A linked source to facts origin of Americans from Indo-Aryans

Languages often have similar words that have different meaning.

The ancestors of the Apache came across the land/ice bridge at the Bering Strait over 12,000 years ago.
It does not change anything. The unity of culture arose before the massive Indo-Aryan settlement.
What attributes and culture?
The cult of Freedom, the bull, the cult of competition, the cult of superman, the cult of the stars. Patriarchy. The Statue of Liberty is a clone of Helios, Inde had solar symbols, they were revived in America during the era of progressivism.
Love for the construction of tall buildings. The American anthem is similar to the heroic Vedic hymns and does not have European servility. And so on.
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The cult of Freedom, the bull, the cult of competition, the cult of superman, the cult of the stars. Patriarchy. The Statue of Liberty is a clone of Helios, Inde had solar symbols, they were revived in America during the era of progressivism.
Love for the construction of tall buildings. The American anthem is similar to the heroic Vedic hymns and does not have European rites. And so on.

I could name a dozen cultures that loved freedom, competition and were run by a Patriarchy. The sun was worshipped by virtually every ancient culture.

Greece and Rome have the same attributes.
could name a dozen cultures that loved freedom, competition and were run by a Patriarchy. The sun was worshipped by virtually every ancient culture.
There were only two common cultures. Only the Indo-Aryan community was for freedom, the chthonic community was always against freedom
Greece and Rome have the same attributes.
Olympian Greece before the reforms of Solon and Rome during the period of patrician rule. At other times they were slaves. Only in the Indo-Aryan period were they free.
Greece and Rome
In fact, ancient Latin and ancient Greek are branches of the Indo-Aryan language, they come from ancient Toch-aryan. The Italic Latins descended from the Celts, and the ancient Greeks of the Aryan culture from the (D)Аryans.
And every ancient culture had hunting traditions. But you insist those traditions are savage.
In addition to hunting, the chthonists were engaged in cannibalism and sacrifices to the Goddess of Fertility and the underground king Hades. The tradition of draining the victim's blood on the ground and hanging pieces of meat in the forests comes from this. Including they sacrificed people.
By the way, there is another tradition that unites the Asian steppes and Apaches - scalping enemies.
The Indians had an echo of the myth of the hero-liberator, the great horseman Indra.

I have no knowledge of Apache mythology, but it is known that the Cherokee union had this myth. They gave the name of the Great Horseman to one of the fathers of the revolution, I think Lafayette, during the negotiations for an alliance between the rebels and the Cherokee against the Eurocentrists.
There is no doubt that the Cherokee revered the Great Rider, they could adopt this from their neighbors - the Great Inde.
In addition to hunting, the chthonists were engaged in cannibalism and sacrifices to the Goddess of Fertility and the underground king Hades. The tradition of draining the victim's blood on the ground and hanging pieces of meat in the forests comes from this. Including they sacrificed people.

Hunting has been around longer than homo sapien sapien.

The blood offering to the ground (Goddess) or just spilling blood to gut and dress your prey, is unavoidable. The hanging the meat out of reach of scavengers is practiced by every hunting culture. At one time entire tribes hunted as one. In fact, the hunting is credited with our cranial development. The achieve the increases the child & mother need a lot of protein.
There is no doubt that the Cherokee revered the Great Rider, they could adopt this from their neighbors - the Great Inde.

The horse, as we know it, was not introduced to North America until the late 1400s. It was into the 1500s before there were large numbers. The Cherokee reverence that you speak of would be for their enemy, the Spanish.
I was just kidding but there is evidence that Neanderthals coexisted with humans. The name comes from an area in modern France. Hardly African.
Neanderthals had "hairpieces" at the back of their heads. This is what unites the anthropological form of the skull of many Africans and northern Europeans.
But Neanderthals had short limbs, like most northern peoples. There are common roots in the origin.
Hunting has been around longer than homo sapien sapien.

The blood offering to the ground (Goddess) or just spilling blood to gut and dress your prey, is unavoidable. The hanging the meat out of reach of scavengers is practiced by every hunting culture. At one time entire tribes hunted as one. In fact, the hunting is credited with our cranial development. The achieve the increases the child & mother need a lot of protein.
In fact, a person does not need meat, at least a person of indoaryan blood, this leads to poisoning with cadaveric poisons. This has been proven by many athletes.

But for the forest cultures of the savages, this was really true, since there was poor food there. These savages have remained in the forests to this day, They do not even have bronze, and some do not even use stone arrowheads.

The Indo-Aryan peoples had fire, iron, drank milk and ate cereals. Such food contributes to the proper development of a slender strong athlete. Meat eaters are too fat and weak. They are accustomed to act non-individually, and their anatomy has taken the path of the dog and the pig.
At present, the situation has not changed. If the northern Europeans did not get food from the fertile lands, they would not have a diet of grains and fruits, they would return to meat-eating, eating root crops and cannibalism.

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