health-care packages money can buy and they don’t even pay for auto insurance (guess who pays for both). Oh, they’ll throw you a bone now and then, so you’ll re-elect them, but even if you don’t, they’ve got a sweet pension due them after only one term in office.

You let Bush steal two elections; lie to get into a war that killed four thousand young Americans (and maimed thousands more) and over half of you still think he was a better President than Obama. You whine and complain about the cost of health care and then call Obama a communist when he tries to do something about it.

Your judges are racist, your police are thugs, your priests are pedophiles, your politicians are corrupt, and you are stupid. If this president where white, he’d be the apple of your eye; but you can’t get past the color of his skin. You poor, silly white folks; with your KKK and your Tea party. When are you going to wake up and realize who your real enemy is?
If you think American blacks are bad, you should check out the rest of the world
"Cuts that have crippled public education." Did you really read that?

We spend more money per student than most countries have as their total GDP. Money ain't the problem, dullard.
I was just listening to one of your beloved right-wing talk show host. He was ranting about the decision of lawmakers in Philadelphia, to hand out condoms to sexually active eleven year olds. He went on and on about how a lack of discipline and education was the root cause of this activity. He ended his rant with; “These children need discipline, not condoms. They need to be educated. I am a firm believer in education”.

I got to thinking; this guy was probably in favor of all the cuts that have crippled public education over the years; and now he is a “firm believer in education”. He was fine with taking Wood Shop, Music, Art, and Prayer out of schools, but he’s a “firm believer in education”. He probably also believes it is OK for parents to be arrested when little Johnny shows up in school with a welt on his behind, from a sorely needed, good old fashioned spanking (which is now called child abuse), and now he asks, “Where’s the discipline”.

He happily collected his shareholder earnings as Washington and their corporate backers sent millions of jobs over-seas, then calls Americans lazy when they can’t find work. And he continually sends these same old, rich, white guys back to Washington and expects things to change. Reality check; they are rich and comfortable. Their kids go to private schools that cost more than you make in a year. They have the best health-care packages money can buy and they don’t even pay for auto insurance (guess who pays for both). Oh, they’ll throw you a bone now and then, so you’ll re-elect them, but even if you don’t, they’ve got a sweet pension due them after only one term in office.

You let Bush steal two elections; lie to get into a war that killed four thousand young Americans (and maimed thousands more) and over half of you still think he was a better President than Obama. You whine and complain about the cost of health care and then call Obama a communist when he tries to do something about it.

Your judges are racist, your police are thugs, your priests are pedophiles, your politicians are corrupt, and you are stupid. If this president where white, he’d be the apple of your eye; but you can’t get past the color of his skin. You poor, silly white folks; with your KKK and your Tea party. When are you going to wake up and realize who your real enemy is?

Another delusional non-white, negro from the look of the post.

But, he has a point, in that it was WHITE people who messed up this country. we should blame this mess on white bleeding hearts of the 60's who felt guilty about the injustice negros had to face ,and until they came along the country was chugging away, crafting the modern world, venturing into the stars. Watching non-white nations live in iron age and laughing about their inferiority. Without these bleeding heart whites who demanded that we accept the uncivilized Negro as a equal, fund their sloth, and dumb down our educational system so they can be called educated, who knows what greatness we could have achieved.

Instead, we have the nightmare world we know. One where incompetence is embraced, ignorance celebrated, and brutality excused.

This poster has no clue, nor will ever have one, that before the bleeding hearts came along, the entire nation was one big center for racist whites, and had been for 200+ years. No, the PC indoctrination metered out in his afro-studies course craft a world of universal non-white harmony. I'm willing to bet his high school and college courses taught that all that we have, computers, cell phones, cars, radio, internet, pens, pencils, and instant coffee has always been here. People didn't invent those things any more than they invented air. It just "sheet" you buy at "da stow".

Perhaps whites should abandon this nation, considering the unrecoverable mess the bleeding hearts made of it. Of course in fairness, we should strip the land of all that racist white technology built. Since we are returning "stolen" property, it is only fair we return in the condition we looted it.

