A liberals view of "Conservatism".



Conservatives are always complaining that liberals have them all wrong. They will say they are the party of "moderate spending" even though it's under Republican presidents the deficit has exploded. And we can point to what the money is spent on. Things like Iraq and huge tax cuts for the wealthy. What have Democratic presidents spent money on? Republicans will say they give it away to poor people.

Conservatives insist they are for "individual freedom" and work tirelessly to limit women's rights, gay's rights and end anything "anti discrimination".

When I ask Conservatives to explain their position, it's never clear. Their answers are things like "make better" and "go back to when it was better" and "bring God back".

So, this is THIS liberals view of what it means to be a conservative:

Tax cuts for the wealthy because they make jobs.

Morals MUST be legislated. Otherwise, people will run crazy and have sex everywhere if not stopped.

Science must be "balanced" with God.

We need to return to a better time when blacks knew their place, women were in the kitchen, and gays were in the closet.

Stop trying to rebuild America. If a bridge is needed, let the locals build it.

We don't need health care. We have prayer and can go visit a doctor at last resort.

We don't need "facts". People are over-educated. Just use common sense.

Democracy is good as long as it doesn't interfere with our Christian Values. Then we may need to "tweak" it.

We need to "return" to basics in education (I can never figure out what that means. Our scientists are coming from somewhere. They didn't all get a private education.)

I just wish conservatives would explain to me where "education" and "science" fits into their philosophy. What does it mean to the right to be a conservative? Unless I nailed it.
Troll thread of the day!

Since you've never met a conservative in real life, and you are incapable of learning from the ones here, why I am surprised that you have it all wrong?
Troll thread of the day!

Since you've never met a conservative in real life, and you are incapable of learning from the ones here, why I am surprised that you have it all wrong?

Okay, he has it all wrong. Fair enough. Then please explain what exactly is "wrong" about these statements then? If todays conservatives do not feel this way now is the perfect time to prove him wrong and make him eat his words.

Tax cuts for the wealthy because they make jobs.

Morals MUST be legislated.

Science must be "balanced" with God.

Stop trying to rebuild America. If a bridge is needed, let the locals build it.

We don't need health care. We have prayer and can go visit a doctor at last resort.
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Conservatives are always complaining that liberals have them all wrong. They will say they are the party of "moderate spending" even though it's under Republican presidents the deficit has exploded. And we can point to what the money is spent on. Things like Iraq and huge tax cuts for the wealthy. What have Democratic presidents spent money on? Republicans will say they give it away to poor people.

Conservatives insist they are for "individual freedom" and work tirelessly to limit women's rights, gay's rights and end anything "anti discrimination".

When I ask Conservatives to explain their position, it's never clear. Their answers are things like "make better" and "go back to when it was better" and "bring God back".

So, this is THIS liberals view of what it means to be a conservative:

Tax cuts for the wealthy because they make jobs.

Morals MUST be legislated. Otherwise, people will run crazy and have sex everywhere if not stopped.

Science must be "balanced" with God.

We need to return to a better time when blacks knew their place, women were in the kitchen, and gays were in the closet.

Stop trying to rebuild America. If a bridge is needed, let the locals build it.

We don't need health care. We have prayer and can go visit a doctor at last resort.

We don't need "facts". People are over-educated. Just use common sense.

Democracy is good as long as it doesn't interfere with our Christian Values. Then we may need to "tweak" it.

We need to "return" to basics in education (I can never figure out what that means. Our scientists are coming from somewhere. They didn't all get a private education.)

I just wish conservatives would explain to me where "education" and "science" fits into their philosophy. What does it mean to the right to be a conservative? Unless I nailed it.

You've demonstrated your stupidity with astounding accuracy! I'm so damn proud of ewe. :clap2:
Conservatives are always complaining that liberals have them all wrong. They will say they are the party of "moderate spending" even though it's under Republican presidents the deficit has exploded. And we can point to what the money is spent on. Things like Iraq and huge tax cuts for the wealthy. What have Democratic presidents spent money on? Republicans will say they give it away to poor people.

