A little more evidence the Hunter Hidin laptop is legit...

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help.cresting and planting it.
Link to this investigation?

How many would you like?

LOL, they aren't "investigating", lord you can't even read.
The very first link i posted literally has "feds investigating" right there in the headline, genius.

Sometimes you tRumplings just make me shake my head in despair.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help creating and planting it.

All the more reason to question Wray’s intent.
View attachment 403533
A laptop was found with documented proof of corruption. The circumstantial evidence was already all over the place, including Hoe Hidin’s dumb ass admitting on tape to extorting the Ukrainian government. But now there is actual physical evidence which has been corroborated by other people in the emails.

you position is that it is all “Russian disinformation”, while not denying the emails are real. Your hope is that you can say the Russian gave THE EVIDENCE to someone, as if that would actually make the evidence false.

and who is the conspiracy theorist with the aluminum foil on their head?? Sure seems like you and Schiff for brains would be the foil hate wearers.
Lol, it wasn't found. It was planted.
Sounds like a conspiracy
That depends on how many people were involved.

Hey deplorable did you know that Hunter and Joe are two diffferent people?
That makes this a conspiracy.

Conspiracy...to smoke crack?


I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help.cresting and planting it.
Link to this investigation?

How many would you like?

LOL, they aren't "investigating", lord you can't even read.
The very first link i posted literally has "feds investigating" right there in the headline, genius.

Sometimes you tRumplings just make me shake my head in despair.
According to who? Who in the FBI says they are investigating? Give us a name.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help creating and planting it.

All the more reason to question Wray’s intent.
View attachment 403533

Nah, sounds more like Democrat narrative designed to slur anyone who doesn’t drink your kool aid. In any case, it’s just nonsense...

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help.cresting and planting it.
Link to this investigation?

How many would you like?

LOL, they aren't "investigating", lord you can't even read.
The very first link i posted literally has "feds investigating" right there in the headline, genius.

Sometimes you tRumplings just make me shake my head in despair.
So one person says the fbi is investigating Rudy, 1 news article stares this, and its gospel to you.
But several articles are written about Hunters computer, with photos of him being released, people on the emails authenticating them, etc.... and you don’t believe it.
Biden's lawwyer called the repair shop and asked for the laptop to be returned, moron.

I didn't ask for your kook rumors. I asked for hard evidence. From your non-response, you clearly have none. You're just parroting made up crap, same as you do every time.
Would you like me to mail the hard drive to you? How do you define "hard evidence?" Giuliani has 1000 times more evidence than that kook Adolph Schiffler had for his bogus impeachment.
Meanwhile, the Slow Joe was in his basement hiding trying to deflect all weekend. Only coming out to treat for himself instead of speaking to the American people. Like President Trump has been doing nonstop!
Would you like me to mail the hard drive to you?

Got it. You have _zero_ evidence for anything, except for Guliani's crazy talk. And you're not honest enough to admit it. None of the Trump cultists are honest enought to admit they're just parroting conspiracy propaganda. Same old same old.

How do you define "hard evidence?" Giuliani has 1000 times more evidence that that kook Adolph Schiffler had for his bogus impeachment.

Guiliani just made shit up. Schiff had actual evidence, evidence that even Trump's legal team said was correct. They just said that the president can commit any crimes he wants.

Any non-Stalinist would notice the distinct difference. That means you won't notice it, but all normal people will.
Meanwhile, the Slow Joe was in his basement hiding trying to deflect all weekend. Only coming out to treat for himself instead of speaking to the American people. Like President Trump has been doing nonstop!

You've tried this line for month. As a result, Biden keeps whupping Trump even harder. Why do you keep doing the same stuipd things that have caused the whole nation to laugh at you?

And what makes you think cowardly Trump won't find an excuse to squeal and run from this debate as well? Biden is the alpha, Trump is the beta, and Trump's followers are sub-betas.
Would you like me to mail the hard drive to you?

Got it. You have _zero_ evidence for anything, except for Guliani's crazy talk. And you're not honest enough to admit it. None of the Trump cultists are honest enought to admit they're just parroting conspiracy propaganda. Same old same old.

It's obvious that you will claim that no matter what evidence is presented that it's not "hard evidence." So before sending me on a wild goose chase, tell me how you define "hard evidence."

How do you define "hard evidence?" Giuliani has 1000 times more evidence that that kook Adolph Schiffler had for his bogus impeachment.