We'll leave nothing but the buffalo and beaver behind. All the homes, schools, colleges, business, parking lots, factories, Books, microfilm, movies, dvds go with us. Our farms, fast food, grocery stores, supermarkets, 7-11s and AM-PMs will cease to exist. You got your buckskins ready? Oh, and did I forget to mention we'll also be taking the horse with us, since it was nasty white invaders that brought in the first place.

Having returned the land to the Amerindian as we found it, we can return to our ancestral lands of Europe and demand the same. We expel all non-Europeans back to their home countries, and continuing in the interest of fairness, all that they brought. Fair is fair, right? No mosque shall be left standing, no more honor killings, no more curry, no more female circumcision, no burqas, no hijabs.

The Amerindian can return to their neolithic existence and strong tribal lands, as can Africa. Muslims can continue to practice their religion unfettered by western standards of decency, and Europe is free of non-whites.

And, yes, Whites have messaged things up. We are the sick, depraved minds that cured diseases that plagued mankind for centuries.

* Chicken Pox
* Diphtheria
* Invasive H. Flu
* Malaria
* Measles
* Pertussis
* Pneumococcus
* Polio
* Tetanus
* Typhoid
* Yellow Fever
* Smallpox

We tamed the wilderness and made deserts bloom with life, lowered infant mortality to almost zero, increased life expectancy, traveled to the moon, brought the knowledge of the universe to the many, harnessed the power of the atom to power our cities; put an end to slavery.

Whites were so damn rotten that we went and shared all our knowledge and discoveries with the rest of humanity. Whites generously created the modern welfare state that is bankrupting our own nations supporting the ungrateful, over breeding, slothful, sea of degenerates. White nations support non-white nations with equally generous foreign aid & humanitarian projects. Not a single non-white nation ever expressed any form of liberty for its people. Even today, slavery is alive and well in Africa and the middle east.
The site where you got that "copy/paste" rant from needs to be updated. It's 2011 and Obama (The Black Prez) is now responsible for what you've listed including getting us into our 3rd war in Libya.

Wow hvywgt250 – sounds like you memorized that straight out of the KKK’s “Why We Are Superior” handout. Thank you for re-enforcing the point of my letter.
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I'm willing to bet his high school and college courses taught that all that we have, computers, cell phones, cars, radio, internet, pens, pencils, and instant coffee has always been here. People didn't invent those things any more than they invented air. It just "sheet" you buy at "da stow".

Perhaps whites should abandon this nation, considering the unrecoverable mess the bleeding hearts made of it. Of course in fairness, we should strip the land of all that racist white technology built. Since we are returning "stolen" property, it is only fair we return in the condition we looted it.

We'll leave nothing but the buffalo and beaver behind. All the homes, schools, colleges, business, parking lots, factories, Books, microfilm, movies, dvds go with us. Our farms, fast food, grocery stores, supermarkets, 7-11s and AM-PMs will cease to exist. You got your buckskins ready? Oh, and did I forget to mention we'll also be taking the horse with us, since it was nasty white invaders that brought in the first place.

Having returned the land to the Amerindian as we found it, we can return to our ancestral lands of Europe and demand the same. We expel all non-Europeans back to their home countries, and continuing in the interest of fairness, all that they brought. Fair is fair, right? No mosque shall be left standing, no more honor killings, no more curry, no more female circumcision, no burqas, no hijabs.

The Amerindian can return to their neolithic existence and strong tribal lands, as can Africa. Muslims can continue to practice their religion unfettered by western standards of decency, and Europe is free of non-whites.

And, yes, Whites have messaged things up. We are the sick, depraved minds that cured diseases that plagued mankind for centuries.

* Chicken Pox
* Diphtheria
* Invasive H. Flu
* Malaria
* Measles
* Pertussis
* Pneumococcus
* Polio
* Tetanus
* Typhoid
* Yellow Fever
* Smallpox

We tamed the wilderness and made deserts bloom with life, lowered infant mortality to almost zero, increased life expectancy, traveled to the moon, brought the knowledge of the universe to the many, harnessed the power of the atom to power our cities; put an end to slavery.

