A list of Common Sense Proposals, which would you Support?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Here's a full list of all my crazy and terrorist ideas (I prepared a check sheet that you can copy and paste for each idea, put G for good idea, put B for bad idea):

1: X 2: X 3: X 4:X 5:X 6: X 7: X 8: X
9: X 10: X 11: X 12: X 13: X 14: X 15: X
16: X 17: X 18: X 19: X 20:X 21: X

If you respond to this post without filling out the checkcard (replace X's with G or B, or leave it as X if unsure), I will not respond to you, no matter how well thought out your argument is.

1) Why don't we invest in infrastructure? Modernize to high speed rail?

2) Why don't we remove the Middleman in the Healthcare practice (Insurance, Malpractice Insurance, Defensive Medicine), and amend National Health Care (in a way that prevents the slippery slope towards communism) right into the Constitution as a right protected by the Ninth Amendment.

3) Why don't we develop true energy independence using new technologies and innovations?

Why does our National Budget pay less than 6% combined towards Education, Science and Infrastructure?

4) Why don't we amend College Education (again in a way that prevents communism/ government control) right into the Constitution?

Why do we import great minds, instead of teaching our own?

Dr. Michio Kaku America Has A Secret Weapon - YouTube[/ame]

5) Why are blacks and other colored minorities still so poor? Build them good schools, give them good teachers, create incentives for good teachers and methods that truly evaluate teacher performance (also see number 7)

6) Abolish the Federal Reserve and all paper currency in the form of dollars (HOLY SHIT). Restart with a National Bank backed by precious metals (gold/silver/platinum/indium/iridium/ruthenium/rhodium). Having currency backed by several standards will cause the value of the currency to fluctuate regularly, but ultimately remain very stable over the long run (think of a sine wave). This new National Bank would be 100% transparent and completely accountable to the people.

7) Use the new National Bank to lend at low interest to low income neighborhoods, allowing them to gain an advantage in their area. These low interest rates CAN NOT be based on Race/Religion/Ethnicity/etc ONLY by income.

8) Make laws that protect and promote PRIVATE LABOR UNIONS,.

9) Abolish PUBLIC LABOR UNION. Government workers negotiate with tax payers only.

10) AMEND a fix to GERRYMANDERING (Democrats should control the House, not Republicans, when you consider they won more than 12 million votes for the House overall).

11) Repeal the 17th Amendment. The States need to have proper recourse against the Federal Government.

12) Amend TERM LIMITS and use numerically coprime term limits (in years) for different Branches and Houses of government.
a)The ENTIRE House of Representatives is elected every 2 years. No Representaive may hold office more than two times.

b) Both Senators are (after repeal of 17th Amendment) SELECTED by the State Legislatures every 7 years and can be recalled and replaced at ANY TIME given time by 3/4 of the legislatures in between. No Senator may be selected more than ONCE. They are to be selected 180 days AFTER Election Day, and this Election day must be exactly 3 years AFTER the State Governor was elected.

c) The President may only serve a SINGLE 5 year term.

d) Federal Justices of the Supreme Court must retire after 11 years. No more than one judge may be affirmed per every 2 years.
e) All State Governors serve a single 7 year term.
f) All States must have a House of Reps elected every 2 years, may not serve more than three times.
e) All States must have a Senate elected every 3 years (on Election Day). May not serve more than two times.
---This descends down to the local level.
All bureaucrats must pass a civil service examination every two years to keep their job and can be subject to an independent evaluation (lottery style) at any time.

The Election time line (in years) would look like this (over 23 years), starting everyone (except federal Senators) on year 0. "Last term" assumes reelection.
0) State Reps, Fed Reps, State Senate, President (only term), State Gov (only term)
2) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term)
3) State Senate (last term)
3.5) Federal Senate (only term)
4) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps
5) President(only term)
6) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term), State Senate
7) State Governor
8) State Reps, Fed Reps
9) State Senate (last term)
10) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps (last term), President
10.5) Federal Senate
11) NO ELECTIONS (at least ONE Forced Supreme Court Retirement)
12) State Reps, Fed Reps, State Senate
14) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term), State Governor
15) State Senate (last term), President
16) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps
17.5) Federal Senate
18) State Reps, Fed Reps (last term), State Senate
20) State Reps, Fed Reps, President
21) State Senate (last term), State Governor
22) State Reps (last term), Fed Reps (last term)
23) NO ELECTION :::: EVERY SUPREME COURT JUSTICE MUST HAVE BEEN RECYCLED since years 0-12, there should be 5 Justices on the Court (not 9)

13) Amend the Constitution so that no government worker, federal, state or local can be paid more than twice the MEDIAN INCOME of their constituents. An exception to this would be Doctors (this assumes National Health Care) and school teachers and other academics. Put the incentive for Doctors at SIX times the median income all the way up to EIGHT times for years of good performance. Put teachers at a start of two times the median income, all the way to four times the median income based of years of good performance. Additional to this Amendment: No person shall work for more than one job int he government at ay time, federal, state or local. This means a doctor will have to stop practicing if he wants to run for Congress and will then have his pay cut to twice the median income.

14) Amend the Constitution for a FLAT income tax, they may never exceed 10%, UNLESS the United States is being invaded in its own territory by a professional army/recognized nation. All revenues NOT used can be saved for later use. Also make it so that the United States may not burrow money im any way, shape or form, unless being invaded by a professional army/recognized nation on its own soil. These income taxes would be collected by the STATE governments, which may withhold as much as 50% of the tax revenue for themselves, unless we are being invaded by a professional army/recognized nation on our own soil.

15) Also, anything that Amends national education, would have to allow parents to vote on the local curriculum for their kids. The federal government WOULD BE PROHIBITED from setting any curriculum period.

16) Make any type of unfunded mandate illegal. This would not include programs like the following: "For every X dollars the State spends on A, the Federal Government will supply the State with Y dollars for A, and only for A." Repealing the 17th Amendment would help this a lot.

17) Amend the Constitution to FORCE Bureaucracy to abide ONLY by the rules VOTED on by Congress.


18) Amend the Constitution so that the Federal Government must maintain very simple and easy to read records about their spending, that is 100% transparent and can be privately audited by ANYONE.

19) I'd like to add this one too:
Repeal Citizens United with Constitutional Amendment and force campaigns to run on small private donations only.

20) Enhance the Bill of Rights to make it CLEAR that they apply to State governments and make it clear that the 4th Amendment Protects against "General Search Warrant Behavior" and that due process cannot be suspended by shit like the NDAA and the Patriot Act for US citizens.

21) Define "Wartime" as being invaded by a professional army/recognized nation on our own soil.


PS. I made this thread because my sister asked me a list of common sense changes I would make to government. I gave it serious thought later and made this list. It is by no means complete.
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Very little has anything to do with common sense. It's a list of things that sound real good on paper but don't work very well in practice.
Very little has anything to do with common sense. It's a list of things that sound real good on paper but don't work very well in practice.

So you like the Federal Reserve, the messed up tax system, the fact that blacks and other minorities have inferior educational facilities, no terms limits, unrestrained salaries, the dying middle class, ancient rail systems ...???????

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