Guiliani just made shit up. Schiff had actual evidence, evidence that even Trump's legal team said was correct. They just said that the president can commit any crimes he wants.

Any non-Stalinist would notice the distinct difference. That means you won't notice it, but all normal people will.
Sorry, turd, but there's no indication that he made it up. Adolph Schiffler had nothing. No crimes were committed. Dims like you were inventing phony crimes.
October is running up unto an end, you are going to need a better October Surprise than this.
To wake you up, you would need to personally catch Joe Biden in the act robbing your house and kicking your dog. Even then you may find a way to square it in your mind. Maybe the dog was a Russian agent? Maybe joe was sweeping the house for Russian/trump listening devices?

No, many of you are hopeless. People without their heads lodged up the democrat parties asshole are the target.
They may be able to recognize blatant in your face corruption when they see it.

and FYI... October is only half way over. Still plenty of time to turn Hoe Hidin’s asshole inside out for the whole country to see.

The problem is the source of this is Giuliani and he is being played by the Russians like a burning violin.

Even Trumps own national security adviser Robert O’Brien warned Trump directly that information from Giuliani "should be considered contaminated by Russia."
October is running up unto an end, you are going to need a better October Surprise than this.
To wake you up, you would need to personally catch Joe Biden in the act robbing your house and kicking your dog. Even then you may find a way to square it in your mind. Maybe the dog was a Russian agent? Maybe joe was sweeping the house for Russian/trump listening devices?

No, many of you are hopeless. People without their heads lodged up the democrat parties asshole are the target.
They may be able to recognize blatant in your face corruption when they see it.

and FYI... October is only half way over. Still plenty of time to turn Hoe Hidin’s asshole inside out for the whole country to see.

The problem is the source of this is Giuliani and he is being played by the Russians like a burning violin.

Even Trumps own national security adviser Robert O’Brien warned Trump directly that information from Giuliani "should be considered contaminated by Russia."
You're a delusional kook. The minute some TDS moron starts spouting about Russia! Russia! Russia, you can tune him out.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help creating and planting it.

All the more reason to question Wray’s intent.
View attachment 403533

Nah, sounds more like Democrat narrative designed to slur anyone who doesn’t drink your kool aid. In any case, it’s just nonsense...
Lmao!!!! Do you actually believe that garbage?

Would you like to buy a bridge?

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help.cresting and planting it.
Link to this investigation?

How many would you like?

LOL, they aren't "investigating", lord you can't even read.
The very first link i posted literally has "feds investigating" right there in the headline, genius.

Sometimes you tRumplings just make me shake my head in despair.
So one person says the fbi is investigating Rudy, 1 news article stares this, and its gospel to you.
But several articles are written about Hunters computer, with photos of him being released, people on the emails authenticating them, etc.... and you don’t believe it.
Real news sources vs tabloid news sources.

It's not that hard.

BTW I posted several links, not one.
October is running up unto an end, you are going to need a better October Surprise than this.
To wake you up, you would need to personally catch Joe Biden in the act robbing your house and kicking your dog. Even then you may find a way to square it in your mind. Maybe the dog was a Russian agent? Maybe joe was sweeping the house for Russian/trump listening devices?

No, many of you are hopeless. People without their heads lodged up the democrat parties asshole are the target.
They may be able to recognize blatant in your face corruption when they see it.

and FYI... October is only half way over. Still plenty of time to turn Hoe Hidin’s asshole inside out for the whole country to see.

The problem is the source of this is Giuliani and he is being played by the Russians like a burning violin.

Even Trumps own national security adviser Robert O’Brien warned Trump directly that information from Giuliani "should be considered contaminated by Russia."
You're a delusional kook. The minute some TDS moron starts spouting about Russia! Russia! Russia, you can tune him out.

So you are admitting Trump has a "deluded kook" for a National Security Advisor.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
It's fake.

As it turns out, the FBI is investigating not the contents of the laptop, but whether or not Rudi had Russian help.cresting and planting it.
Link to this investigation?

How many would you like?

LOL, they aren't "investigating", lord you can't even read.
The very first link i posted literally has "feds investigating" right there in the headline, genius.

Sometimes you tRumplings just make me shake my head in despair.
So one person says the fbi is investigating Rudy, 1 news article stares this, and its gospel to you.
But several articles are written about Hunters computer, with photos of him being released, people on the emails authenticating them, etc.... and you don’t believe it.
Real news sources vs tabloid news sources.

It's not that hard.

BTW I posted several links, not one.
None of your links had any sources.

Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.


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