Whites were so damn rotten that we went and shared all our knowledge and discoveries with the rest of humanity. Whites generously created the modern welfare state that is bankrupting our own nations supporting the ungrateful, over breeding, slothful, sea of degenerates. White nations support non-white nations with equally generous foreign aid & humanitarian projects. Not a single non-white nation ever expressed any form of liberty for its people. Even today, slavery is alive and well in Africa and the middle east.

If whites picked up and moved from America tomorrow, The United States would drop overnight to somewhere between Brazil and the Congo in terms of wealth, technology, education, life expectancy, etc.

WHITES make America what it is.
silly white folks; with your KKK and your Tea party. When are you going to wake up and realize who your real enemy is?

My real and only enemy is ignorance, Of which you appear to be the champion.

OK, OK, Let me be fair. I agree with most of what you have to say. Every politician is corrupt, priests are dick suckers and the entire system is rigged to screw us all. I'm bent over right beside you brother.

You lost me when you made it racist. It's not about silly white folks, KKK or the Tea party...we're all getting screwed equally. My shiny white ass is getting screwed just as hard as your beefy black ass....

If we're going to make a stand against the giant dick that's screwing us all, we have to do it together. Regardless of the color of our ass.

silly white folks; with your KKK and your Tea party. When are you going to wake up and realize who your real enemy is?

My real and only enemy is ignorance, Of which you appear to be the champion.

OK, OK, Let me be fair. I agree with most of what you have to say. Every politician is corrupt, priests are dick suckers and the entire system is rigged to screw us all. I'm bent over right beside you brother.

You lost me when you made it racist. It's not about silly white folks, KKK or the Tea party...we're all getting screwed equally. My shiny white ass is getting screwed just as hard as your beefy black ass....

If we're going to make a stand against the giant dick that's screwing us all, we have to do it together. Regardless of the color of our ass.


I agree with most of what you say also. However, I must take issue with two things: First, I could be accused of many things, but being ignorant is not one of them. Secondly, I did not make it racist, the KKK and Tea Party did. My “silly white folks” comment was directed toward any who belong to or support those two segments and those who believe George Bush was the better of the two presidents. Maybe I’m drinking the Kool-Aid, but I believe Obama is on our side.

P.S. Watch your shiny white ass :)
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I was just listening to one of your beloved right-wing talk show host. He was ranting about the decision of lawmakers in Philadelphia, to hand out condoms to sexually active eleven year olds. He went on and on about how a lack of discipline and education was the root cause of this activity. He ended his rant with; “These children need discipline, not condoms. They need to be educated. I am a firm believer in education”.

I got to thinking; this guy was probably in favor of all the cuts that have crippled public education over the years; and now he is a “firm believer in education”. He was fine with taking Wood Shop, Music, Art, and Prayer out of schools, but he’s a “firm believer in education”. He probably also believes it is OK for parents to be arrested when little Johnny shows up in school with a welt on his behind, from a sorely needed, good old fashioned spanking (which is now called child abuse), and now he asks, “Where’s the discipline”.

He happily collected his shareholder earnings as Washington and their corporate backers sent millions of jobs over-seas, then calls Americans lazy when they can’t find work. And he continually sends these same old, rich, white guys back to Washington and expects things to change. Reality check; they are rich and comfortable. Their kids go to private schools that cost more than you make in a year. They have the best health-care packages money can buy and they don’t even pay for auto insurance (guess who pays for both). Oh, they’ll throw you a bone now and then, so you’ll re-elect them, but even if you don’t, they’ve got a sweet pension due them after only one term in office.

You let Bush steal two elections; lie to get into a war that killed four thousand young Americans (and maimed thousands more) and over half of you still think he was a better President than Obama. You whine and complain about the cost of health care and then call Obama a communist when he tries to do something about it.

Your judges are racist, your police are thugs, your priests are pedophiles, your politicians are corrupt, and you are stupid. If this president where white, he’d be the apple of your eye; but you can’t get past the color of his skin. You poor, silly white folks; with your KKK and your Tea party. When are you going to wake up and realize who your real enemy is?