Conservatives insist they are for "individual freedom" and work tirelessly to limit women's rights, gay's rights and end anything "anti discrimination".

When I ask Conservatives to explain their position, it's never clear. Their answers are things like "make better" and "go back to when it was better" and "bring God back".

So, this is THIS liberals view of what it means to be a conservative:

Tax cuts for the wealthy because they make jobs.

Morals MUST be legislated. Otherwise, people will run crazy and have sex everywhere if not stopped.

Science must be "balanced" with God.

We need to return to a better time when blacks knew their place, women were in the kitchen, and gays were in the closet.

Stop trying to rebuild America. If a bridge is needed, let the locals build it.

We don't need health care. We have prayer and can go visit a doctor at last resort.

We don't need "facts". People are over-educated. Just use common sense.

Democracy is good as long as it doesn't interfere with our Christian Values. Then we may need to "tweak" it.

We need to "return" to basics in education (I can never figure out what that means. Our scientists are coming from somewhere. They didn't all get a private education.)

I just wish conservatives would explain to me where "education" and "science" fits into their philosophy. What does it mean to the right to be a conservative? Unless I nailed it.


Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.

According to this standard of merit, the praise of affording a just security to property, should be sparingly bestowed on a government which, however scrupulously guarding the possessions of individuals, does not protect them in the enjoyment and communication of their opinions, in which they have an equal, and in the estimation of some, a more valuable property.

More sparingly should this praise be allowed to a government, where a man's religious rights are violated by penalties, or fettered by tests, or taxed by a hierarchy. Conscience is the most sacred of all property; other property depending in part on positive law, the exercise of that, being a natural and inalienable right. To guard a man's house as his castle, to pay public and enforce private debts with the most exact faith, can give no title to invade a man's conscience which is more sacred than his castle, or to withhold from it that debt of protection for which the public faith is pledged by the very nature and original conditions of the social pact. . . .

If there be a government then which prides itself on maintaining the inviolability of property; which provides that none shall be taken directly even for public use without indemnification to the owner, and yet directly violates the property which individuals have in their opinions, their religion, their persons, and their faculties; nay more, which indirectly violates their property, in their actual possessions, in the labor that acquires their daily subsistence, and in the hallowed remnant of time which ought to relieve their fatigues and soothe their cares, the inference will have been anticipated, that such a government is not a pattern for the United States.

If the United States mean to obtain or deserve the full praise due to wise and just governments, they will equally respect the rights of property, and the property in rights: they will rival the government that most sacredly guards the former; and by repelling its example in violating the latter, will make themselves a pattern to that and all other governments.

James Madison on Property (1792), in 6 Writings of James Madison, at 101-3 (Hunt ed.).

Religious Liberty Archive : Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons LLP, Colorado Springs, CO
Troll thread of the day!

Since you've never met a conservative in real life, and you are incapable of learning from the ones here, why I am surprised that you have it all wrong?

Okay, he has it all wrong. Fair enough. Then please explain what exactly is "wrong" about these statements then? If todays conservatives do not feel this way now is the perfect time to prove him wrong and make him eat his words.

Tax cuts for the wealthy because they make jobs.

Morals MUST be legislated.

Science must be "balanced" with God.

Stop trying to rebuild America. If a bridge is needed, let the locals build it.

We don't need health care. We have prayer and can go visit a doctor at last resort.

1) Equalized tax rates on every dollar earned for all... and having everyone into the 'game' and eliminating the problem of ~50% paying no federal income tax... go ahead, keep the 'rich' rate at 38%, as long as everyone else has it too on every dollar earned... but the funny thing is, I bet you will hear people yelling from the rooftops about tax cuts and cutting govt spending
2) Funny, you want your morals legislated, and you never seem to complain about that
3) This has never been stated or put into place... but nice try by both of you fucking wingers
4) Please state where "rebuilding America" is frowned upon (as general a statement as it is)... and please understand that powers not specifically granted to the federal government within the constitution are reserved for the states and citizens
5) Please show where it is stated that prayer is supposed to take the place of taking care of yourself...