Fuck off and die. I have no use for a pig who thinks that 11 y.o. kids having sex is indicative of anything except child abuse.

But it's nice that you're all for covering for the people who are abusing them.....
I believe Obama is on our side.

He's on the blacks' side. He's on the illegal aliens' side.

He's not on the whites' side.

So...he can be on whose ever side he chooses to be on. This is a free country isn't it? Don't you choose to hate the Black race? You never have anything nice to say about a Black person and as far as you are concerned they can all go to hell. Just as long as you don't have to see a black person on your tv, in a store, at a dr's office, on an airplane would be fine with you. Blacks are scums of the earth and should be exterminated the same as roaches and termites. Isn't that what you believe and want to happen? Happy Easter!
I'm willing to bet his high school and college courses taught that all that we have, computers, cell phones, cars, radio, internet, pens, pencils, and instant coffee has always been here. People didn't invent those things any more than they invented air. It just "sheet" you buy at "da stow".

Perhaps whites should abandon this nation, considering the unrecoverable mess the bleeding hearts made of it. Of course in fairness, we should strip the land of all that racist white technology built. Since we are returning "stolen" property, it is only fair we return in the condition we looted it.

We'll leave nothing but the buffalo and beaver behind. All the homes, schools, colleges, business, parking lots, factories, Books, microfilm, movies, dvds go with us. Our farms, fast food, grocery stores, supermarkets, 7-11s and AM-PMs will cease to exist. You got your buckskins ready? Oh, and did I forget to mention we'll also be taking the horse with us, since it was nasty white invaders that brought in the first place.

Having returned the land to the Amerindian as we found it, we can return to our ancestral lands of Europe and demand the same. We expel all non-Europeans back to their home countries, and continuing in the interest of fairness, all that they brought. Fair is fair, right? No mosque shall be left standing, no more honor killings, no more curry, no more female circumcision, no burqas, no hijabs.

The Amerindian can return to their neolithic existence and strong tribal lands, as can Africa. Muslims can continue to practice their religion unfettered by western standards of decency, and Europe is free of non-whites.

And, yes, Whites have messaged things up. We are the sick, depraved minds that cured diseases that plagued mankind for centuries.

* Chicken Pox
* Diphtheria
* Invasive H. Flu
* Malaria
* Measles
* Pertussis
* Pneumococcus
* Polio
* Tetanus
* Typhoid
* Yellow Fever
* Smallpox

We tamed the wilderness and made deserts bloom with life, lowered infant mortality to almost zero, increased life expectancy, traveled to the moon, brought the knowledge of the universe to the many, harnessed the power of the atom to power our cities; put an end to slavery.

Whites were so damn rotten that we went and shared all our knowledge and discoveries with the rest of humanity. Whites generously created the modern welfare state that is bankrupting our own nations supporting the ungrateful, over breeding, slothful, sea of degenerates. White nations support non-white nations with equally generous foreign aid & humanitarian projects. Not a single non-white nation ever expressed any form of liberty for its people. Even today, slavery is alive and well in Africa and the middle east.

If whites picked up and moved from America tomorrow, The United States would drop overnight to somewhere between Brazil and the Congo in terms of wealth, technology, education, life expectancy, etc.

WHITES make America what it is.

You mean like what happened to Rhodesia once the white folks gave up their farm lands to the natives?
I believe Obama is on our side.

He's on the blacks' side. He's on the illegal aliens' side.

He's not on the whites' side.

So...he can be on whose ever side he chooses to be on. This is a free country isn't it? Don't you choose to hate the Black race? You never have anything nice to say about a Black person and as far as you are concerned they can all go to hell. Just as long as you don't have to see a black person on your tv, in a store, at a dr's office, on an airplane would be fine with you. Blacks are scums of the earth and should be exterminated the same as roaches and termites. Isn't that what you believe and want to happen? Happy Easter!

Yes it's a free country. But isn't he supposed to te the President for ALL Americans?

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