You fucking ignorant bastard
  • Thanks
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I've not been on this forum long but in my experience here, your M.O. seems to be to drop a giant stinking turd of a post, full of inaccuracies and outright lies, and when folks destroy your argument with logic and reason, you're nowhere to be found. It's one thing to take a shit in the middle of the room and defend it, it's quite another to leave it for everyone else to clean up. I think I've had enough of your shit.
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When I ask Conservatives to explain their position, it's never clear. Their answers are things like "make better" and "go back to when it was better" and "bring God back"
I've not been on this forum long but in my experience here, your M.O. seems to be to drop a giant stinking turd of a post, full of inaccuracies and outright lies, and when folks destroy your argument with logic and reason, you're nowhere to be found. It's one thing to take a shit in the middle of the room and defend it, it's quite another to leave it for everyone else to clean up. I think I've had enough of your shit.


Derp, the noob nailed you. :lol:
Modern day conservatism is the political codification of selfishness.
Modern day liberalism is the political codification of covetousness.

Did you really think you have the moral high ground? :lol:
Modern day conservatism is the political codification of selfishness.

Modern Day Conservatism is the olitical codification of the Establishment and service to the Protection of Individual Liberty, Unalienable Rights.
I've not been on this forum long but in my experience here, your M.O. seems to be to drop a giant stinking turd of a post, full of inaccuracies and outright lies, and when folks destroy your argument with logic and reason, you're nowhere to be found. It's one thing to take a shit in the middle of the room and defend it, it's quite another to leave it for everyone else to clean up. I think I've had enough of your shit.

You should know you're talking to a crazy person. Deany is cracked pottery. His posts are a cry for help and medication
Conservatives are always complaining that liberals have them all wrong. They will say they are the party of "moderate spending" even though it's under Republican presidents the deficit has exploded. And we can point to what the money is spent on. Things like Iraq and huge tax cuts for the wealthy. What have Democratic presidents spent money on? Republicans will say they give it away to poor people.

Conservatives insist they are for "individual freedom" and work tirelessly to limit women's rights, gay's rights and end anything "anti discrimination".

When I ask Conservatives to explain their position, it's never clear. Their answers are things like "make better" and "go back to when it was better" and "bring God back".

So, this is THIS liberals view of what it means to be a conservative:

Tax cuts for the wealthy because they make jobs.

Morals MUST be legislated. Otherwise, people will run crazy and have sex everywhere if not stopped.

Science must be "balanced" with God.

We need to return to a better time when blacks knew their place, women were in the kitchen, and gays were in the closet.

Stop trying to rebuild America. If a bridge is needed, let the locals build it.

We don't need health care. We have prayer and can go visit a doctor at last resort.

We don't need "facts". People are over-educated. Just use common sense.

Democracy is good as long as it doesn't interfere with our Christian Values. Then we may need to "tweak" it.

We need to "return" to basics in education (I can never figure out what that means. Our scientists are coming from somewhere. They didn't all get a private education.)

I just wish conservatives would explain to me where "education" and "science" fits into their philosophy. What does it mean to the right to be a conservative? Unless I nailed it.

More like a moron's view of conservatism.
How about we do the conservative perspective of liberlism instead; I bet my list will be a bit more accurate.

"Whatever problem a person has in life, it is never, ever, ever, ever, EVER their fault therefore the individual need not be responsible for coming up with a solution to their problem."

"The purpose of government is to do stuff for people and eliminate all of life's risks and gaurantee outcomes."

"The constitution is really just a guide and need not be followed if not politically convenient."

"We are to use new math as liberals as we believe the rich still aren't paying their share even though they pay the bulk of the tax revenue already."

"We have goofy definitions of fair since we consider it unfair that any income tax above zero is unfair for the poor to have to pay."

How am I doing?

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